Polishing Amalgam Restorations

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Polishing Amalgam Restorations

A properly contoured, polished restoration will contribute to the longevity of the restoration and the health of the surrounding periodontium.

Whether or not it is necessary to finish and polish an amalgam restoration remains to some a controversial subject. Some dentists will argue that correctly carved amalgam does not require any more manipulation. Despite the argument, there remain some very valid reasons to carefully finish the margins, smooth the surfaces, and polish the restoration. An amalgam restoration that will contribute to the longterm dental health of a patient requires proper finishing and polishing procedures.

Finishing amalgam restorations involves removing marginal irregularities, defining anatomical contours, and smoothing the surface roughness of the restoration. Polishing is performed to obtain a smooth, shiny luster on the surface of the amalgam.

Why amalgam restorations should be polished:

Prevention of recurrent decay Prevention of deterioration of the amalgam surface Maintenance of periodontal health Prevention of occlusal problems

Prevention of recurrent decay

After carving is completed, the surface of the amalgam is still somewhat rough and the margins are not as smooth as they could be. Finishing and polishing amalgam restorations result in a smooth, lustrous finish and margins. Plaque and debris collection are reduced, and the restoration is easier to clean.

Prevention of amalgam deterioration

Tarnish is a discoloration on the surface of the amalgam. Corrosion is a destructive attack on both the surface and subsurface of the restoration. A smooth, polished surface is less likely to accumulate acids, plaque, and debris, which may encourage galvanic action on the surface, and thus is less likely to develop a tarnished appearance.

Maintenance of periodontal health

Restorations that are improperly contoured contribute to periodontal breakdown. An over contoured surface presents an area that quickly collects and harbors plaque, resulting in irritation. The bulky contour may interfere with the patients ability to cleanse the area. A slightly under contoured restoration is less of a potential problem because it is less likely to interfere with the patients ability to clean the area.

Recontouring, finishing, and polishing provide an opportunity to correct discrepancies in the anatomical contours of the restoration. With the use of specific instruments, the contours of the amalgam can be altered, and the health of the adjacent tissues can be preserved if recontouring and finishing procedures are accomplished within a reasonable timeframe.

Prevention of occlusal problems

Occasionally, a restoration may be left in premature occlusion, which can lead to several problems. The tooth may exhibit pain or sensitivity, especially during mastication. In more severe cases, the restoration or the opposing tooth may fracture. This problem can be corrected during the recontouring process.

All of the previous reasons for performing finishing and polishing procedures lead to an increased serviceable lifetime of the restoration.

The finishing and polishing procedures should not be initiated on an amalgam restoration until the amalgam has reached its final set, at least 24 hours after it has been placed and carved. An amalgam restoration is not considered complete until it is polished

The criteria for serviceable amalgams that indicate polishing include:

No fractures in the restoration Proximal contact is present in Class II restorations when tooth position makes it possible. The anatomy can be maintained or improved. All margins can be contoured to be flush with the cavosurface margin of the cavity preparation. The occlusion can be maintained or improved.

Restorations that are contraindicated for polishing include:

Restorations with gross overhangs that need to be replaced Restorations in teeth to be extracted or crowned Restorations with recurrent decay that need to be replaced

An excess of amalgam which extends over the cavosurface margin of the cavity preparation. If the tip of the explorer catches when moving from tooth structure to amalgam but not from amalgam to tooth, it indicates there is an excess of amalgam which needs to be removed.

A deficiency of amalgam along the margin, preventing the margin of the cavity preparation from being flush. If the explorer tip catches going from amalgam to tooth structure, but not from tooth to amalgam, it indicates there is inadequate amalgam at the margin.

Open Margin
If the tip of the explorer catches in both directions across the margin, it indicates there is an open margin and the amalgam should probably be replaced.

Finishing the restoration involves contouring, removal of marginal discrepancies, defining the anatomy, and smoothing the amalgam surface. Finishing procedures are completed prior to polishing and require abrasive agents that are coarse enough to remove the bulk from the surface.

Polishing enhances the quality of the restoration by producing the smoothest and shiniest surface possible. One which will offer better resistance to corrosion and tarnish. Polishing procedures require more mildly abrasive materials for smoothing and shining the amalgam surface.

Abrasive changes
An abrasive changes the surface of the tooth by frictional grinding, rubbing, scraping, scratching, etc, to remove irregularities. As this process proceeds from coarse abrasion (finishing) to very fine abrasion (polishing), the surface of the restoration passes through various stages.

1. From an irregular surface, 2. To a grooved surface, 3. To a finely scratched surface which is much smoother and better reflects light. 4. And finally a finely scratched surface, which is regarded as the polished surface and, to the human eye, will appear as a high shine.

