PPT Presention on Project Phase -I 5th 22scheme

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Jyothy Institute of

Department of Electronics and Communication
YEAR : 2023-2024

Mini Project Title

Presented by :
Name USN

Under the Guidance of

Faculty Name
Department of E & CE
Institution Vision &
Vision of the Institution:

To be an institution of excellence in Engineering education, Innovation and

Research and work towards evolving great leaders for the country’s future and
meeting global needs.

Mission of the Institution :

The Institution aims at providing a vibrant, intellectually and emotionally rich

teaching learning environment with state of art infrastructure and recognizing and
nurturing the potential of each individual to evolve into one’s own self and
contribute ro the welfare of all.

13/12/2024 Department of ECE., Jyothy Institute of Technology, bengaluru 2

Department of ECE
Vision & Mission
Vision of the department:

To be a Department of excellence at a global level in Electronics and

Communication Engineering education, incorporating Research & Innovation and
Leadership training components.

Mission of the department:

The Department will

M1: Strive to provide state of Art infrastructure in classrooms and laboratories.
M2: Enable all-round development with individual attention and innovative
teaching learning methodology.
M3: Impart leadership qualities into the students by exposing them to industry and
research in global Electronics and Communication Engineering domain.

13/12/2024 Department of ECE., Jyothy Institute of Technology, bengaluru 3

Department of ECE
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO 1. (Domain Knowledge) Graduates of Electronics & Communication

Engineering will be able to utilize mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals,
theoretical as well as laboratory based experiences to identify, formulate & solve
engineering problems and succeed in advanced engineering or other fields.
PEO 2. (Professional Employment) Graduates of Electronics & Communication
Engineering will succeed in entry-level engineering positions in VLSI, Communication
and Fabrication industries in regional, national, or global industries.
PEO 3. (Engineering Citizenship) Graduates of Electronics & Communication
Engineering will be prepared to communicate and work effectively on individual &
team based engineering projects while practicing the ethics of their profession
consistent with a sense of social responsibility.
PEO 4. (Lifelong Learning) Graduates of Electronics & Communication Engineering
will be equipped to recognize the importance of, and have the skills for, continuous
learning to become experts in their domain and enhance their professional attributes
13/12/2024 Department of ECE., Jyothy Institute of Technology, bengaluru 4
Department of ECE
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO 1. (Knowledge/ Skills) Explore emerging technologies in the field of Electronics

& Communication Engineering using the knowledge and skills gained.

PSO 2. (Application/Analysis/Problem solving) Apply techniques in different

domains to create innovative products and services in the Communication, VLSI, DSP,
and Networking.

PSO 3. (Value/ Attribute) Work on various platforms as an individual/ team member

to develop useful and safe Circuits, PCB, Power Management Systems and Automation
for the society and nation.

13/12/2024 Department of ECE., Jyothy Institute of Technology, bengaluru 5


• Problem Statement/Objectives
• Proposed Solution
• Introduction
• literature survey
• Block Diagram
• Description/Working (Methodology, Hardware, software and tools used)
• Testing Details
• Results: Expected outcome
• Innovation or Uniqueness of the solution
• Advantage and Disadvantage
• Applications
• Learning outcome from a project
• Future scope
• Conclusion
• Reference papers
• Contribution of each candidate separately

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