EM Spectrum

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Electromagnetic spectrum

Dispersion of light
EM spectrum
• Radio waves
• Micro waves
• Infrared larger than 700
Red 700 nm
• Visible
Violet 400 nm
• Ultraviolet smaller than 400
• X rays
• Gamma rays
Common properties of EM spectrum
• All of these carry energy from one point to another.
• All speed c= 3x10^8 m/s
• All reflect and refract.
• All are transverse in nature.
• Can travel through vacuum.
• All follow wave formula v=fλ
Application of EM spectrum
• Radio waves
Local radio and television transmission. Longer wave length can bend around
corners(diffract), Astronomers use radio telescopes to pick up radio signals from
stars and galaxies to gain information about the Universe
• Micro waves
Satellite communication, mobile phone communication, it can pass through dust,
haze, clouds, storm but antennas have to be highly directional. Used for cooking as
water molecules are made to vibrate vigorously and food heats up due to friction.
• Infra red.
Hot objects emit IR rays, remote control, Intruder alarms, thermal imaging etc
• Visible light
Visible light is used by our eyes, camera, microscope, telescope etc to make images.
• Ultra violet
Skin tanning, sunbeds, sterilization( water treatment plants), flourecent
material absorbs and emits visible light (tube light, clothes, bank notes)
• X rays
Radio graphy(can pass through flesh but not bone, shaddow image
formed), radio therapy (targetting cancerous areas), body / luggage
scanners at checkpoints, Inspection of welding joints.
• Gamma rays.
Gamma knife surgery, welding joints, They are used to both diagnose
and treat cancer and also to kill harmful bacteria in food and on surgical
instruments. In medical diagnostics, a radioactive tracer that emits
gamma rays and is preferentially absorbed by cancer cells is placed in a
patient’s body. Gamma-ray photography is then used to image the
distribution of the tracer and hence the distribution of cancer cells.

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