It is extremely important to use abrasive agents in the order of decreasing coarseness, concluding with the least abrasive material. The likelihood of achieving a high shine with a mirror-like finish is decreased if very coarse abrasive agents are immediately followed by fine abrasive agents. The fine abrasive agents will not remove the large, deep scratches left by the coarse abrasive agents.

Factors determining the abrasiveness or polishing potential of an agent include its hardness, size, shape, and concentration of abrasive material. Different abrasives vary considerably in their hardness and shape. Within the same abrasive sizes are graded from coarse to fine. With abrasive compounds that are harder, of rougher shape, increased particle size, or high concentration, abrasiveness is increased.

For example, both garnet disks and cuttle disks are available in coarse, medium, fine, and extra fine varieties. However, garnet is more abrasive than cuttle because of its hardness, size and shape. As such, a coarse garnet disk will remove many more irregularities than will the coarse cuttle disk.

Additional factors which relate to abrasiveness must also be considered. These include the pressure and speed used to apply the abrasive material. The greater the pressure or speed used while applying the abrasive, the greater the friction which results in the production of heat.

The creation of heat during the polishing procedure is potentially dangerous.

1. Heat can cause thermal damage to the pulp (and pain to the patient!). 2. Heat brings the mercury to the surface of the restoration which results in a dull, cloudy surface, and a surface that is more susceptible to corrosion

To minimize heat production:

Use light, intermittent pressure with rotary instruments lifting the instrument off of the restoration frequently. Heavy or prolonged pressure generates heat. Use slow to moderate speed with rotary instruments. High speeds increase friction and thus generate more heat. Increase speed only to produce the final high shine.

Use abrasive agents that are wet rather than dry. Some abrasive materials (pumice and tin oxide) can be mixed with water or alcohol to help lubricate and cool the agents. Use compressed air directed at the amalgam surface during polishing.

1. Maintain functional anatomy by using polishing instruments in the prescribed manner. 2. Do not weaken the restoration by improper contouring. 3. Prevent damage to the patients soft tissues. 4. Protect the patient from polishing debris.

Maintain functional anatomy

1. 2. 3. 4. To prevent loss of anatomy: Start all rotary instruments just prior to touching the restoration. Keep instruments moving over the surface. Use short overlapping strokes Use each polishing instrument on the surface it was designed for. Do not destroy functional anatomy by flattening cusps or marginal ridges, by removing the contact, or by ditching or grooving the restoration.

Prevent damage to patients soft tissue

1. 2. 3. 4. To avoid accidentally slipping off the tooth always: Retract the tongue, cheek, and lips during the procedure. Position instruments so they will not abrade or lacerate gingival tissues while polishing. Use a secure grasp and stable fulcrum with all instruments. Rinse all abrasive agents out of sulcus area and mouth after polishing.

Protect patient from debris.

Prevent potential damage always: 1. Vacuum up all the materials as they accumulate. 2. Offer the patient safety glasses or have the patient close their eyes. 3. Do not carry or pass instruments and materials over the patients face.

There is a wide variety of instruments available for recontouring, finishing, and polishing amalgam restorations. Limiting the number of instruments will keep the technique simple and will contribute to speed and efficiency in performing the procedure.

Rotary Instruments
The most commonly used rotary instruments are abrasive stone, disks, and finishing burs. The choice of abrasive stones, disks, and burs is dependent upon the size of the restoration, the adaptability to the tooth surface, and the amount of amalgam to be removed.

Green stones
Available as tapered points pear shape, round or a variety of other shapes. They are fast cutting and produce a moderately rough surface. Since the green stone is harder than enamel, care must be taken not to scratch the tooth surface.

Finishing burs
Differ from cutting burs in that their blades are finer, their sizes smaller, and their number of blades greater. Finishing burs should be operated in the burnishing direction rather than cutting direction. If it grabs or catches it is in the cutting direction.

Finishing disks
Disks are used primarily on the proximal, buccal, or lingual surfaces. Available in a variety of sizes and grits. Use of a medium grit disk is always followed by the application of a finer grit disk which cuts less.

Hand Instruments
The cleoid end of a discoid-cleoid hand instrument is often used to smooth the base of the grooves and/or fossae when a smaller bur cannot reach the depth of them. Finishing strips are used to smooth the gingival margin and interproximal surfaces below the contact area of a Class II restoration.

Polishing Agents
Pumice and tin oxide are two commonly used polishing agents. Other polishing agents are available in the form of abrasive-impregnated rubber points and cups. They are to be used in the following order: Brownies, Greenies, and Super Greenies.

Review the Procedure with the Patient.

Patients should be carefully educated about the value of the polish procedure. Explain to your patients why you are doing this; what it will do for them; how you are going to do it; and when you are finished, show them the polished restoration.

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