This document contains 97 multiple choice questions about piston engines for an ATPL exam. The questions cover topics like the four-stroke engine cycle, compression ratio, lubrication systems, ignition timing, horsepower calculations, and engine components.
This document contains 97 multiple choice questions about piston engines for an ATPL exam. The questions cover topics like the four-stroke engine cycle, compression ratio, lubrication systems, ignition timing, horsepower calculations, and engine components.
This document contains 97 multiple choice questions about piston engines for an ATPL exam. The questions cover topics like the four-stroke engine cycle, compression ratio, lubrication systems, ignition timing, horsepower calculations, and engine components.
This document contains 97 multiple choice questions about piston engines for an ATPL exam. The questions cover topics like the four-stroke engine cycle, compression ratio, lubrication systems, ignition timing, horsepower calculations, and engine components.
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ATPL 021
Aiframes & Systems
Piston Engines 97 Questions 1 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems Intentionally left blank. 2 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 1. The five events of a four-stroke cycle engine in the orer of their occurrence are! A. Intake, ignition, compression, power, exhaust. B. Intake, power, compression, ignition, exhaust. . Intake, compression, ignition, power, exhaust. !. Intake, ignition, power, compression, exhaust. 2. "o#$ression ratio is the ratio %et&een the! A. piston tra"el on the compression stroke an# the intake stroke. B. combustion chamber pressure on the combustion stroke an# on the exhaust stroke. . cylin#er "olume with piston at bottom #ea# centre an# at top #ea# centre. !. fuel an# air in the combustion chamber. '. (hat are the functions of the lu%ricating oil in an aircraft engine) A. $ubricates, cools, cleans an# pre"ents fatigue of parts. B. $ubricates, cools, seals an# pre"ents internal pressure buil#%up. . $ubricates, seals, cools, cleans an# pre"ents corrosion. !. $ubricates an# increases friction between mo"ing parts. *. (hat is #eant %y a &et su#$ engine) A. &ne that uses hy#raulic "al"e lifters B. &ne that uses water in'ection for #etonation suppression. . &ne that carries its oil supply in an external oil tank. !. &ne that carries its oil supply in the engine itself. +. (hat ty$e of oil o #ost engine #anufacturers reco##en to ne& reci$rocating engine %reak-in) A. (etallic%ash #etergent oil. B. Ashless%#ispersant oil. . Straight mineral oil. !. Semi%synthetic oil. ,. (here are cooling fins usually locate on air-coole engines) A. )xhaust si#e of cylin#er hea#, connecting ro#s, an# cylin#er walls. B. )xhaust si#e of the cylin#er hea#, insi#e the pistons, an# connecting ro#s. . ylin#er hea#, cylin#er walls, an# insi#e the piston skirt. !. ylin#er hea#, cylin#er barrel, an# insi#e the piston hea#. * ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 7. -uring groun o$eration of an engine. the co&l fla$s shoul %e in &hat $osition) A. +ully close#. B. +ully open. . &ne%thir# open. !. ,wo%thir#s open /. 0ne reason for the ual ignition syste# on an aircraft engine is to $rovie for one of the follo&ing! A. Impro"e# engine performance. B. -niform heat #istribution. . Balance# cylin#er hea# pressure. !. &ne ignition system ser"es as stan# by in case the system in operation fails. 9. The correct for#ula to calculate the #ulti-cyliner engine is$lace#ent is ! A. piston area . piston stroke . number of cylin#ers B. piston area . piston stroke . cylin#er "olume . number of cylin#ers !. cylin#er length . cylin#er #iameter 10. 1n #ost cases aero$lane $iston engines are short stroke engines. This $er#its a ! A. better piston cooling. B. lower fuel consumption. . lighter construction. !. cheaper construction 11. The useful &ork area in an ieal 0tto engine inicator iagra# is enclose %y the follo&ing gas state change lines A. 2 a#iabatic an# 1 isothermic lines. B. 2 a#iabatic an# 2 isochoric lines. . 2 a#iabatic an# 2 isobaric lines. !. 2 a#iabatic, 1 isochoric an# 1 isobaric lines. 