Introduction and Roots of Psychology

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Presented by: Ms.

Amna Arif

Introduction to psychology
Psychology is the scientific studies of behavior and mental processes. Humans and many other creatures included in the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Scientific Study: o Systematic o Well-Organized o Objective o Based on Facts and Figures

Introduction to psychology

Scientific study requires several things:

1. Theoretical framework

2. Testable Hypotheses

3. Empirical evidence

Introduction to psychology
Behavior: Physical actions that are directly observable, such as reading, writing, playing and smiling.
Mental Processes Describe our personal experiences that cannot be observed directly, for instance, thoughts, feelings, perception, memory and problem solving.

Goals of Psychology
o Description

o Prediction
o Modification o Improvement of the lifestyle

What Psychology Studies?

Psychology is not just a study of what people do, but it

also explores o their feelings, o thoughts, o perceptions, o reasoning, (logic, way of thinking), o memory o biological activities that keep their bodies functioning. (Biopsychology, physiological psychology).

Significance of Psychology

Psychology & Human Activities

Psychological knowledge is applied to various spheres of human activity including the,
Family Education Employment

Treatment of mental health problems

Business activities, etc.

Psychology And Business

Psychology will offers a lot to business in the

following ways,
More effective advertising Better trained workers Improved management techniques Better performing workers Higher quality output A more scientific approach to all of this

Psychology and business

Understanding human tendencies to behave in certain ways to different situations allows us a lot of opportunity to create efficiency and success.
if you understand how people think, then it would become easier for you that how to: manage, control, Organize, and motivate them

Psychology And Business

Training in body language would be great for sales and marketing people.
Business is the act of selling a product. This relies on human judgment. So if the human judgment is good the business runs well and it could be good by psychology and that's where a psychologist comes in and gets people in tuned to performing well.

Psychology of Employees
Psychology is the study of the mind and its

significant for business leaders to know a little something about the psychology of their employees or potential employees. (how to motivate them, whether or not theyre right for the job...etc) some people are motivated by money while others need a challenge.

Why Have Psychology In Your Curriculum?

Psychology can Promote:
Self awareness

Understanding the basis of behavior of people (as workers,

subordinates, clients, customers)

Understanding the bases of decisions affecting work

Understanding the bases of decisions affecting the relationships

among organizations

Benefits of studying Psychology for Students of Business and other fields

Psychology provides valuable knowledge and

insights that help us to understand the behavior of people in different fields.


person will equipped with relevant information about human behavior when faced with human problems in his field.

Benefits of studying Psychology for Students of Business and other fields Psychology has made to the solution of many human

problems encountered by people working in different fields. Better management of human resource
Improved methods of personnel selection

improved appraisal and training

Improved morale

Historical Background
Nativist (nature) vs Empiricist (nuture)
Are a persons characteristics mostly inborn or

learned? Is your social behavior better explained by the presence of enduring inner traits or by the temporary demands of external situations? Are your intelligence and personality influenced more by your genes or by your experience?

Periods in the History of Psychology

Pre-Scientific Period i) Greek period ii) Middle Ages iii) Islamic Period

Scientific Period i) Renaissance period ii) Modern Period

Pre-Scientific Period

I. The Greek Period

Emergence of real theories concerning human behavior.
The origin of physiological psychology can also be traced to Greek beginning. The problem of interest to the early Greek philosophers was the relationship between mind and body.

Greek Philosophers
1. Hippocrates o father of medicine o biological malfunctions rather then demons cause

mental illness. o personality was made up of four temperaments and these temperaments were influenced by the presence of humors or fluids in the body
o o o o

Phlegmexcess of phlegmlethargy Black Bileoverabundancecause depression Bloodexcesssanguine (cheerful, confident, optimistic) Yellow bileexcessquick, dominant, strong, stubborn personality

Greek Philosophers
2. Plato o He postulated the theory of mind-body dualism (the claim that the mind and the body (which includes the brain) are independent. 3. Aristotle o Rejected the Plato theory and suggested that mind is a function of the body itself just as vision is a function of the eye.

II. Middle Ages

In the middle Ages, the dominant view was that thought and behavior should be guided by religious theory. Some historians mark the beginnings of that portion of the Middle Ages known as the Dark Ages.

iii) Islamic Period

If the ideas of modern psychologists about mental health are

assessed, we come to know that these are based on the views of Islamic philosophers and thinkers.
Some well-known Muslim Philosophers include:
Ibn-Sina Imam Ghazali

Allama Bin Khaldun

Shah Wali Ullah

iii) Islamic Period

1. Ibn-Sina: Three kinds of mind: Human mind, Animal mind and Vegetable mind. physical illness could be treated with medicine but mental illness could be treated psychologically with religion. 2 . Allama Bin Khaldun o He proposed the theories of social psychology and explained human beliefs, prejudices, attitudes and other subject matters

iii) Islamic Period

3. Imam Ghazali
o Following right path do not contact mental disorders. o Imam stressed upon childrens education. o childrens capabilities must be assessed for proper education. o Mental diseases were caused by negative emotional problems

iii) Islamic Period

4. Shah Wali Ullah o According to him, conflict goes on between positive and negative forces within human mind and healthy personality develops only by striking balance between the two. o If irrational ideas are in excess, mental health is affected.

Scientific Period

Scientific Period
During sixteen and seventeen centuries, philosophers and

scientists proposed new theories in the light of their observation and experiments. This period may be divided into two sub periods:
i) Renaissance period ii) Modern Period

i) Renaissance Period
Renaissance means rebirth

1. Francis Bacon (1564-1642) Founder of modern science. He proposed that scientific study must be purely empiricalnot guided by theory at all. 2. Rene Descartes and John Locke (1596-1650) Lock: mind is a blank slate at birth and that knowledge comes in through the senses. Descartes: knowledge is not dependent on sense experience

i) Renaissance Period
3. Charles Darwin
He published his book The Origin of Species, in

1859 in which he outlined his theory of evolution.

In his theory of evolution, Darwin suggested that

animals and people show behavior that is adaptive to the environment and helpful to their survival.

ii) The modern period

Structuralism Functionalism Behaviorism Gestalt psychology Cognitive psychology Psychoanalysis

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