ADC Interfacing

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Digital computers use binary (discrete)

values, but in the physical world everything
is analog (continuous).
Temperature, pressure (wind or liquid),
humidity, and velocity are a few examples
of physical quantities that we deal with
every day.

A physical quantity is converted to electrical

(voltage, current) signals using a device
called a transducer or sensor.
• ADC is inside ATMega32.
• Total 8 ADC pins(PA0-PA&) inside ATMega32.
• Sensor is connected to any one of these pins.
• Analog data enter in ATMega32 .
• ADC inside ATMega32 convert it into 8bit or 10 bit
equivalent output and the digital data given to CPU.
• Depends on program in memory ,CPU process the
data and finally the o/p data is given to O/P display
device like LCD.
• When Microcontroller will give a 0 to 1 pulse to start
conversion pin,the conversion process will be started.
• Vref is the reference voltage given to ADC.
• It is the maximum i/P voltage that can be accepted by
the ADC.
• If a 5V line is connected to Vref ,then the maximum
i/p that can be accepted by the ADC i/p line is 5V.
• If 5V signal comes on Vin(i/p pin) from sensor,then
the maximum output will be 1111 1111.
Some of major characteristics of the
Step size and conversion time of ADC

• Step size(Resolution) is the smallect change at the input

that can be detected by the ADC.
• Even if the i/p is so small ,ADC is capable of detecting
the small signal.(Advantage)
• Formula of resolution=Vref/2n
• High resolution (smaller value)ADC has more precise
• Resolution can be improved by increasing the
number of bits or reducing the reference voltage.
• Conversion time is the time taken by the ADC to
convert input analog signal to equivalent digital
In an 8 bit ADC we have an 8 bit digital
data output of D0-D7.

Where Dout = digital data output (in

Vin = analog input data
and step size is the resolution.
ADC Programming in the
AVR microcontrollers have on-chip
ADC peripheral like timers.
a) It is a 10-bit ADC

b) It has 8 analog input channels, 7

differential input channels, and 2
differential input channels with optional
gain of 10X and 200x.

c) The converted output data is held by

two special function registers called
ADCL(A/D Conversion Low) and ADCH.
d) ADCL:ADCH is 16 bits

e) We have three option for Vref. Vref can

be connected to Avcc, internal 2.56V, or
external AREF pin.

f) The conversion time is dictated by the

crystal frequency connected by the
XTAL pins and ADPS0:2.(ADC
ADC Control and Status Register

The ADCSRA Register is the status

and control register of ADC.
1. Make the pin for the selected ADC channel
an input pin.
2. Turn on the ADC module of the AVR because it
is disabled upon power-on reset to save
3. Select the conversion speed. We use
register ADPS2:0 to select the conversion
4. Select voltage reference and ADC input
channels. We use REFS0 and REFS1 bits in
the ADMUX register to select voltage
reference and the MUX4:0 bits in ADMUX to
select the ADC input channel.
5. Activate the start conversion bit by writing
a one to the ADSC bit of ADCSRA.
6. Wait for the conversion to be completed
by polling the ADIF bit in the ADCSRA
7. After the ADIF bit has gone HIGH, read
the ADCL and ADCH registers to get the
digital data output.
8. If you want to read the selected
channel again, go back to step 5.
9. If you want to select another vref source
or input channel, go back to step 4.
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