Exploring A.I Creativity From Sketch To A.I Image Using NCA

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Exploring A.

I creativity from

sketch to A.I image using

Presented By -

Eklavya Kirote A21

Shashank Salgarkar A59
Shubham Chole A65
Sneha Gaware A66

Guided By - Prof. Pramod Dhamdhere

System Design
SDLC Model

The Hand-drawn Sketch to Generative AI Image Converter aims to provide a user-

friendly platform for artists and designers to transform hand-drawn sketches into high-
quality generative AI images using Neural Cellular Automata (NCA). This Software
Requirements Specification (SRS) document outlines the functional and non-functional
requirements for the development of this software application.

The software application will facilitate the following functionalities:

• Acceptance of hand-drawn sketches as input.
• Processing of input sketches using NCA algorithms to generate AI images.
• Customization options for adjusting parameters and artistic styles.
• Real-time visualization of generated AI images.
• Compatibility with multiple platforms and devices.

3. Functional Requirements
• The software shall provide a mechanism for users to upload hand-drawn sketches in
common image formats (e.g., JPEG, PNG).
• It shall support both single-sketch and batch-processing modes for handling multiple
input sketches simultaneously.
3.2 Image Generation:
• The software shall utilize NCA algorithms to convert input sketches into generative AI images.
• It shall provide options for users to customize parameters such as resolution, style, and complexity of generated
• The generated AI images shall exhibit high-quality and fidelity to the original sketches.
3.3 User Interface:
• The software shall feature an intuitive and user-friendly interface for seamless interaction.
• It shall include graphical elements for visualizing input sketches and generated AI images.
• Customization options and parameter controls shall be accessible and easy to use.
3.4 Output Visualization:
• The software shall display generated AI images in real-time, allowing users to preview and adjust parameters
• It shall support zooming and panning functionalities for detailed inspection of AI images.
• Users shall have the option to save generated AI images in various file formats for further use.

4. Non-functional Requirements
4.1 Performance:
• The software shall be optimized for efficient processing and generation of AI images, ensuring minimal latency and response time
• It shall be capable of handling large datasets of input sketches and generating AI images in real-time.
4.2 Compatibility:
• The software shall be compatible with multiple operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
• It shall support integration with popular web browsers for online accessibility.
4.3 Usability:
• The software shall adhere to usability principles, providing clear instructions and feedback to users.
• It shall offer tooltips, help guides, and tutorials to assist users in navigating the interface and utilizing advanced features.
4.4 Security:
• The software shall implement security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.
• It shall use encryption protocols for transmitting and storing sensitive information, such as uploaded sketches and generated AI i
5. Conclusion
The Hand-drawn Sketch to Generative AI Image Converter aims to provide a comprehensive solution for artists and designers seek
explore the creative possibilities of AI-driven image synthesis. By adhering to the functional and non-functional requirements outli
this SRS document, the software application will offer a seamless and intuitive experience for transforming hand-drawn sketch
visually stunning AI artwork.
System Design
1. System Architecture:
• The system architecture follows a client-server model.
• Clients interact with the server through a web-based user interface.
• The server hosts the core functionality, including NCA-based image generation
2. Frontend Design:
• The frontend is designed using modern web technologies such as HTML5, CSS3,
and JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React.js).
• The user interface features a clean and intuitive layout with sections for uploading
sketches, adjusting parameters, and visualizing output.
• Interactive elements such as sliders, dropdown menus, and buttons allow users to
customize settings and control the image generation process.
• Real-time preview windows display the input sketches and generated AI images,
facilitating immediate feedback and iteration.
3. Backend Design:
• The backend is implemented using server-side technologies such as Node.js and
• It provides endpoints for handling sketch uploads, parameter configurations, and
image generation requests from clients.
• NCA-based image generation algorithms are implemented as server-side functions,
allowing for efficient processing and utilization of computational resources.
System Design
4. Database Design:
• The system may utilize a database (e.g., MongoDB) for storing user preferences,
session data, and generated image metadata.
• User authentication and authorization mechanisms are implemented to ensure data
privacy and security.
• File storage solutions (e.g., Amazon S3) may be employed for storing uploaded
sketches and generated AI images securely.
5. Integration and Deployment:
• The frontend and backend components are integrated to form a cohesive system.
• Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines are established to
automate the build, testing, and deployment processes.
• The system is deployed on cloud-based infrastructure (e.g., AWS, Google Cloud
Platform) for scalability, reliability, and accessibility.
6. User Experience (UX) Design:
• Emphasis is placed on providing an intuitive and engaging user experience.
• User interface elements are designed with accessibility and usability in mind,
catering to users of varying skill levels and preferences.
• Feedback mechanisms (e.g., progress indicators, error messages) are incorporated to
guide users through the sketch-to-image conversion process smoothly.
SCDL Model
Product Backlog Creation:
• Begin by creating a Product Backlog, which includes all the desired features and functionalities of the Hand-drawn Sketch to
Generative AI Image Converter. This backlog is dynamic and can be updated throughout the project.
Sprint Planning:
• Break down the items from the Product Backlog into smaller, manageable tasks.
• Select a subset of tasks to be completed during the Sprint, typically lasting 2-4 weeks.
• Define the Sprint Goal, outlining what the team aims to achieve by the end of the Sprint.
Sprint Execution:
• Conduct daily Stand-up meetings where team members discuss progress, obstacles, and plans for the day.
• Work on implementing the selected tasks, including frontend design, backend development, algorithm integration, and testing.
• Collaborate closely with stakeholders to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments.
Sprint Review:
• At the end of each Sprint, hold a Sprint Review meeting to demonstrate the completed functionality to stakeholders.
• Gather feedback and discuss any changes or enhancements needed based on stakeholder input.
Sprint Retrospective:
• Conduct a Sprint Retrospective meeting to reflect on the Sprint process and identify areas for improvement.
• Discuss what went well, what could be improved, and any action items to implement in future Sprints.
• Incremental Development:
• Continue to iterate through Sprints, delivering incremental updates and improvements to the Hand-drawn Sketch to
Generative AI Image Converter.
• Prioritize tasks based on user feedback, technical dependencies, and project goals.