12. The ignition occurs in each cyliner of an four-stroke engine 2T-" 3 To$ -ea "enter4 A. behin# ,! at each secon# crankshaft re"olution. B. before ,! at each crankshaft re"olution. . behin# ,! at each crankshaft re"olution. !. before ,! at each secon# crankshaft re"olution. / ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 1'. The $o&er out$ut of a $iston engine can %e calculate %y ! A. 0ressure times arm. B. 1ork times "elocity. . +orce times #istance. !. ,or2ue times 30(. 1*. The $o&er of a $iston engine &hich &ill %e #easure %y using a friction %rake is ! A. +riction horse power. B. Brake horse power. . 4eat loss power. !. In#icate# horse power. 1+. The tor5ue of an aero$lane engine can %e #easure at the! A. camshaft. B. propeller bla#es. . accessory gear box. !. gear box which is locate# between the engine an# the propeller. 1,. The crank asse#%ly consists of A. crankshaft, connecting ro#s an# pistons. B. propeller, crankshaft, pistons an# connecting ro#s. . rankcase, crankshaft, connecting ro#s an# pistons. !. crankshaft, camshaft, "al"es, "al"e springs an# push ro#s. 17. 0n four-stroke $iston engines. the theoretical valve an ignition settings are rea6uste in orer to increase the! A. engine r.p.m. B. compression ratio . piston #isplacement !. o"erall efficiency 1/. 1n a four-stroke $iston engine. the only 7riving7 stroke is ! A. compression B. intake . firing%expansion !. exhaust 5 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 19. The $ositions of the intake an e8haust valve at the en of the $o&er stroke are! A. both "al"es open. B. intake "al"e close# an# exhaust "al"e open. . both "al"es close#. !. exhaust "al"e close# an# intake "al"e open. 20. A $iston engine co#$ression ratio is the ratio of the ! A. swept "olume to the clearance "olume. B. clearance "olume to the swept "olume. . total "olume to the swept "olume. !. total "olume to the clearance "olume. 21. The &orking cycle of a four-stroke engine is ! A. in#uction, compression, power, exhaust. B. in#uction, power, compression, exhaust. . compression in#uction, power, exhaust. !. in#uction, compression, expansion, power. 22. The co#$ression ratio of a $iston engine is the ratio of the! A. #iameter of the bore to the piston stroke. B. "olume of the cylin#er with the piston at bottom #ea# centre to that with the piston at top #ea# centre. . area of the piston to the cylin#er "olume. !. weight of the air in#uce# to its weight after compression. 2'. The $art of a $iston engine that transfor#s reci$rocating #ove#ent into rotary #otion is ter#e the ! A. crankshaft B. piston . camshaft !. re#uction gear 2*. 1f the e8haust valve of a four-stroke cycle engine is close an the intake valve is 6ust closing. the $iston is on the A. intake stroke. B. power stroke. . exhaust stroke. !. compression stroke. 6 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 2+. The horse$o&er evelo$e in the cyliners of a reci$rocating engine is kno&n as the! A. shaft horsepower. B. in#icate# horsepower. . brake horsepower. !. thrust horsepower. 2,. 1n a $iston engine. the ca#shaft A. rotates at the same spee# as the crankshaft. B. rotates at half the spee# of the crankshaft. . rotates at twice the spee# of the crankshaft. !. is in#epen#ent of the crankshaft 27. 0n &hich stroke or strokes are %oth valves on a four-stroke cycle reci$rocating engine cyliner o$en uring a $art of the strokes. A. )xhaust. B. Intake. . 0ower an# intake. !. )xhaust an# intake. 2/. (hat oes valve overla$ $ro#ote) A. $ower intake manifol# pressure an# temperature. B. A backflow of gases across the cylin#er. . An o"erlap of the power an# intake strokes. !. Better sca"enging an# cooling characteristics. 29. At &hat s$ee #ust a crankshaft turn if each cyliner of a four-stroke cycle engine is to %e fire /00 ti#es a #inute) A. 277 30(. B. 877 30(. . 1677 30(. !. *277 30(. '0. (hich of the follo&ing &ill ecrease volu#etric efficiency of a reci$rocating engine) A. 4igh fuel octane rating. B. Short intake pipes of large #iameter. . $ow carburetor air temperature. !. 4igh cylin#er hea# temperature. 9 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems '1. 1n a four-stroke cycle aircraft engine. &hen oes the ignition event take $lace) A. After the piston reaches ,! on intake stroke. B. Before the piston reaches ,! on compression stroke. . After the piston reaches ,! on power stroke. !. After the piston reaches ,! on compression stroke. '*. The oil viscosity e$ens on the! A. 2uantity of oil. B. outsi#e pressure. . oil pressure. !. oil temperature. '+. 9or internal cooling. reci$rocating engines are es$ecially e$enent on! A. a rich fuel:air mixture B. the circulation of lubricating oil . a properly functioning thermostat !. a lean fuel:air mixture ',. 