C Unit 3
C Unit 3
variables addresses
– A pointer is a variable that
contains the address of a variable name value value name
Address Operator & 0000
– &x is the address of the variable x …
Indirection or Dereferencing
*p x 1 F000 &x
Operator * …
– *p access the object the pointer p
points to p F000 FF00 &p
A first example
Full Memory Diagram
int x = 1;
(with name and value
int *p; for the variables and
p = &x;
printf(“%d”, *p);
Pointers and Arrays
As p is a variable, p=a or
++p are legal;
but as an array name is not
a variable, expression like
Pointers and Functions
• Pointers can be used to pass addresses of variables to called functions,
thus allowing the called function to alter the values stored there.
• We looked earlier at a swap function that did not change the values stored
in the main program because only the values were passed to the function
• The following shows the swap function modified from a "call by value" to a
"call by reference". Note that the values are now actually swapped when the
control is returned to main function.
Pointers with Functions (example)
• For example, if the pointer valptr contains the address of a double precision
variable and that address is 234567870, then the statement:
valptr = valptr + 2;
would change valptr to 234567886
2D Arrays and Pointers Example array[0][0]: 0
array[0][1]: 1
#include <stdio.h>
array[0][2]: 2
void main(void){
array[0][3]: 3
int array[3][4],i,j,val=0;
for(i=0;i < 3; i++) array[1][0]: 4
for(j=0; j < 4; j++) array[1][1]: 5
{ array[1][2]: 6
array[i][j] = val++; array[1][3]: 7
printf("array[%d][%d]: %d\n",i,j,array[i][j]); array[2][0]: 8
} array[2][1]: 9
printf("array: %x\n",array); array[2][2]: 10
printf("array[0]: %x\n",array[0]); array[2][3]: 11
printf("array[1]: %x\n",array[1]); array: effff804
printf("*array[1]: %d\n",*array[1]); array[0]: effff804
printf("*array+1: %x\n",*array+1); array[1]: effff814
printf("*array[2]: %d\n",*array[2]); *array[1]: 4
printf("*array+2: %x\n",*array+2); *array+1: effff808
printf("**array+2: %d\n",**array+2); *array[2]: 8
printf("*(*(array+1)+2): %d\n",*(*(array+1)+2));
*array+2: effff80c
printf("*(array+1)+2: %x\n",*(array+1)+2);**array+2: 2
printf("*array[3]: %x\n",*array[3]);
*(*(array+1)+2): 6
*array[3]: 0
Character Pointers and Functions
{ int i1, i2, i3;
char a[] = "hello";
char *p = a;
i1 = strlen(a);
i2 = strlen(p);
i3 = strlen("hello");
Casting Pointers
When assigning a memory address of a variable of one type to a pointer that
points to another type it is best to use the cast operator to indicate the cast
is intentional (this will remove the warning)
int V = 101;
float *P = (float *) &V; /* Casts int address to float * */
Removes warning, but is still a somewhat unsafe thing to do
• Can change value of pointed-to object, but pointer must always refer to the
same address.
• Possible to combine the two forms:
int i = 5, j = 6;
const int * const p = &i;
*p = j; /* Invalid. i cannot be changed via p.
p = &j; /* Invalid. p must always point to i. */
• The first form turns out to be useful for passing objects to functions when
using “pass-by-reference” semantics.
Pointers to Pointers
A pointer can also be made to point to a pointer variable (but the pointer must
be of a type that allows it to point to a pointer)
pp is a “pointer to” a
#include <stdio.h>
“pointer to an int”
int main(void)
int i = 16;
int *p = &i; i
int **pp; 0x2320
pp = &p; p
printf("%i\n", **pp);
return 0; pp
} 0x2324
int main(void) i j k
int i = 10, j = 7, k;
int *p = &i;
int *q = &j; p q
int *pp = &p;
**pp += 1;
*pp = &k;
**pp = *q;
i = *q***pp;
i = *q/**pp; /* headache?
return 0;
Array of pointers (Pointer Arrays)
• Just like we have an array of data types, we can have an array of pointers.
• Declaration:
– char *names[10]; // array of 10 character pointers.
– Each element of the array is a pointer to a data type (in this case
• names [0] is a character pointer …….
• More examples:
– int *d [10] ; // array of 10 integer pointers.
– float *f [23]; // array of 23 float pointers.
– double *d [5]; // array of 5 double pointers.
# include <stdio.h>
int main ()
char *test[5] = {"James", "Nat", "Pat", "Quinn", "Joe"};
char *month_name(int n)
static char *name[] = {
"Illegal month",
"January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September",
"October", "November", "December"
return (n<1 || n>12)? name[0]: name[n];
Illegal month\0January\0February\0
Arrays of Pointers
• The pointers are initialized like so
Illegal month\0January\0February\0
Function pointers in C
• Functions exist in memory just like variables
– C will allow you to define pointers to functions just like variables
– A function name is the address in memory of the start of the function
• Function pointers can be
– Passed to a function
– Returned to functions
– Stored in arrays
– Assigned to other function pointers
int main(){
void (*array[3])(void) = {fun1,fun2,fun3};
/*declare an array of pointers to functions*/
int i;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
(*array[i])();/*make a function call*/
return 0; /*output: 1st 2nd 3rd */
void fun1(void){printf("1st ");}
void fun2(void){printf("2nd ");}
void fun3(void){printf("3rd ");}
void fun1(int (*)(), float (*)());
• “Fun1” is a function of return type void, that takes two arguments – a
function pointer that returns an integer with no arguments, and a function
pointer that returns a float with no arguments
Passing Function Pointers to Functions
#include <stdio.h>
void fun1(int (*)(), float (*)());
int fun2();
float fun3();
int main(){
fun1(fun2,fun3); /*f1=12 f2=1.234000*/
return 0;
void fun1(int (*f1)(), float (*f2)()){
printf("f1=%d f2=%f", f1(), f2());
int fun2(){return 12;}
float fun3(){return 1.234;}
Declarations Examples
int A A is a int
float B [5] B is a 1D array of size 5 of floats
int * C C is a pointer to an int
char D [6][3] D is a 2D array of size 6,3 of chars
int * E [5] E is a 1D array of size 5 of
pointers to ints
int (* F) [5] F is a pointer to a
1D array of size 5 of ints
int G (…) G is a function returning an int
char * H (…) H is a function returning
a pointer to a char
Arguments to main ()
• Command line arguments are parameters supplied to
a program, when the program is invoked.
cc myfile.c
cc xyz.c -lm
netscape www.mailcity.com
average 10 20 30 40 50
• How do these parameters get into the program?
– Every C program has a main function.
– main can take two arguments conventionally called argc and
– Information regarding command line arguments are passed
to the program through argc and argv.
Echoing the command line
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
printf (“argc = %d\n”, argc) ;
for (i=0; i<argc; ++i)
printf (“argv[%d] = %s\n”,
i,argv[i]) ;
return 0; C:\> p1 how many
} argc = 3
argv[0] = p1
argv[1] = how
argv[2] = many