1. Basic,generation and application

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Skill1: PG Compulsory

Foundation Examination
Dr. Mampi Devi
Department of information Technology
Tripura University
Definition of Computer
Functions of Computer
Functions cont..
Characteristics of Computer
• Speed: A computer works with much higher speed and accuracy
compared to humans while performing mathematical calculations.
Computers can process millions (1,000,000) of instructions per
second. The time taken by computers for their operations is
microseconds and nanoseconds.

• Accuracy: Computers perform calculations with 100%

accuracy. Errors may occur due to data inconsistency or

• Diligence: A computer can perform millions of tasks or

calculations with the same consistency and accuracy. It
doesn’t feel any fatigue or lack of concentration. Its memory
also makes it superior to that of human beings.
Versatility : Versatility refers to the capability of a computer to perform
different kinds of works with same accuracy and efficiency.

Reliability: A computer is reliable as it gives consistent result for similar

set of data i.e., if we give same set of input any number of times, we will
get the same result.

Automation: Computer performs all the tasks automatically i.e. it

performs tasks without manual intervention.

Memory: A computer has built-in memory called primary memory where

it stores data. Secondary storage are removable devices such as CDs, pen
drives, etc., which are also used to store data.
Block diagram of Digital computer
Memory unit
Memory Unit

Read Only Memory (ROM)