1n aition to the fire ha:ar introuce. e8cessive $ri#ing shoul %e avoie %ecause ! A. it fouls the spark plugs B. it washes the lubricant of cylin#er walls . it #rains the carburettor float chamber !. the gasoline #ilutes the oil an# necessitates changing oil '7. The reaing on the oil $ressure gauge is the! A. pressure of the oil on the outlet si#e of the pressure pump. B. #ifference between the pressure pump pressure an# the sca"enge pump pressure. . pressure in the oil tank reser"oir. !. pressure of the oil on the inlet si#e of the pressure pump. '/. The oil syste# for a $iston engine incor$orates an oil cooler that is fitte ! A. after the oil has passe# through the engine an# before it enters the sump B. between the oil tank an# the pressure pump . after the pressure pump but before the oil passes through the engine !. in the return line to the oil tank after the oil has passe# through the sca"enge pump 8 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems '9. Lo& oil $ressure is so#eti#es the result of a A. restricte# oil passage B. too large oil pump . worn oil pump !. too small sca"enger pump. *0. 1n a reci$rocating engine oil syste#. the te#$erature %ul% senses oil te#$erature A. an# in#icates the a"erage oil temperature. B. at a point after the oil has passe# through the oil cooler. . while the oil is in the hottest area of the engine. !. imme#iately before the oil enters the oil cooler. *1. "yliner &alls are usually lu%ricate %y A. splashe# or spraye# oil. B. a #irect pressure system fe# through the crankshaft, connecting ro#s, an# the piston pins to the oil control ring groo"e in the piston. . oil that is picke# up by the oil control ring when the piston is at bottom centre. !. oil migration past the rings #uring the intake stroke. *2. 1gnition syste#s of $iston engines use for s#all general aviation aero$lanes are A. in#epen#ant from the electrical system of the aeroplane. B. #epen#ant on the battery. . #epen#ant on the !%;enerator. !. #epen#ant on the A%;enerator. *'. 1f the groun &ire %et&een the #agnetos an the ignition s&itch %eco#es isconnecte the #ost noticea%le result &ill %e that! A. the engine cannot be starte# with the ignition switch in the <&=< position B. a still operating engine will run #own . the engine cannot be shut #own by turning the ignition switch to the <&++< position !. the power #e"elope# by the engine will be strongly re#uce# **. The $ur$ose of an ignition s&itch is to ! A. connect the battery to the magneto B. connect the secon#ary coil to the #istributor . control the primary circuit of the magneto !. connect the contact breaker an# con#enser in series with the primary coil > ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems *+. ;ner nor#al running conitions a #agneto ra&s $ri#ary current ! A. from the aircraft batteries "ia an in"erter. B. from the booster coil. . #irectly from the aircraft batteries. !. from a self%containe# electro%magnetic in#uction system. *,. Prolonge running at lo& r$# #ay have an averse effect on the efficiency of the! A. carburettor. B. sparking plugs. . oil pump. !. fuel filter. *7. The $ur$ose of a istri%utor in an ignition syste# is to istri%ute! A. secon#ary current to the sparking plugs. B. primary current to the con#enser. . secon#ary current to the con#enser. !. primary current to the sparking plugs. */. The very ra$i #agnetic fiel changes 2flu84 aroun the $ri#ary coil in a #agneto are acco#$lishe %y the! A. contact breaker points closing. B. istributor arm aligning with one of the high tension segments. . contact breaker points opening. !. rotor turning past the position of maximum flux in the armature. *9. An aircraft #agneto is s&itche off %y A. opening the primary circuit B. groun#ing the primary circuit . opening the secon#ary circuit !. groun#ing the secon#ary circuit. +0. An i#$ulse #agneto cou$ling A. a#"ances ignition timing an# gi"es a hotter spark at starting B. e#uces magneto spee# #uring engine warm%up . gi"es a retar#e# spark at starting !. gi"es an automatic spark increase #uring high spee# operation. 17 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems +1. 1f an engine fails to sto$ &ith the #agneto s&itch in 099 $osition. the cause #ay %e ! A. excessi"e carbon formation in cylin#er hea#. B. switch wire groun#e# . #efecti"e con#enser !. foule# spark plugs +2. 