R-1Copy of Guidelines For Safe Transportation of Chlorine Tonners

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Transportation Of

Presented by: H. S. Sehgal DGM (Process)

 As on today 70,000 chemicals have been identified for industrial and domestic applications and there is addition of 3000 chemicals per year.  More than 3500 chemicals have been classified and listed in central motor vehicles rules.  Compressed gases filled in 0.5 ltr to 1000 ltr. Cylinder falls under the classified category.  Many industrial and laboratory operations require the use of compressed gases for a variety of different operations.

 Careful procedures are necessary for handling the various compressed gases  In India road transport is the favorite mode of transportation for compressed gases. More than 3 lacs accidents are taking place per year resulting 88,000 fatalities and 102 million injuries. This result is direct economic loss of 700 crorers and national loss of Rs. 55000 Crores. Consequences are disastrous when vehicles involving is carrying hazards goods.
 In order to improve road safety it is important that the consignator, consignee, the hauler, the vehicle driver and all the concerned authorities do their best to achieve this goal. So that we can have comparable road safety standards as in the developed countries

Dangerous Goods
When transporting Hazardous Chemicals which are classified to be Dangerous for transport into one of the total 9 classes based on the UN Classification Criteria, these Hazardous Chemicals are called Dangerous Goods. Dangerous Goods are Substances and Cargo, which, based on their - nature, - properties, and behavior as well as - conditions, may cause, during the transport, a Hazard in particular to - the public safety , - the health of the people, - the damages and loss of the infrastructure and equipment, also - the negative effects and contamination to the environment

It has a Class 5.1.2A oxidizing gas hazard classification. Acutely toxic (Class 6. 1A) Toxic to human target organs (Class 6. 9A) Corrosive to metals (Class 8. 1A) Corrosive to skin tissue (Class 8. 2A) Corrosive to eye tissue (Class 8. 3A) Very eco-toxic to aquatic and soil environments (Classes 9. 1A, 9. 2A) .

International Regulations for Dangerous Goods Transport System

 Multi-modal Transport: UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: a so-called UN Model Regulations or Orange Book  Road: The Restructured ADR of UNECE in Geneva,  Rail: The Restructured RID of OTIF in Bern,  Inland Waterways: The Restructured ADN of UNECE in Geneva,  Sea: IMDG Code of IMO in London,  Air: IATA-DGR of ICAO-TI of ICAO Montreal

System of Linkage


Manufacture, Storage, Import & Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989 Chemical Accidents (Emergency Planning, Preparedness and Response) Rules, 1996 Public Liability Insurance Act, 1991 Public Liability Insurance Rules, 1991 Factories Act 1948 Gujarat Factories Rules 1963, as amended 1995

Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 and Rules 1989

Key contents of Dangerous Goods Regulations

UN Rec. or TP1
Classification of Dangerous Goods

TP2 TP2 & 3 = TP1 TP1 + Definition of classes/divisions

Test methods and criteria Name and UN Number

Modal Requirements

Danger specific to one mode


List of Dangerous Goods most commonly carried

Main hazard and subsidiary risk Transport conditions Types of packaging allowed Labeling Assignment of packing group and quantity limitations Packing methods Types of tanks allowed Special provisions Multi-modal tank transport Construction requirements Placard Certification and approval

UN Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods

Packing Packaging Intermediate Bulk containers Multi-modal Tank Containers

Marking Consignment Procedures Labeling Transport documentation Exemption quantities

Specific marks Specific Labeling Specific items of information Special exemption 8

Key Responsibilities
Parties involved in the chain of transport of dangerous goods: Consignor Packer Loader Carrier Consignee
Packers Drivers Consignee Consignor )


Carriers (


Safety obligations of the participants of the transportation process

Prior to transport - Consignor - Loader Packer/Filler Tank-container / portable tank operator During transport - Carrier Driver After transport - Consignee (

 Take appropriate measures to reduce or minimize the risk from transport  Receive training in the requirements governing the carriage of such goods appropriate to their responsibilities and duties (Chapter 1.3)

Case Study of good practices

Gate Check
Process of the checking of vehicles carrying dangerous goods  Check Order Number of Dangerous Goods  Check Transport Number of Dangerous Goods  Identified Card/Passport of Driver  Drivers training certificate  Driving License  ADR Certificate  Weighting of vehicles Check before exit joints & couplings, all documentation




Risk Management Project

Project Management Board (PMB)


Inspection of Vehicle
 Orange Plate

 Tires Depth (1.6 cm.)

