Chapter 2

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Field-Effect Transistor
Small-Signal Analysis


 Field-effect transistor amplifiers provide an excellent
voltage gain with the added feature of high input
impedance. They are also considered low-power
consumption configurations with good frequency
range and minimal size and weight.
 Both JFET and depletion MOSFET devices can be
used to design amplifiers having similar voltage gains.
 The depletion MOSFET circuit, however, has much
higher input impedance than a similar JFET
 While a BJT device controls a large output (collector)
current by means of a relatively small input (base)
current, the FET device controls an output (drain)
current by means of a small input (gate-voltage)
 In general, therefore, the BJT is a current-controlled
device and the FET is a voltage-controlled device. In
both cases, however, note that the output current is the
controlled variable.
 Because of the high input impedance of FETs, the ac
equivalent model is somewhat simpler than that
employed for BJTs. While the BJT had an
amplification factor β, the FET has a transconductance
factor, gm.
 While the common-source configuration is the most
popular, providing an inverted, amplified signal, one
also finds common-drain (source-follower) circuits
providing unity gain with no inversion and common-gate
circuits providing gain with no inversion. As with BJT
amplifiers, the important circuit features described in
this chapter include voltage gain, input impedance, and
output impedance.
 Due to the very high input impedance, the input current
is generally assumed to be 0A and the current gain is an
undefined quantity. While the voltage gain of an FET
amplifier is generally less than that obtained using a BJT
amplifier, the FET amplifier provides a much higher
input impedance than that of a BJT configuration.
Output impedance values are comparable for both BJT
and FET circuits.
FET AC Model
 The low frequency equivalent circuit of the FET is
shown in the following Figure

Small-signal model of the FET

rgs= the gate to source resistance
rds= the drain to source resistance
gm= the transconductance
The resistance, rgs is assumed to be extremely large so that
an open circuit between the gate and source can be
assumed. Also, rds is assumed large enough to neglect.
 vGS 
rgs      (negligibl
(negligible gate
e gate current
current flows
flows in a)FET)
in a FET
 iG  Q point
The input circuit of the FET can be represented by an open circuit at
low frequencies and mid frequencies

Simplified FET equivalent circuit

Transconductance gm :
 the rate of change of ID with respect to change of VGS
at a constant value of VDS (gm ≈ 0.1 to 20 mA/V)

 iD   V 
g m    
 g mo 1  GS 
 V 
 vGS  Q point  GS ( off ) 

g mo  gm0 is transconductance
VGS ( off ) for VGS = 0 V

Note that: VGS

I D  I DSS (1  ) 2

Drain resistance rds
the rate of change of VDS with respect to change of ID at
a constant value of VGS (rds ≈ 100kΩ to1MΩ)
 vDs 
rds   
 iD  Q point
The amplification factor µ
 the rate of change of VDS with respect to change of VGS
at a constant value of ID

These three parameters can be related by:

µ = gm rds
 A common-source JFET amplifier is one in which the ac
input signal is applied to the gate and the ac output
signal is taken from the drain. The source terminal is
common to both the input and output signal. A common-
source amplifier either has no source resistor or has a
bypassed source resistor, so the source is connected to
ac ground.
 A self-biased common-source n-channel JFET amplifier
with an ac source capacitively coupled to the gate is
shown in Figure below. The resistor, RG, serves two
purposes: It keeps the gate at approximately 0 V dc
(because IGSS is extremely small), and its large value
(usually several megohms) prevents loading of the ac
signal source.
 A bias voltage is produced by the drop across R S. The
bypass capacitor, C2, keeps the source of the JFET at ac
 The input signal voltage causes the gate-to-source
voltage to swing above and below its Q-point value
(VGSQ), causing a corresponding swing in drain current.
As the drain current increases, the voltage drop across
RD also increases, causing the drain voltage to decrease.
The drain current swings above and below its Q-point
value in phase with the gate-to-source voltage. The
drain-to-source voltage swings above and below its Q-
point value (VDSQ) and is 180° out of phase with the
gate-to-source voltage, as illustrated in the following
Drain Characteristic curve for
Common source JFET
The common-source Amplifier small signal equivalent
circuit is shown in the following Figure:

 The voltage gain is given by:

Where R'L = rds // RD // RL

 The input impedance seen by the source is given by:

 The output impedance seen by the load is given by:

 When the voltage source vin has an internal

resistance Rin, the voltage gain is given by:

and the input impedance seen by the source is given

 A common-drain JFET amplifier is one in which the
input signal is applied to the gate and the output is taken
from the source, making the drain common to both.
The common-drain (CD) amplifier is comparable to the
common-collector BJT amplifier.
Recall that the CC amplifier is called an emitter-
follower. Similarly, the common-drain amplifier is called
a source-follower because the voltage at the source is
approximately the same amplitude as the input (gate)
voltage and is in phase with it. In other words, the source
voltage follows the gate input voltage.
Common-drain JFET amplifier

Common-drain JFET ac circuit

The common-drain Amplifier small signal equivalent circuit is shown
in the following Figure:
 The voltage gain is given by:

where R'L = rds // RS // RL

 The input impedance seen by the source is given by:

Zin = RG
 The output impedance seen by the load is given by:
The common-gate FET amplifier configuration is
comparable to the common-base BJT amplifier. Like the
CB, the common-gate (CG) amplifier has a low input
resistance. This is different from the CS and CD
configurations, which have very high input resistances.

Common-gate JFET amplifier Common-gate JFET ac circuit

The common-gate Amplifier small signal equivalent circuit is shown
in the following Figure:
 The voltage gain is given by:

Where R'L = RD // RL
 The input impedance seen by the source is given by:

 The output impedance seen by the load is given by:

Zout = RD // rds

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