1f the groun &ire %et&een the #agneto an the ignition s&itch %eco#es isconnecte. the #ost noticea%le result &ill %e that the engine A. will not operate at the left magneto B. cannot be shut #own by turning the switch to the &++ position. . will not operate at the right magneto !. cannot be starte# with the switch in the &= position +'. An i#$ulse cou$ling use on a #agneto for a $iston engine is for A. a#"ancing ignition timing B. pro"i#ing a retar#e# spark for engine starting. . 2uick remo"al an# installation !. absorbing starting loa#s +*. (hen the #agneto selector s&itch is set to 70997 $osition. the $iston engine continues to run nor#ally. The #ost $ro%a%le cause of this failure is that! A. ,here is a carbon #eposit on the spark plugs electro#es. B. &n a magneto, a groun#ing wire is broken. . A wire from the magneto is in contact with a metallic part of the engine. !. ,here are local hot points in the engine ?probably #ue to o"erheating of the cylin#er hea#s@. ++. 1n a $iston engine. #agnetos are use to $rouce the s$ark &hich ignites the fuel<air #i8ture. The o$erating $rinci$le of #agnetos consists in ! A. accumulating in a con#enser a low "olt current from the battery, reconstitute it as high "oltage current at the moment the spark is generate#. B. obtaining a high amp low "olt current in or#er to generate the spark. . breaking the primary current in or#er to in#uce a low amp high "olt current which is #istribute# to the spark plugs. !. creating a brief high intensity magnetic fiel# which will be sent through the #istributor at the appropriate time. +,. (hich of the follo&ing conitions #ost likely lea to etonation) A. Improper ignition timing. B. -se of fuel with too low octane rating. . Improper "al"e grin#ing at o"erhaul. !. -se of fuel with too high octane rating. 11 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems +7. 1n orer to turn a #agneto off. the $ri#ary circuit #ust %e! A. Shunte# to the battery circuit. B. ;roun#e#. . &pene#. !. Shorte#. +/. 1f the groun &ire of a #agneto is isconnecte at the ignition s&itch. the result &ill %e! A. ,he affecte# magneto will be isolate# an# the engine will run on the opposite magneto. B. A #ecrease in magnetic lines of force. . ,he engine will stop running. !. ,he engine will not stop running when the ignition switch is turne# off. +9. (hen $erfor#ing a #agneto groun check on an engine. correct o$eration is inicate %y! A. A #ecrease in manifol# pressure. B. An increase in 30(. . =o #rop in 30(. !. A slight #rop in 30(. ,0. 0n #oern car%urettors. the variations of #i8ture ratios are o%taine %y the a6ust#ent of ! A. fuel flow an# air flow. B. air flow. . fuel flow. !. fuel flow, air flow an# temperature. ,1. 1n &hich sections of the car%urettor &oul icing #ost likely occur) A. main air blee# an# main #ischarge noAAle B. float chamber an# fuel inlet filter . accelerator pump an# main metering 'et !. "enturi an# the throttle "al"e ,2. The o$erating $rinci$le of float-ty$e car%urettors is %ase on the! A. increase in air "elocity in the throat of a "enturi causing an increase in air pressure B. automatic metering of air at the "enturi as the aircraft gains altitu#e . #ifference in air pressure at the "enturi throat an# the air inlet !. measurement of the fuel flow into the in#uction system 12 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems ,'. 1n an engine e5ui$$e &ith a float-ty$e car%urettor. the lo& te#$erature that causes car%urettor ice is nor#ally the result of! A. freeAing temperature of the air entering the carburettor B. "aporiAation of fuel an# expansion of the air in the carburettor . compression of air at the carburettor "enturi !. low "olatility of a"iation fuel ,*. (hich state#ent is true concerning the effect of the a$$lication of car%urettor heat) A. it re#uces the #ensity of air entering the carburettor, thus enriching the fuel:air mixture B. it re#uces the "olume of air entering the carburettor,thus leaning the fuel:air mixture . it re#uces the #ensity of air entering the carburettor, thus leaning the fuel:air mixture !. it re#uces the "olume of air entering the carburettor,thus enriching the fuel:air mixture ,+. =a$our lock is ! A. "aporiAing of fuel prior to reaching the carburettor B. the formation of water "apour in a fuel system . "aporiAing of fuel in the carburettor !. the inability of a fuel to "aporiAe in the carburettor ,,. A fuel strainer &hen fitte to a car%urettor &ill %e $ositione ! A. between the metering 'et an# the #ischarge noAAle. B. between the nee#le "al"e an# the metering 'et. . upstream of the nee#le "al"e. !. #ownstream of th #ischarge noAAle. ,7. The $ur$ose of the venturi in a car%urettor is to! A. create a rise in pressure at the throat before the mixture enters the in#uction system. B. pre"ent enrichment of the mixture #ue to high air "elocity through the carburettor. . ensure complete atomisation of the fuel before entering the in#uction system. !. create the #epression necessary to cause fuel to flow through the carburettor 'ets. 1* ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems ,/. (ith res$ect to a $iston engine aircraft. ice in the car%urettor ! A. will only form at &A,Bs below the freeAing point of fuel. B. will only form at &A,Bs below C17D. . will only form at outsi#e air temperatures ?&A,Bs@ below the freeAing point of water. !. may form at &A,Bs higher than C17D. ,9. To ensure that the fuel flo& is ke$t irectly $ro$ortional to the volu#e of air flo&ing through the choke. thus $reventing the #ain 6et su$$lying e8cessive fuel as engine s$ee is increase. a car%urettor is fitte &ith ! A. an accelerator pump B. a power 'et . a #iffuser !. a mixture control 70. >$ark ti#ing is relate to engine s$ee in the &ay that the! A. faster the engine functions, the more retar#e# the spark is. B. slower the engine functions, the more the spark is a#"ance# . faster the engine functions, the further past ,! the spark occurs !. faster the engine functions, the more the spark is a#"ance# 71. 7=a$our lock7 is the $heno#enon %y &hich! A. water "apour plugs are forme# in the intake fuel line following the con#ensation of water in fuel tanks which ha"e not been #raine# for sometime. B. heat pro#uces "apour plugs in the fuel line. . abrupt an# abnormal enrichment of the fuel:air mixture following an inappropriate use of carburetor heat. !. burnt gas plugs forming an# remaining in the exhaust manifol# following an o"erheat an# thereby #isturbing the exhaust. 72. (hich state#ent is true concerning the effect of the a$$lication of car%uretor heat) A. It re#uces the #ensity of air entering the carburetor, thus enriching the fuel:air mixture B. it re#uces the "olume of air entering the carburettor,thus enriching the fuel:air mixture . It re#uces the "olume of air entering the carburetor, thus leaning the fuel:air mixture. !. It re#uces the #ensity of air entering the carburetor, thus leaning the fuel:air mixture. 1/ ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 7'. "ar%urettor icing can occur &hen the outsie air te#$erature is %et&een! A. %15D to C 5D . B. 7D to C 15D . . C 15D to C *7D . !. %5D to C 18D . 7*. 1n an aircraft e5ui$$e &ith a float-ty$e car%urettor an a constant-s$ee $ro$eller. car%urettor icing &oul $ro%a%ly first %e etecte %y! A. A #rop in engine 30(. B. !etonation. . A #rop in manifol# pressure an# engine 30(. !. A #rop in manifol# pressure. 7+. 1f the volu#e of air $assing through a car%urettor venturi is reuce. the $ressure at the venturi throat &ill A. #ecrease. B. be e2ual to the pressure at the "enturi inlet. . be e2ual to the pressure at the "enturi outlet. !. increase. 7,. The a#ount of fuel that flo&s through the car%urettor is irectly controlle %y A. ,hrottle. B. (ixture control. . Airflow through the carburettor "enturi. !. (ain metering 'et. 77. The $resence of car%urettor ice. in an air$lane e5ui$$e &ith a fi8e-$itch $ro$eller can %e verifie %y a$$lying car%urettor heat an noting A. an increase in 30( an# then a gra#ual #ecrease in 30(. B. a #ecrease in 30( an# then constant 30( . an imme#iate increase in 30( with no further change in 30(. !. a #ecrease in 30(, followe# by an increase in 30(. 7/. 1cing of the car%uretor can take $lace) A. 1hen the temperature #rops below %5D . B. 1hen the temperature #rops an# precipitation occurs. . 1hen the temperature #rops an# sufficient moisture is present for sublimation. !. 