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Module: Reading In Culture
Session: Spring 2021
Prof. Ikbale Bouziane Race and Cultural Identity What is race? • Race, the idea that the human species is divided into distinct groups on the basis of inherited physical and behavioral differences. Genetic studies in the late 20th century refuted the existence of biogenetically distinct races, and scholars now argue that “races” are cultural interventions reflecting specific attitudes and beliefs that were imposed on different populations in the wake of western European conquests beginning in the 15th century.
• Race is defined as “a category of humankind that shares
certain distinctive physical traits.” “Race” is usually associated with biology and linked with physical characteristics such as skin color or hair texture. What is ethnicity?
• The term ethnicity is
more broadly defined as “large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background.”
• “Ethnicity” is linked Note!!!!
• Race and ethnicity both are
social constructs used to categorize and characte rize seemingly distinct populations .
• Race and ethnicity are often regarded as the
same, but the social and biological sciences consider the concepts distinct. In general, people can adopt or deny ethnic affiliations more readily than racial ones, Racial discrimination • White supremacy: beliefs and ideas purporting natural superiority of the lighter-skinned, or “white,” human races over other racial groups. In contemporary usage, the term white supremacist has been used to describe some groups espousing ultranationalist, racist, or fascist doctrines. White supremacist groups often have relied on violence to achieve their goals.
• Apartheid: policy that governed relations between
South Africa’s white minority and nonwhite majority and sanctioned racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhites. • Slavery: condition in which one human being was owned by another. A slave was considered by law as property, or chattel, and was deprived of most of the rights ordinarily held by free persons.
- White Slavery: refers to the
chattel slavery of Europeans, whether by non-Europeans (such as Middle Easterns and North Africans), or by other Europeans (for example naval galley slaves or the Vikings' thralls). Slaves of European origin were present in ancient Rome and the Ottoman Empire. (The Barbary Slave Trade). What solutions? • Affirmative action: was initiated by the administration of President Lyndon Johnson (1963–69) in order to improve opportunities for African Americans while civil rights legislation was dismantling the legal basis for discrimination. - The practice or policy of favoring individuals belonging to groups known to have been discriminated against previously; positive discrimination. • Call out racist “jokes” or statements. • Validate the experiences and feelings of people of color. • Examine your own biases and consider where they may have originated. Cultural Identity What is identity? • Identity is “people’s concepts of who they are, of what sort of people they are, and how they relate to others” (Hogg and Abrams 1988, 2).
• “Identity is used in this book to describe the way individuals and
groups define themselves and are defined by others on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, language, and culture” (Deng 1995, 1).
• Identity “refers to the ways in which individuals and collectivities
are distinguished in their social relations with other individuals and collectivities” (Jenkins 1996, 4).
• Identities are “relatively stable, role-specific understandings and
expectations about self” (Wendt 1992, 397). What is cultural identity?
• It is the identity of belonging to a group. It is part
of a person's self-conception and self-perception and is related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.
• Cultural identity is both characteristic of the
individual but also of the culturally identical group of members sharing the same cultural identity or upbringing Practice Check out the document on Tasks and Activities.
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