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How to

install an
CPE 415
Purchase the operating
The steps for installing an system
operating system, like
Linux or Microsoft First, you must purchase the operating system that
you want to install on the computer. The best place
Windows, depending on
to purchase the operating system from is a retail
the operating system store, like Best Buy, or through an online store, like
version you are installing. Amazon or Newegg. The operating system may
Each version has different come on multiple CDs (Compact Discs) or DVDs
steps, requirements, and (Digital Versatile Discs), or it may even come on a
options that are unique to USB (Universal Serial Bus) flash drive.
that operating system.
Also, each operating Downloading a copy of the operating system is
system has different usually the most convenient way to obtain it.
requirements for your However, be sure you obtain the operating system
computer to run it from the publisher, like Microsoft. Downloading it
correctly. from another source may result in an unusable or
illegal copy of the software.
Install the operating
To install the computer's operating system using a CD or DVD,
you must configure your computer to boot from the CD/DVD
drive. You can change the boot sequence in your BIOS setup,
and setting the CD/DVD drive to be the first boot device. Some
computers may also allow you to access the boot sequence
directly at computer start up, without entering the BIOS, by
pressing a specific key on the keyboard. The key to press
differs for each computer, but is often the Delete key or one of
the function keys.
How to enter and exit
the BIOS or CMOS
How to enter and exit the BIOS or CMOS setup
Every computer provides a way to enter the BIOS
or CMOS setup, which lets you configure some
basic settings for your computer and its hardware
Below lists common methods for accessing and
exiting your computer's BIOS or CMOS setup and
recommendations if you're having trouble.
Computers manufactured in the last few years allow you to
Access BIOS or enter the BIOS or CMOS setup by pressing one of the five
CMOS on newer keys listed below during the boot process.

Access BIOS or Once you have successfully entered the CMOS setup, a
screen similar to the example below appears. Your CMOS
CMOS on newer setup may look different, depending on the manufacturer,
but it should still share a lot of the same options and
computers information.
I cannot change How do I save
How do I change the values for a
and save changes setting I want to the changes?
in CMOS setup? use
Once in CMOS setup, the method for If you're trying to change the If any changes are made, save
changing the settings often depends on clock, speed, or other settings those changes, which is usually
the BIOS manufacturer. You may use
and don't have the option done by pressing the F10 key on
the arrow keys and the Enter key to
select categories and change their available, the motherboard the keyboard. If F10 doesn't work,
values. Some manufacturers may have doesn't support it. If you believe it look at the bottom or top of the
you press the Page up and Page down should be supported, you may screen for the key that's used to
keys to change the values. need a BIOS update. save the settings.
How to exit the BIOS or
There are several ways to exit the BIOS or CMOS setup
depending on the computer's type. The most common methods
include the following.
Press the Esc key to exit without saving any changes.
Press the F10 or F12 key to save changes and exit.
Access the Exit or Save & Exit tab in setup and select the Exit or
Save and Exit option.
If you have trouble exiting the BIOS or CMOS setup, try the
following methods to fix the problem.
Press the F9 key to load default settings and press F10 to save
and exit.
Access the Exit or Save & Exit tab in setup, select the Load
Optimized Defaults option, select Yes, and press Enter. Any
changes made are reverted, and the BIOS or CMOS is set back to
default settings.
Turn off the computer (use only as a last resort and with
Install the operating
system contd..
If the operating system software came on a USB
flash drive, you must configure the computer to
boot to a USB device as the first boot device.
Once the computer is configured to boot to the
proper device, the computer should load the
operating system installation program and
guide you through the install process. You will
Running the operating
be asked questions along the way for system
configuration of basic settings, like date and After the operating system is installed, the
time, user account name, and to enable computer should load into the operating system.
automatic operating system updates. Go You may then proceed with installing software
through the installation steps, answering that you want on the computer and updating any
settings you want.
questions and selecting the preferred options.

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