Identifying The Inquiry and Stating The Problem

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Session 1B:

Identifying Inquiry and Stating the

In this second installment of Session 1, participants are expected to:
(1) describe how to frame research titles from prospective research
(2) explain the significance of the sections under the first chapter of the
research paper; and
(3) explain how to evaluate the first chapter of students' research.
Identifying Inquiry and Stating the Problem
Standards and Competencies
Content Standard: The learner Learning Competencies
demonstrates understanding of: (1) The learner…
the range of research topics in 1. introduces a research useful in daily life;
area; (2) the value of research in 2. writes a research title;
area; and (3) the specificity and 3. describes background of research;
feasibility of problem posed. 4. states research questions;
Performance Standard: The 5. cites benefits and beneficiaries of study;
learner is able to formulate clearly 6. indicates scope and delimitation of study; and
the statement of the research 7. presents written statement of the problem.
This slideshow presentation will be made available through the trainer’s website:
Download the document to use it as reference.
Chapter Content

Chapter I
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation
What can be said of the following pictures?

What variables can we determine from these pictures?

Picturing the Problem
A research topic is the broad
subject matter addressed by the

A research problem is a general

educational issue, concern, or
controversy addressed in
research that narrows the topic.
A research question
narrows the purpose
A purpose is the major intent or into specific questions
objective of the study used to that the researcher
address the problem would like answered
or addressed in the
What are good sources of researchable problems?
1 Theories to be validated, extended, or modified
Other studies, particularly through research
2 recommendations
National or international trends or situations to be
3 described or improved
Real-life problems, issues, experiences, or
4 situations of SHS students

Seeking a
What are the standards in writing the research title?
A research title must…
✔ Lists key variables
✔ be written in scientific or technical style
✔ be concise (no more than 12 words) and
✔ reflect SHS students’ context
✔ not explicitly provide reference to the
research design
Framing the

The Research Title

As a group, decide on a
researchable topic leading to a
quantitative research suited to
the level of SHS students.
This is the description that leads the reader to
understanding the research questions and appreciate why
they are asked.
In writing this section,
✔ Introduce and briefly define the variables under study
✔ cite the most important study or related literature
✔ be consistent with terms used
✔ ensure that paragraphs summarize unresolved issues,
conflicting findings, social concerns, or educational, national,
or international issues.
✔ write the last paragraph to highlight the research gap
of the Study
This section contains the purpose statements and
the research question(s).

In writing this section, follow the prescribed format:

“This study (or research) aims to…(make congruent with title).”
New paragraph:
“Specifically, this research (or study) seeks to answer the
following questions:”
Phrase questions with the data to be collected in mind. Answer the
Statement of questions and rephrase question, if your intended answer does not
match the question.
the Problem
Determines the audience who will benefit from a study
of the problem and explains how exactly will the results
be significant to them.
In writing this section,
✔ In paragraph form, cite beneficiaries (e.g., teachers, teacher
trainers, educators; curriculum developers, textbook writers;
officials of school, division, region, central office; policy
makers) of results of study.
✔ For each beneficiary group, specifically describe how it will
benefit from the findings.
Significance ✔ No need to cite students: understood to benefit from research;
of the Study not in a position to implement recommendations
This presents the coverage of the research in terms of location,
time, respondents, etc., and the potential weaknesses or problems
with the study identified
by the researcher.

In writing this section,

✔ cite data collection (period and school year);
✔ identify schools involved, number of classes, their grade/year
level, number of participants (or respondents, subjects), and
topics of lessons covered (if applicable).
✔ state inadequate measures of variables, loss or lack of
Scope and participants, small sample sizes, errors in measurement, and
other factors typically related to data collection and analysis.
Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation

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