1hen the temperature #rops below 7D 15 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 79. The $o&er of a $iston engine ecreases uring cli#% &ith a constant $o&er lever setting. %ecause of the ecreasing ! A. air #ensity. B. engine temperature. . humi#ity. !. temperature. /0. The conitions uner &hich you o%tain the highest engine $o&er are ! A. warm an# #ry air at high pressure. B. warm an# humi# air at low pressure. . col# an# humi# air at high pressure. !. col# an# #ry air at high pressure. /1. The $o&er out$ut of a nor#ally as$irate $iston engine increases &ith increasing altitue at constant ?anifol Air Pressure 2?AP4 an @P? %ecause of the ! A. lower friction losses. B. lower losses #uring the gas change. . lower back pressure. !. leaner mixture at higher altitu#es. /2. -uring cli#% &ith constant ?anifol Air Pressure 2?AP4 an @P? inication an constant #i8ture setting. the $o&er out$ut of a $iston engine ! A. increases. B. #ecreases. . only stays constant if the spee# control le"er is pushe# forwar#. !. stays constant. /'. The glo%al out$ut of a $iston engine is of! 2glo%al out$ut 3 Ther#al energy corres$oning to the availa%le shaft<$o&er over the total ther#al energy $rouce4. A. 7.57 B. 7.*7 . 7.95 !. 7.>7 /*. The $o&er co#%ination that is #ost likely to result in e8cessive cyliner $ressure is a relatively A. low manifol# pressure with high 30( B. high manifol# pressure with low 30(. . low manifol# pressure with low 30(. !. high manifol# pressure with high 30(. 16 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems /+. The kin of co#$ressor nor#ally use as a su$ercharger is ! A. a hybri# compressor. B. an axial compressor. . a ra#ial compressor. !. a piston compressor. /,. (hat can %e the conse5uence uring a escent &ith a fully o$en throttle if the &aste gate is sei:e ) A. ,he turbine bla#es will separate. B. ,he power of the motor will #ecrease. . ,he turbine shaft will break. !. ,he manifol# air pressure ?(A0@ "alue may excee# the maximum allowe# "alue. /7. 0ne of the avantages of a tur%o su$ercharger is that ! A. there is no #anger of knocking. B. it has a better propulsi"e efficiency. . there is no torsion at the crankshaft. !. it uses the exhaust gas energy which normally is lost. //. The $ri#ary $ur$ose of a su$ercharger is to ! A. increase 2uantity of fuel at metering 'et B. maintain power at altitu#e . pro"i#e leaner mixtures at altitu#es below 5777 ft !. pro"i#e a richer mixture at high altitu#es /9. The air in a $iston engine tur%o-su$ercharger centrifugal co#$ressor ! A. enters the eye of the impeller an# lea"es at a tangent to the periphery. B. enters "ia the #iffuser an# is fe# to the impeller at the optimum angle of attack. . enters at the periphery an# lea"es "ia the eye of the impeller. !. enters at a tangent to the rotor an# lea"es "ia the stator. 90. 1n a $iston engine. tur%ocharger %oost $ressure #ay %e #onitore %y ! A. both a 4, gauge an# manifol# pressure gauge. B. a cylin#er hea# temperature gauge ?4,@, a manifol# pressure gauge, an# engine rpm rea#ings. . a manifol# pressure gauge only. !. both engine rpm rea#ings an# a manifol# pressure gauge. 19 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 91. A tur%ocharger syste# is nor#ally riven %y! A. an hy#raulic motor. B. an electric motor. . the exhaust system. !. an electrically acti"ate# hy#raulically powere# clutch. 92. A tur%ocharger consists of a! A. turbine #ri"ing a compressor "ia a re#uction gear. B. compressor an# turbine on in#i"i#ual shafts. . compressor #ri"ing a turbine "ia a re#uction gear. !. compressor an# turbine mounte# on a common shaft. 9'. 1f the tur%ocharger &aste gate is co#$letely close A. =one of the exhaust gases are #irecte# through the turbine. B. ,he manifol# pressure will be lower than normal. . ,he turbosupercharger is in the &++ position. !. All the exhaust gases are #irecte# through the turbine 9*. (hat is the $ur$ose of a tur%ocharger syste# for a s#all reci$rocating aircraft engine) A. ompresses the air to hol# the cabin pressure constant after the aircraft has reache# its critical altitu#e. B. (aintains constant air "elocity in the intake manifol#. C. ompresses air to maintain manifol# pressure constant from sea le"el to the critical altitu#e of the engine. !. (aintains "ariable air pressure to the carburetor "enturi. 9+. An engine tur%ocharger is sai to %e 7groun %ooste7 &hen it A. maintains a manifol# pressure abo"e sea le"el con#itions B. maintains sea le"el con#itions with increasing altitu#e . has a fixe# waste gate setting !. has one rate# altitu#e an# one full throttle height 9,. (hat energy source is use to rive the tur%ines of tur%ocharge air$lane) A. )lectrical system. B. Ignition system. . )ngine exhaust gases. !. )ngine compressor 18 ATPL 021 Aiframes & Systems 97. (hat regulates the s$ee of a tur%ocharger) A. ,urbine. B. ompressor. . 1aste gate. !. ,hrottle. 1>