1. Survey • Used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and studying samples chosen from
a population.
1. Cross-sectional – if the information is collected from a sample in just single point in time
2. Longitudinal – if the information is collected on the same subjects over a period of time to study the
changes through the years
• Uses interviews, questionnaires, and sampling polls to get a sense of behavior with intense
• Allows researchers to judge behavior and present findings usually expressed in a
2. Descriptive • Concerned with describing the nature, characteristics and components of the population or
• No manipulation of variables or search for cause and effect related to the phenomenon.
• Attempts to find general attributes of the presently existing situation and determine the
frequency with which it occurs.
• Seeks to describe the current status of an identified variable or phenomenon
3. Correlational • Investigation of the (extent) nature of relationships/associations between and among variables
without necessarily investigating into causal reasons underlying them.
• Data and relationships are observed only
• Establishes what is the effect of one on the other might be and how that affects the relationship
(trends and patterns in data)
• Conducted in order to explain a notice occurrence
• Does not always mean causation; just because two data points sync doesn’t mean that there is a
direct cause and effect relationship
• Variables are not manipulated and are studied in a natural setting
• Sometimes considered a type of descriptive research as no variables are manipulated
• Explain the ethical considerations of your study:
obtaining informed consent and assent, risks and
benefits, conflict of interest
• Principles of beneficence, non-maleficence,
autonomy, and justice
• Is my paper ethically sound? Do you have 17
years old and below respondents? If so, what
do you need to obtain from them? If your
respondents are 18 years old and above,
what do you need to obtain from them? If
your sources of data are not humans, what
do you need to do and obtain?
• Are your respondents illiterate? What will you
do to ensure their rights and safety?