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Scientific name: Dahlia imperiais
Family: Compositae Origin: Mexico - Dahlia is very much popular winter flower grown in Bangladesh. It has been named as dahlia after the name of famous Swedish botanist Andreas Gustav Dahl. - The plant has a soft stem and it reaches a height of 50 – 150cm. Depending on the class and variety the flowers come from 5 – 20cm diameter.. - Dahlias are grown through out the world for garden decoration, cut flower, floral decoration etc. Production method of Dahlia Climate and soil: Dahila cannot withstand too cold or too hot climate. - Moderate temperature with mild humidity is rapid for its cultivation - Annual rainfall of 50 – 60 cm is optimum - Organic matter rich fertile loamy soil is ideal for dahlia production - Clay soil may be used but after soil amendment with sufficient sand & organic matter - Soil pH 6.5, open and sunny place but sheltered from strong wind Varieties: Croydon, Masterpiece, Fancy Free, Kelvin Rose, Arab Queen etc. Propagation - Sexually by seed, and asexually by tuberous root (whole or division), slip cuttings and stem cuttings. - By seedling – seeds sown 5cm apart in trays in the 10 – 15 cm row distance or shallow pan in which a mixture of 50 : 50 sand and compost is filled in - Seeds are sown 1cm deep in soil. Seed germinates within 8 – 10 days. Seedlings are planted in main field after the seedlings are ready for easy handling. By Tuberous root - Dahlias develop fascicule roots where buds develop near the base of the stem. - Whole roots are separated and planted, or it is cut into halves longitudinally and planted. - Propagation by this method requires a huge number of roots. As such this is an expensive method. By stem cutting and slip cutting - Slips develop on the junction of tuberous roots and the stem during July August, when the dry roots with short stem are placed in wet sand. - Slips are cut at a length of 8 – 10cm and placed in moist sand. - Terminal cuttings of 8 – 10cm are planted similarly. - Rooting occurs easily and more profusely if the base is treated with IBA at a concentration of 2000ppm for 10 seconds. IBA is dissolved in 50% ethanol. - Planting is done during October – November in Bangladesh. Land preparation and fertilizer application - Dahlias are grown commercially in the field and in the pot for different decoration purposes. The land should be well prepared lengthwise 1.2 – 1.5m wide and with manageable length. - Cow dung @ 5kg/m2 should be well mixed with bed soil along with 200g SSP Planting - Seedlings become ready in 25 – 30 days for transplanting. - Cuttings are uprooted carefully and planted in the afternoon. Watering is done immediately after transplanting. - Plants are spaced at 75cm for tall, 60cm for medium and 30 – 45cm for dwarf varieties. - Shade is given for consecutive 3 -4 days to set the cuttings. These are removed once the cuttings are set. Aftercare - Pinching should be done to regulate number of branches when the plants are 15 – 20cm tall. 4 – 5 branches are kept for flowering. - When the plants are tall each plant should be staked with a hard stick to protect them from heavy wind. - Weeding and mulching is done from time to time according to the necessity. - Pruning and disbudding should be done to get quality flower. - If one wants to get a large flower keeping the central bud two side buds are removed. Otherwise for medium size flowers central bud is removed and two side buds are kept. Harvesting and post-harvesting handling - Blooms are cut in the early morning. - Immediately after harvesting cut flowers are placed in half bucketful of water immersing up to the neck of flower stalk. - The bucket should be placed in a dark and cold room for long vase life. - Flowers are cut when they are 2/3rd open. -The flowers will store better at 40 C for 3 – 5 days.