03 The Guru Reforms
03 The Guru Reforms
03 The Guru Reforms
Part III
(Unauthorized) Guru Reforms
The History of Guru Reforms
1980: Hamsaduta arrested.
1980: GBC suspends initiation rights of 3 gurus
– Hamsaduta, Jayatirtha, Tamala Krsna.
1980: Topanga Canyon Confession of TKG
1981: GBC removes Hamsaduta.
1982: GBC removes Jayatirtha.
The History of Guru Reforms
GBC meeting in New
Vrindavan to discuss
Guru Reforms
Ravindra Swaroop
submits his paper
“Under My Order”
The History of Guru Reforms
Ravindra Svarupa outlines
the dynamics & rationale behind the 'Guru Reforms‘
Indradyumna Swami
GBC voted-in Gurus
Vipramukhya Swami
Resigns after sending an email
…it is with a heavy heart that I write this letter that I never thought
would be written. After giving so many years of my life to the
Hare Krishna Movement (more than 29), twenty of which have
been as a sannyasi, I have reached an emotional and spiritual
crossroads…. I could not shake the loneliness and emptiness of my
silent world…. I have reached a dead end in my ability to
The Final Order
July 9th Directive released
BANNED! “The Final Order”
Released and Banned by
Diminished Diksha Guru System
GBC reduces the position of “diksha gurus”
• no guru puja in public
• no honorific titles (including HDG)
• no photo of guru in altar etc…