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Pointer Variables
 The first step in understanding pointers is
visualizing what they represent at the
machine level.
 In most modern computers, main memory is
divided into bytes, with each byte capable of
storing eight bits of information:

 Each byte has a unique address.

Pointer Variables
 If there are n bytes in memory, we can think
of addresses as numbers that range from 0 to
n – 1:

Pointer Variables
 Each variable in a program occupies one or
more bytes of memory.
 The address of the first byte is said to be the
address of the variable.
 In the following figure, the address of the
variable i is 2000:

Pointer Variables
 Addresses can be stored in special pointer
 When we store the address of a variable i in
the pointer variable p, we say that p “points
to” i.
 A graphical representation:

Declaring Pointer Variables
 Pointer variables can appear in declarations along with
other variables:
int i, j, a[10], b[20], *p, *q;
 C requires that every pointer variable point only to
objects of a particular type (the referenced type):
int *p; /* points only to integers */
double *q; /* points only to doubles */
char *r; /* points only to characters */
 There are no restrictions on what the referenced type
may be.

Pointer Variable Declaration and
 Pointer declaration
 Multiple pointers require using a * before each
variable definition
int *myPtr1, *myPtr2;
 Can define pointers to any data type
 It’s crucial to initialize p before we use it.
 Initialize pointers to 0, NULL, or an address

0 or NULL – points to nothing (NULL preferred)
The Address and Indirection
 C provides a pair of operators designed
specifically for use with pointers.
 &
 To find the address of a variable, we use the & (address)
 *
 To gain access to the object that a pointer points to, we
use the * (indirection) operator.

Pointer Operators
 & (address operator)
 Returns address of operand

int y = 5;
int *yPtr;
yPtr = &y; /* yPtr gets address of y */
yPtr “points to” y

y yptr y
5 500000 600000 600000 5

Address of y
is value of
The Address Operator
 It’s also possible to initialize a pointer variable
at the time it’s declared:
int i;
int *p = &i;
The Indirection Operator
p = &i;

i = 1;

printf("%d\n", i); /* prints 1 */

printf("%d\n", *p); /* prints 1 */
*p = 2;

printf("%d\n", i); /* prints 2 */

printf("%d\n", *p); /* prints 2 */
The Indirection Operator
 Applying the indirection operator to an
uninitialized pointer variable causes
undefined behavior:
int *p;
printf("%d", *p); /*** WRONG ***/
 Assigning a value to *p is particularly
int *p;
*p = 1; /*** WRONG ***/
Pointer Assignment
 C allows the use of the assignment operator
to copy pointers of the same type.
 Assume that the following declaration is in
int i, j, *p, *q;
 Example of pointer assignment:
p = &i;
Pointer Assignment
 Another example of pointer assignment:
q = p;
q now points to the same place as p:
Pointer Assignment
 If p and q both point to i, we can change i by assigning
a new value to either *p or *q:
*p = 1;

*q = 2;

 Any number of pointer variables may point to the same

Pointer Assignment
 Be careful not to confuse
q = p;
*q = *p;
 The first statement is a pointer assignment,
but the second is not.
 The example on the next slide shows the
effect of the second statement.
Pointer Assignment
p = &i;
q = &j;
i = 1;

*q = *p;
Comparing Pointers

 You may compare pointers using >,<,== etc.

 Common comparisons are:
 check for null pointer if (p == NULL) …
 check if two pointers are pointing to the same location
 if (p == q) … Is this equivalent to
 if (*p == *q) …
 Then what is if (*p == *q) …
 compare two values pointed by p and q

6.4 Pointers in Function
References (!IMPORTANT!)
 In C, function references are call-by-value except when
an array name is used as an argument.
 An array name is the address of the first element
 Values in an array can be modified by statements within a
 To modify a function argument, a pointer to the argument
must be passed
 scanf(“%f”, &X); This statement specifies that the value
read is to be stored at the address of X
 The actual parameter that corresponds to a pointer
argument must be an address or pointer.

Call by reference

void swap2(int *aptr, main()

int *bptr) {
int x = 2, y = 3;
int temp;

temp = *aptr; printf("%d %d\n“,x,y);

*aptr = *bptr;
*bptr = temp;
swap2(&x, &y);
printf("%d %d\n“,x,y);
return; }

Changes made in function swap are done on original x and y and.

So they do not get lost when the function execution is over
Pointer Arithmetic
 Four arithmetic operations are supported
+, -, ++, --

 only integers may be used in these operations

 Arithmetic is performed relative to the variable type being pointed

 MOSTLY USED WITH ARRAYS (see next section)

Example: p++;
 if p is defined as int *p, p will be incremented by 4 (system dependent)
 if p is defined as double *p, p will be incremented by 8(system
 when applied to pointers, ++ means increment pointer to point to next
value in memory

6.2 Pointers and Arrays

 The name of an array is the address of the first elements (i.e. a pointer
to the first element)
 The array name is a constant that always points to the first element of

the array and its value can not be changed.

 Array names and pointers may often be used interchangeably.

int num[4] = {1,2,3,4}, *p, q[];
p = num;
q = p; // or q = num;
/* above assignment is the same as p = &num[0]; */
printf(“%i”, *p); // print num[0]
printf(“%i”, *p); // print num[1]
printf(“%i”, *q); // print num[0]
printf(“%i”, *(p+2)); // print num[2]
Two Dimensional Arrays
A two-dimensional array is stored in sequential memory
locations, in row order.
int s[2][3] = {{2,4,6}, {1,5,3}};

int *sptr = &s[0][0];

Memory allocation:
s[0][0] 2
s[0][1] 4
s[0][2] 6
s[1][0] 1
s[1][1] 5
s[1][2] 3

A pointer reference to s[0][1] would be *(sptr+1)

A pointer reference to s[1][1] would be *(sptr+4)

row offset * number of columns + column offset

Return pointer from functions
Array pointer


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