Functions of Output unit
Input/ Output Unit
•Input Devices
Input devices are the devices that are used to send signals to the
computer for performing tasks. The receiver at the end is the CPU
(Central Processing Unit), which has work to send signals to the output
devices. Some of the classifications of Input devices are:
• Keyboard Devices
• Pointing Devices
• Composite Devices
• Game Controller
• Visual Devices
• Audio Input Devices
• Keyboard
The keyboard is the most frequent and widely used input device
for entering data into a computer. Although there are some
additional keys for performing other operations, the keyboard
layout is similar to that of a typical typewriter.
Generally, keyboards come in two sizes: 84 keys or 101/102
keys but currently keyboards with 104 keys or 108 keys are
also available for Windows and the Internet.
• Types of Keys
• Numeric Keys: It is used to enter numeric data or move the
cursor. It usually consists of a set of 17 keys.
• Typing Keys: The letter keys (A-Z) and number keys (09) are
among these keys.
• Control Keys: These keys control the pointer and the screen.
There are four directional arrow keys on it. Home, End, Insert,
Alternate(Alt), Delete, Control(Ctrl), etc., and Escape are all
control keys (Esc).
• Special Keys: Enter, Shift, Caps Lock, NumLk, Tab, etc., and Print
Screen are among the special function keys on the keyboard.
• Function Keys: The 12 keys from F1 to F12 are on the topmost
row of the keyboard.
The most common pointing device is the mouse. The mouse is
used to move a little cursor across the screen while clicking
and dragging. The cursor will stop if you let go of the mouse.
The computer is dependent on you to move the mouse; it
won’t move by itself. As a result, it’s an input device.
A mouse is an input device that lets you move the mouse on a
flat surface to control the coordinates and movement of the
on-screen cursor/pointer.
The left mouse button can be used to select or move items,
while the right mouse button when clicked displays extra
• Bar Code Reader
A bar code reader is a device that reads data that is bar-coded
(data that is represented by light and dark lines).Bar-coded
data is commonly used to mark things, number books, and so
on. It could be a handheld scanner or part of a stationary
scanner. A bar code reader scans a bar code image, converts it
to an alphanumeric value, and then sends it to the computer
to which it is connected.
• Web Camera
Because a web camera records a video image of the scene in front of
it, a webcam is an input device. It is either built inside the computer
(for example, a laptop) or attached through a USB connection. A
webcam is a computer-connected tiny digital video camera. It’s also
known as a web camera because it can take images and record
video. These cameras come with software that must be installed on
the computer in order to broadcast video in real-time over the
Internet. It can shoot images and HD videos, however, the video
quality isn’t as good as other cameras (In Mobiles or other devices or
normal cameras).
• Output Devices
• Output Devices are the devices that show us
the result after giving the input to a computer
system. Output can be of many different forms
like image, graphic audio, video, etc. Some of
the output devices are described below.
• Monitor
Monitors, also known as Visual Display Units (VDUs), are a
computer’s primary output device. It creates images by
arranging small dots, known as pixels, in a rectangular pattern.
The amount of pixels determines the image’s sharpness.
The two kinds of viewing screens used for monitors are
described below.
• Cathode-Ray Tube (CRT) Monitor: Pixels are minuscule visual
elements that make up a CRT display. The higher the image
quality or resolution, the smaller the pixels.
• Flat-Panel Display Monitor: In comparison to the CRT, a
flat-panel display is a type of video display with less volume,
weight, and power consumption. They can be hung on the wall
or worn on the wrist.
Flat-panel displays are currently used in calculators, video games,
monitors, laptop computers, and graphical displays.
• Printer
• Printers are output devices that allow you to
print information on paper. There are certain
types of printers which are described below.
• Impact Printers
• Character Printers
• Line Printers
• Non-Impact Printers
• Laser Printers
• Inkjet Printers
• Projector
• Projectors are optical devices that have the
work to show visuals on both types of screens,
stationary and moving both. It helps in
displaying images on a big screen. Projectors
are generally used in theatres, auditoriums,
• In a computer system, the software is basically
a set of instructions or commands that tells a
computer what to do.
System Software
• System software is software that directly operates the
computer hardware and provides the basic functionality to
the users as well as to the other software to operate
• Features of system software:
• Let us discuss some of the features of System Software:
• System Software is closer to the computer system.
• System Software is written in a low-level language in general.
• System software is difficult to design and understand.
• System software is fast in speed(working speed).
• System software is less interactive for the users in
comparison to application software.
Types of system software:
• Operating System: It is the main program of a computer system.
When the computer system ON it is the first software that loads
into the computer’s memory. Basically, it manages all the resources
such as memory, CPU, printer, hard disk, etc., and provides an
interface to the user, which helps the user to interact with the
computer system. It also provides various services to other
computer software. Examples of operating systems are Linux, Apple
macOS, Microsoft Windows, etc.
• Language Processor: As we know that system software converts the
human-readable language into a machine language and vice versa.
So, the conversion is done by the language processor. It converts
programs written in high-level programming languages like Java, C,
C++, Python, etc(known as source code), into sets of instructions
that are easily readable by machines(known as object code or
machine code).
Application Software
• Software that performs special functions or provides
functions that are much more than the basic operation of
the computer is known as application software.
• Features of application software:
• An important feature of application software is it performs
more specialized tasks like word processing, spreadsheets,
email, etc.
• Mostly, the size of the software is big, so it requires more
storage space.
• Application software is more interactive for the users, so it is
easy to use and design.
• The application software is easy to design and understand.
• Application software is written in a high-level language in
Types of application software:

• General Purpose Software: This type of application software is

used for a variety of tasks and it is not limited to performing a
specific task only. For example, MS-Word, MS-Excel, PowerPoint,
• Customized Software: This type of application software is used
or designed to perform specific tasks or functions or designed for
specific organizations. For example, railway reservation system,
airline reservation system, invoice management system, etc.
• Utility Software: This type of application software is used to
support the computer infrastructure. It is designed to analyze,
configure, optimize and maintains the system, and take care of
its requirements as well. For example, antivirus, disk fragmenter,
memory tester, disk repair, disk cleaners, registry cleaners, disk
space analyzer, etc.
Difference between System Software and
Application Software
Classification of
The computer systems can be classified on the following
1. On the basis of size.

