Presented By:
Samir Poudel
Sanjana Shrestha
Shishir Ghimire
Srijana Devkota
01 02 03
MOD N Counter
• A circuit which passes through N number of states before returning to the
starting state.
• Simply it can be say that a binary counter counts 0 to N-1.
• For eg : In mod-11 counter it can count 0 to 10 which can be simply say that
this counter has 11 states.
• For MOD N counter, the number of flipflop required by calculating this
Where ,
n= number of flipflop required
N= integer value written after MOD
For eg : In mod 5 counter :
5<= 5<=8
So , we need 3 flipflops to design mod 5 counter which counts 0 to 4 ie: 5
which have 3 bits of number.
But in some cases n bit = mod counters.
For eg: 3 bit = mod 8 counters. ( ie: =8).
Steps for Designing MOD N
No of states through counter passes.
Decide no of bits for Ripple Counter.
State Diagram
Truth Table for analysis.
Excitation Table for Design
K Map for Simplification
Logic Diagram
Some Examples of MOD N Counters
A) MOD 8 COUNTER (Asynchronous Counter) (n=)
B) MOD 6 COUNTER (Asynchronous Counter) (n!=)
C) MOD 4 COUNTER (Synchronous Counter) (n=)
C) MOD 4 COUNTER (Synchronous Counter) (n=)
Applications of MOD N
Time Measurement
Alarm Clock
Set a timer for taking the photo in camera.
Flashing indicator lights in vehicles.
Digital Clock.
• Digital sequential logic circuit that can be used to count the number of
events or pulses that occur in a system.
• Type of Synchronous Counter ( which same clock pulse is applied to all
flip flop) .
• Made up of D flipflop .
• Works on the principle of Shift Register.
• Here K bit of flip flop then k times state of output.
• A type of counter which ring is formed by connecting Q of LSB to D of
Working Principle
Let us consider the initial binary number be 1011 which is also called as the counting state at 1, where
Q3=1 , Q2=0, Q1=1 and Q0=1.
Since the given binary number is 4 bit so we use 4 D flipflops which is labelled as Q0, Q1 Q2, Q3.
Then, in this flipflop Q of Q0 is connected to the flipflop Q3 to form a complete ring counter.
Let CLK be the clock which is provided to the all 4 flipflop which can be positive or negative triggered which
is applied simultaneously.
Working Principle
Counting Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0
1 1 0 1 1
2 1 1 0 1
3 1 1 1 0
4 0 1 1 1
• Digital sequential logic circuit that can be used to count the number of
events or pulses that occur in a system.
• Also called as the Switch Tail Ring Counter.
• Type of Synchronous Counter ( which same clock pulse is applied to all
flip flop) .
• Made up of D flipflop .
• Works on the principle of Shift Register.
• A type of ring counter which ring is formed by connecting Q’ of LSB to D
of MSB.
• Here K bit of flip flop then 2k times state of output.
Working Principle
Let us consider the initial binary number be 1011 which is also called as the counting state at 1
where E=1 , C=0, B=1 and A=1.
Since the given binary number is 4 bit so we use 4 D flipflops which is labelled as A B C E.
Then, in this flipflop Q’ of E is connected to the flipflop A to form a complete ring counter.
Let CP be the clock which is provided to the all 4 flipflop which can be positive or negative triggered which
is applied simultaneously.
Working Principle
Counting E C B A Decoding
State Output
1 1 0 1 1 A.B
2 0 1 0 1 E’.A
3 0 0 1 0 E’.C’
4 1 0 0 1 C’.B’
5 0 1 0 0 A’.B’
6 1 0 1 0 A’.E
7 1 1 0 1 C.E
8 0 1 1 0 B.C