 Tank Code

Inspection of Equipments
 Pocket Lamp (Explosion Proof)  Fire Extinguisher  Goggles  Gloves  Eyes-Wash Bottle with Clean Water  Scotch or wheel-chock  2 reflective triangles

Inspection of Driver
Alcohol Drugs


Inspection of Driver
Alcohol Drugs


Check list During Transportation

(a) (b) (c) (d) Breaks CHECKED. Speed LIMIT. Driver not UNDER INFLUENCE of liquor. Check for leakage with ammonia torch.

Check list During Unloading

(a) Vehicle breaks APPLIED and engine STOPPED. (b) Under SUPERVISON of trained and experience person. (c) Crain/hoist/chain pulley block USED. (d) NO DROPPING of tonners DIRECTLY to the ground.


 Rail Transport
 North America 80 Tonnes Rail Cars  Europe 55 and some 22 Tonnes Rail  Japan 25 Tonnes Rail Cars


 Road Transport
 North America 16 Tonnes Trucks  South America 18-22 Tonnes Trucks  Europe 20 Tonnes Trucks and Containers  Japan 10 Tonnes Trucks & some 5 Tonnes

or less

 Water Transport


1000 Tonnes Barges


Country Quantity of Cl2 Transported
(% of Production)

Mode of Transport Rail (90%) Road (6%) Road Rail (75%) Rail (30%) Road (70%) Rail (67%) Road (33%) Road (100%)

Max. Distance Covered


North America South America Japan Europe India

35 66 10 6 51

1000 4000 (Brazil) 1500 (Chile) 600 300 1000 200 1200

Worldwide other modes of Transportation are also being used like thro Barges on Water for more than 6000 kms distance in Columbia, Chile & for very short distances, Pipelines


 Most Chlor-Alkali Plants : Merchant & Non-

 Production Plants are widely spread  Most Consumers widely spread  Maximum Cl2 transported in small Cylinders /

Tonners by road (51%) with max. 1200 Kms. Avg. distance covered; Safety on road of prime importance

 Wide no. of transporters with drivers / helpers, not

necessarily dedicated


 Ascertain the condition of the road prior to loading of material.  Plan the travel route before starting the journey.  It is important to find out in advance whether the road through which chlorine has to be transported is closed or has any diversions.  Shortcuts should never be preferred.  Follow the speed limits.  Never consume intoxicating substances during driving.  Always carry the fitness certificate of the vehicle while transporting chlorine from supplier to consumer or viceversa.  The validity of such fitness certificate is only for two years so it is essential to renew the same after every two years.  Always keep the Vehicle License and Fitness certificate in the vehicle transporting Chlorine.

 Vehicles should be fit and road worthy for transportation of chlorine.  Ensure that the brakes of the vehicle are working properly so that the vehicle can be stopped any time on the route.  The drivers transporting chlorine should be trained to verify the labels pasted/marked on the truck is as per the dangerous & hazardous nature of the goods being transported and is also marked with appropriate color codes.  Necessary first aid kit, safety kit, tool box should always be available with the driver in the truck itself.  Drivers are to be provided with written instructions regarding hazardous nature of chlorine being transported by him and also the precaution to be taken during transportation.  It is necessary to install a spark arrestor device in the vehicle.  Emergency Panel for information-chemical/class hazardous public control should be pasted on 3 sides of the truck


    Loading of the chlorine tonners should be done under the supervision of experienced and trained persons. Filled chlorine tonners are required to be placed horizontally in a single layer with valves of all tonners facing in the same direction. In order to prevent the tonner from falling during transportation, they should be supported with wooden wedges. The loading of all the tonners in the truck/vehicle should always be within its loading capacity. It should also be noted that no tonners or any part of it should dangle out of the truck. It should be ensured that neither any other goods should be loaded in the truck along with chlorine nor any passenger should be transported in the truck loaded with chlorine tonner.



The vehicle on route if required to be parked then it should be parked in an open the place should be shadowed, windy and open area. Vehicle should not be parked under direct sunlight. Ascertain in advance, availability of safe & proper parking places en route or at customers place so that in case of emergency the vehicle can be park in such safe place. Driver remembers the preventive measures required to be taken during adverse weather condition. After the chlorine tonner reaches at the customer end, always use mechanical or electrical devices for unloading the tonner. Magnet or Sling should never be used for unloading the same. Tonners should never be thrown directly on the floor. Even through all safety measures taken and all preparation had to be done for safe journey, yet it is also essential to remain prepared to face any emergency situation.


 Transporter must be fully acquainted with nature of Cargo, its General Properties, transportation, Safety Kits, emergency Kits, etc. before accepting the Tonner from supplier. It is preferable to use the Tucks open able from sides to enable easy approach to attend any leakage. Transporter must carry Gas Mask, Emergency Kits and Fire Extinguishers while transporting Chlorine Cylinders Never transport Cylinder in Multi Layers on the Truck, Lay them in a Single Layer Only. Do not load Truck with any other cargo. All containers must have valve caps and hoods fitted on them during transportation. Cylinders / Tonners should not project outside the frame of the vehicle. No passenger must be taken on the way and allowed to travel in the truck carrying liquid chlorine.