• Input: Hand-drawn sketch images in common formats (e.g., JPEG, PNG).
• Preprocess input images to standardize dimensions, normalize pixel values, and
enhance quality if necessary. Apply techniques such as resizing, normalization, and
denoising to prepare sketches for further processing.
Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) Initialization:
• Initialize the Neural Cellular Automata model with appropriate parameters,
including the size of the cellular grid, the number of iterations, and the rules
governing cell state transitions.
• Optionally, incorporate pre-trained weights or architectures from existing NCA
models to leverage prior knowledge and accelerate convergence.
Sketch-to-Image Conversion:
• Iterate through each pixel in the input sketch image and map it to the corresponding
cell in the NCA grid.
• Apply rules defined by the NCA model to update the state of each cell based on its
neighborhood configuration and current state.
• Repeat the update process for a specified number of iterations to allow the NCA
model to evolve and generate the AI image.

• Convert the final state of the NCA grid into an output image format suitable for visualization.
• Apply any additional post-processing techniques, such as smoothing filters or color adjustments, to enhance the quality and
aesthetics of the generated AI image.
Output Visualization:
• Display the generated AI image to the user through the software interface in real-time.
• Provide options for zooming, panning, and adjusting parameters to facilitate exploration and customization of the output.
Performance Optimization:
• Implement optimizations to improve the efficiency and speed of the algorithm, such as parallelization techniques or algorithmic
• Optimize memory usage and computational resources to handle large input sketches and generate high-resolution AI images
Error Handling and Robustness:
• Incorporate error handling mechanisms to detect and handle exceptions or anomalies during the algorithm execution.
• Ensure robustness and stability of the algorithm by validating inputs, handling edge cases, and providing informative error
messages to users.
Integration with Software Interface:
• Integrate the algorithm with the software interface to enable user interaction and control.
• Implement communication protocols and data exchange mechanisms to facilitate seamless integration between the algorithm and
frontend/backend components of the software application.
Setting Up the Development Environment:
• Install necessary software development tools, including IDEs
(Integrated Development Environments) like Visual Studio Code or
• Set up version control using Git and host the project repository on
platforms like GitHub or GitLab.
Data Collection and Preprocessing:
• Collect a diverse dataset of hand-drawn sketches and corresponding
generative AI images. Ensure the dataset covers various artistic
styles, subjects, and complexities.
• Preprocess the input sketches to standardize dimensions, normalize
pixel values, and enhance quality using image processing libraries
like OpenCV or PIL (Python Imaging Library).
Algorithm Implementation:
• Implement the Neural Cellular Automata (NCA) algorithm for sketch-
to-image conversion using Python.
• Use libraries like NumPy for efficient array manipulation and
TensorFlow or PyTorch for building and training NCA models.
• Define the rules governing cell state transitions and initialize the
NCA model with appropriate parameters.

Software Development:
• Develop a user-friendly software application with a web-based interface using frameworks like Flask (for backend) and React.js (for front
• Create user interface components for uploading sketches, adjusting parameters, and visualizing output images.
• Implement client-server communication protocols for sending sketch data to the backend and receiving generated AI images for display.
Integration of NCA Algorithm:
• Integrate the NCA algorithm with the backend of the software application.
• Develop API endpoints for processing sketch data and generating AI images using the NCA model.
• Implement error handling and validation mechanisms to ensure robustness and stability of the integration.
Testing and Debugging:
• Write unit tests and integration tests to validate the functionality and performance of the software application.
• Use testing frameworks like pytest for automated testing and debugging tools like pdb (Python Debugger) for manual debugging.
• Conduct thorough testing with different input sketches and parameter configurations to identify and resolve any issues or bugs.
Deployment and Hosting:
• Deploy the software application on a cloud hosting platform like Heroku, AWS (Amazon Web Services), or Google Cloud Platform.
• Configure deployment pipelines for automated deployment and continuous integration using CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Contin
Deployment) tools like Jenkins or Travis CI.
• Monitor the deployed application for performance, reliability, and scalability using monitoring tools like Prometheus or Grafana.
Group 5
Guided By- Prof. Pramod Dhamdhere

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