Methods Chapter 5
Methods Chapter 5
Methods Chapter 5
In methods, you will discuss all the things that you
will use to gather and collect information for your
study. It is included here the research design that you
will employ, the participants of your study, the
procedure that you will go through, the instruments
that will be used to acquire data, and the method on
how will you analyze your data.
1. Use multiple data collection methods when needed.
2. Use available data, but need to know:
• how the measures where defined?
• how the data were collected, cleaned and saturated?
• the extent of missing data
• how accuracy of the data was ensured
3. If must collect original data:
• be sensitive to burden on others
• pre-test, pre-test, pre-test
• establish procedures and follow them (protocol)
• maintain accurate records of definitions and coding
• verify accuracy of coding, data input.
◦ This contains the approaches (qualitative or
quantitative) or method that you will employ in
your study.
In qualitative approach, you can use
narrative, phenomenology, grounded
theory, ethnography, or case study.
Narrative Phenomeno Grounded Ethnography Case Study
Focus Explores the life of Attempts to Investigates Describes and Examines episodic
an individuals; tells understand or process, action or interprets an event in a definable
their story explain life interaction with ethnic, cultural, or framework;
experiences or a goal of developing social group develops in depth
phenomena a theory analysis single or
“grounded” in multiple cases;
observations generally explaining
Data Collection Interviews and Primarily through Interviews with 20- Interviews, Documents of the
documents interviews, 30 individuals to observations , and case, archives,
sometimes gather enough immersion into the interviews,
observation data cultural as an observations,
active participant physical artifacts
Data Analysis Stories, review o Study and describe Open, axial, and Describe and Develop a detailed
historical, content experiences, selective coding interpret findings analysis; identify
development of examine meaning used to categorize by analyzing data themes; make
themes and context, look the data and and developing assertions
for themes, classify describe the themes
implications of the
Written Report Detailed picture of Report of “essence” Results in a theory, Description of the In-depth study of a
Form person’s life; often of the experience, theoretical model, cultural behavior of case that describes
a chronology or description of the or figure that a group the case, its
biography context of the represents the themes, and
experience or phenomena possible lessons
phenomena learned
Determine, before the Select the method depending A general idea of what to
observation, precisely what upon the situation with no pre- observe but no specific plan
will be observed before the conceived ideas or a plan on
observation what to observe
OBSERVATION GUIDE Printed form with space to record
Requires some literacy
May change behavior
• Require commitment and self-discipline
• Data may be incomplete
• Poor handwriting, difficult to understand phrases
Use of experts, one-on-one or as panel
E.g., Government task forces, Advisory
Can be structured or unstructured
Issues in selecting experts
Establish criteria for selecting experts not only on
recognition as expert but also based on:
• areas of expertise
• diverse perspectives
• diverse political views
• diverse technical expertise
Advantages Fast, relatively inexpensive
The researchers used questionnaires and semi-structured interview. To determine the personal
experiences in research writing, semi-structured interview was conducted with key persons to
answer the questions of the study. The interview questions gave answers to be able to meet the
desired objective of the study.
Also, a standardized questionnaire was also used to gather informations and data from the
respondents which was made by Asogwa, Wombo, & Ugwuoke (2014). Pilot testing and
Cronbach alpha reliability test were performed in their questionnaire in order to determine the
reliability of the questionnaire, as well as the internal consistency of the items included. The
survey questionnaire was modified and developed by the researchers based on the need of the
current study. The first part of the questionnaire was composed of items that would determine
the demographic profile of the respondents of the study such as name, which was optional,
gender, and strand. The questionnaire entitled "Challenges and Coping Strategies
Questionnaire" had a four-point response scale options of strongly agree (SA), agree (A),
disagree (D) and strongly disagree (SD) with a corresponding value of 4, 3, 2 and 1 respectively
on the second part.
It is consists of:
Instrument used in gathering data.
If the questionnaire is standardized, mention the
Enumerate the parts of the questionnaire.
Research procedure contains informations about the steps that you had taken for your
paper. This also includes ethical considerations used for the study.
Example of Research Procedure:
Research Procedures
The researcher will seek the approval of the proposal from the Graduate School and
the President for the conduct of the study. The instrument will also be presented and
validated by a group of experts before it was administered to selected respondents. The
researcher will personally administer the instrument and explained in simpler terms the
items in the instrument. To further validate the data gathered, the researcher will
conduct an interview with the respondents. She will also gather related information from
the Balagtas Barangay Hall documents and from the internet sources. Data collected
will be encoded and tabulated, interpreted and analyzed.
Data analysis sections contains all necessary informations on how the data will
be treated.
1. Discourse Analysis – approaches to analyze written, vocal, or sign language
use, or any significant semiotic event.
2. Content Analysis – a method for studying documents and communication
artifacts, which might be texts of various formats, pictures, audio, or video.
Example of Data Analysis:
Data Analysis
The gathered outcomes through meeting was translated in exactly the same words by
the utilized of talk examination which brought out to encoded the information for words.
It concentrated in transit in which the respondents draw on contrasting interpretive about
the investigation relying upon their understanding of the unique situation. This procedure
distinguished the setting from the different interviewees endeavoured a coordinating of
one to the next and touched base at a comprehension of the capacity from the
perspective of the respondents.
In quantitative approach, you may use statistical treatments such as percentage,
weighted mean, t-test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), etc.,depending on the need of the
Data Analysis
Weighted mean will be used to treat data with respect to the respondents' level of
agreement on their perception as to the effects/ impact of business industries in Balagtas
Independent sample T-test will be utilized to test if there is a significant difference on the
responses between the workers of business establishments and the community residents
This will be utilized to determine the significant difference on the perception of two groups of
respondents as to the impact of business establishments in Balagtas to the community. The
null hypothesis will be tested using 0.05 level of significance.
To improve instruments on the perception of the impact of ecotourism, Cronbach Alpha was
used to test reliability (Cronbach Alpha). Likert scale will be used where scores will be
interpreted using the following values:
3.50 - 4.00 - Strongly Agree
2.50 - 3.49 - Agree
1.50 - 2.49 – Disagree