The driver must keep in mind that he is carrying Hazardous Cargo and should drive cautiously. He should avoid over speeding, sharp turns, and overtaking. Use wooden wedges to support the toners firmly, to ensure that there is no free movement of tonners, if the journey is through such a rout, the container should be securely tied to truck with a strong rope, so as to prevent rolling. Tonner should be layed in horizontal position with valve in a Vertical Plane and small Cylinder in Vertical Position with Valves Upside. The Trucks should not to be parked in direct sunlight or near the Fire, & should never be parked near residential/ crowded locality. Never allow water to come in contact with the Tonners. Always keep a bottle of dilute Ammonia in the cabin. In case of smell or doubt of chlorine leakage, wet a cloth tied on wooden baton with Ammonia solution an take it near each end of the container, white fumes indicates Chlorine leak.


In case of Chlorine leakage from Tonner Valve, bring the leaky valve in upside position by rolling Tonner so that any Leaky points will come on top, thus only gas will come out.

Never drop/throw the containers from the vehicle. Slightly roll it on a slope. Avoid striking containers against any hard object. No transshipment should be done unless required in emergencies such as vehicle breakdown. In case of leakage of the chlorine tonners during transportation, driver should not park the vehicle in any residential area. The driver should park the vehicle in the open area at an isolated place. Contact the local police station, transporter or manufacturer on phone. If the driver is trained, than he can identify the leaking tonner & plug the leak by placing the safety kit properly.


Leaking tonner should not be transported Avoid gathering of crowds near the leaking truck. Avoid spraying water over the leak.


              Vehicle Inspection Check List Support basis along the routes to be covered. Tracking of Vehicles by Satellite Emergency Response Plan Partnership with Emergency Support Companies Partnership among Producers Drivers training Emergency Equipment (Respiratory Protection, Emergency Kit) Emergency Datasheet MSDS Material Safety Datasheet Greater Supervision of Vehicles carrying Hazardous Substances Manufacturers Companies & Transportation Companies to adopt Responsible Care More restrictive legislation for chemicals transportation by highways Monitoring, Reporting and Proper Actions for incidents prevention and reduction avoiding recurrence

Straps & logistic rail for securing cylinders

Load bars & logistic rail for securing cylinders

Ground level loading & unloading cylinders

Ton container blocking

Front bulkhead reinforcement for ton containers

Incident of Chlorine Gas Leakage from Tonner during Transportation On 5th September 2010 at Village Chhattar on Rajkot-Morbi Highway (Gujarat) Incident  A truck (GJ15Z1981) carrying 19 filled Chlorine tonners was on way to one of the consumer in Gandhidham (Gujarat), got toppled down on the side line of main highway road in the early hrs at about 12:15 a.m. of 5th September, 2010.  Due to sudden hitting impact of tonners, one side of the truck broke down and 11 tonners slipped out of the truck, on the muddy surface.  One tonner (No. 0892 tested on Oct.2009) valve got damaged and Chlorine leakage started. Approx. 59 minor affected people were taken to near by hospital and discharged after First Aid. Potential Root Cause:  All of sudden one unknown four wheeler comes in front of truck from wrong side and driver lost his control in view of avoiding head on collision.

Control & Rescue Operation

 On receipt of information at midnight, emergency control team from the suppliers factory along with marketing person rushed to the incident site. Mean while two rescue teams from Rajkot and Morbi fire brigade also rushed to the site and undertook the rescue operations. Consumer Rescue Team also reached to the incident site for taking control of the situation.  The leaky cylinder was brought back to the supplier premises after fixing valve hood over leaky valve.  Remaining 18 cylinders were sent to the consumer site after thorough checking and ensuring that they are fit for transportation and use.

Lesson Learnt from the Incident

 Counseling and more vigorous refresher trainings to be organized for chlorine truck drivers so that they should be more vigilant during driving on main high ways.  A GPS tracking device shall be installed on trucks to determine the precise location of a vehicle and to record the position of the vehicle at regular intervals.  Use of strong belts with tension adjusting device shall be made compulsory in place of conventional ropes.  Trucks shall have the large space on the sides so that in case of any leakage in the tonners during transportation can be attended on truck itself.  A System to verify the suitability of the trucks for transportation of Chlorine tonners shall have to be devised and followed.

Chlorine can be handled safely --Through the close co- ordination of Manufacturer, Transporter , Customers

And Through the sincere approach of persons associated with the handling of chlorine. Under these conditions chlorine can be a true friend & real gift to mankind.

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