2. On the basis of functionality.

3. On the basis of data handling.

1. Classification on the basis of size
• Super computers (1980):
• The super computers are the most high performing
system. A supercomputer is a computer with a high
level of performance compared to a general-purpose
• Supercomputers use parallel processing technology
• It performs trillions of calculation in a second
Uses: These are used for weather forecasting, nuclear
energy research, aircraft design, online banking.
eg: PARAM, jaguar, roadrunner
Mainframe computers(1960) :
• These are large scale computer(smaller than
super computer).
• Expensive and need very large clean, air
conditioning room(AC) room.
• Can support 50,000 users at the same time.
• Uses: server on world wide web(www),
organization such as banks, airline
companies ,universities
• e,.g., IBMS/390, Amdahl 580 etc
Mini computers (1960)
• Smaller, cheaper and slower than maiframes
• Used as server in network environment where
100 PC can be connected to it
• Some can be used by single user , others are
specially designed to handle multiple user
• Uses: business, education, hospital ,
Government organizations
Eg: Personal Laptop, PC etc.
Micro computers (1981)
• A microcomputer is a small, relatively inexpensive
computer with a microprocessor as its CPU.
• It includes a microprocessor, memory, and
minimal I/O circuitry mounted on a single printed
circuit board.
• It uses windows operating system, MacOS

Eg: Desktop, LAaptop, Tablets, Smartwatches.
Classification on the basis of functionality

• Servers : Servers are nothing but dedicated computers

which are set-up to offer some services to the clients.
They are named depending on the type of service
they offered. Eg: security server, database server.

• Workstation : Those are the computers designed to

primarily to be used by single user at a time. They run
multi-user operating systems. They are the ones which
we use for our day to day personal / commercial work.
Classification on the basis of data handling
• Analog : An analog computer is a form of computer that uses the continuously-
changeable aspects of physical fact such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic
quantities to model the problem being solved. Any thing that is variable with
respect to time and continuous can be claimed as analog just like an analog clock
measures time by means of the distance traveled for the spokes of the clock
around the circular dial.
• Digital : A computer that performs calculations and logical operations with
quantities represented as digits, usually in the binary number system of “0” and
“1”, “Computer capable of solving problems by processing information expressed
in discrete form. from manipulation of the combinations of the binary digits, it
can perform mathematical calculations, organize and analyze data, control
industrial and other processes, and simulate dynamic systems such as global
weather patterns.
• Hybrid : A computer that processes both analog and digital data, Hybrid
computer is a digital computer that accepts analog signals, converts them to
digital and processes them in digital form.
Computers are used in every field of life, such as homes,
businesses, educational institutions, research organizations,
the medical field, government offices, entertainment, etc.
Today we can not imagine growing our technology without
• Today learning becomes easy because of
computers. Anyone employed or student can
learn any stage of life with the help of a computer.
• Computers are very crucial for online classes,
download study material on the internet.
• Computers are also used to track student
attendance and learning strategies.
• Coaching and institutes increased their areas by
audio-visual aids using computers.
•Today computer is the primary work tool in
the field of science.
•It is the best-suited machine for collecting,
analyzing, classifying, and storing data.
• It becomes the most essential medium to
spread knowledge internally and
•It allows scientists from different locations
to work together and share ideas on the
same project.
•The computer plays a very important role in medical
science such as record patients’ information
monitoring heart rate, oxygen level, and blood
• To conduct various surgeries junior doctors get the
help of another professional doctor by web
•Research is also spread with the help of computers in
the health sector.
Defense System
• A computer performs a vital to control defense
system. Computers are used to track airplanes,
missiles, tanks, and different kinds of weapons.
• Once the radar system tracks a missile and
artificial intelligence is programmed to target a
missile and destroy it before it comes on the
• It also used for GPS tracking, controlling defense
vehicles, records of all members of the military.
• A computer performs a crucial role in banking
sectors, by storing several account holder
details on a bank server.
• All transactions such as deposits and
withdrawals perform by a computer.
• A banking company can easily monitor all
ATMs and passbook printing machines.
• Today most people are so busy and they do
not easily get time to fresh their mind.
• We can play various interesting video games
using a computer.
• We can watch movies, TV shows, and reality
shows on the computer.
• A computer is also used to create sarcastic
memes and make us happy.

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