Arc Hydro

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Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources

David R. Maidment, University of Texas at Austin

Arc Hydro
Hydronetwork Drainage systems Channels Time Series Modeling Hydrologic integration

The Arc Hydro data model and application tools are in the public domain


GIS in Water Resources Consortium


Water Resources

Bringing together these two communities by using a common geospatial data model

Arc Hydro design took 3 years from 1999 - 2002

Hydrologic Information System

Analysis, Modeling, Decision Making

Arc Hydro Geodatabase

Geographic Data Model

Conceptual Model a set of concepts that describe a subject and allow reasoning about it Mathematical Model a conceptual model expressed in equations Data Model a conceptual model expressed in a data structure Geographic Data Model a data model for describing and reasoning about the world

What is Arc Hydro?

A geographic data model for storing geospatial and temporal water resources data in ArcGIS
A set of hydro objects built on top of ArcObjects A set of standardized attributes A vocabulary for describing data (glossary) A toolset for implementing the data model

Arc Hydro Data Model

Drainage System

Hydro Network



Time Series


Channel System

ArcGIS Hydro Data Model

Hydrography Hydrology

Streams Drainage Areas


Data Model Based on Inventory

Channels Terrain Surfaces Rainfall Response

Digital Orthophotos

Follow a drop of water from where it falls on the land, to the stream, and all the way to the ocean.

Data Model Based on Behavior

Integrating Data Inventory using a Behavioral Model

Relationships between objects linked by tracing path of water movement

Arc Hydro Framework Input Data

Watersheds Waterbody


Monitoring Points

Arc Hydro Framework

HydroPoint HydroID HydroCode FType Name JunctionID
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Waterbody HydroID HydroCode FType Name AreaSqKm JunctionID *

Watershed HydroID HydroCode DrainID AreaSqKm JunctionID NextDownID *

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HydroID HydroCode ReachCode Name LengthKm LengthDown FlowDir FType EdgeType Enabled EdgeType Flowline Shoreline

HydroJunction HydroID HydroCode NextDownID LengthDown DrainArea FType Enabled AncillaryRole


National Hydro Data Programs

National Elevation Dataset (NED)

National Hydrography Dataset (NHD)

Elevation Derivatives for National Application (EDNA)

Watershed Boundary Dataset

Arc Hydro Framework Dataset for the Guadalupe Basin

HydroNetwork through Canyon Lake

Flowlines through water body

Generic Junction (for topological connection of edges)

Network Tracing

Upstream Tracing

Downstream Tracing

HydroJunction has Waterbody Relationship

Watersheds of the Guadalupe Basin

Guadalupe HydroNetwork NWS forecast Watersheds (flooding)

TNRCC water availability points (water supply)

EPA TMDL Segments (water quality)

Scales of representation of Drainage Systems

Basins drainage areas for water resources management Watersheds subdivision of Basin for a particular hydrologic purpose Catchments subdivision of Basin into elementary drainage areas by physical rules

Digital Elevation Model land surface terrain grid cells

Channel Cross-Section
Direction of Flow

Channel Cross-Section

Channel ProfileLines

Guadalupe Network

Study area only 1.4 km!

Study Area (Guadalupe river near Seguin, TX)

1/2 meter Digital Ortho Photography

Boat setup for data collection

Depth Sounder (Echo Sounder)

The electronic depth sounder operates in a similar way to radar It sends out an electronic pulse which echoes back from the bed. The echo is timed electronically and transposed into a reading of the depth of water.

Differential GPS: Bank to Boat

GPS gives the location of each point collected in terms of latitude and longitude. Two locations for differential GPS.

Channel Data

Each point has (x,y,z)

Points are interpolated in ArcMap to produce a continuous surface.

Define the centerline along the thalweg of the channel

Measure in ArcGIS
Measures are assigned in meters


154.41 281.36

A PolylineM can store m-values at each vertex along with x and y coordinates.

Coordinate Transformation
m is measure along the centerline r is distance across the river from the centerline Sinuous river becomes straight when transformed into (m,r) co-ordinates.

Coordinate Transformation

Straightened river

Profile line and cross-sections Sinuous river

Straightened River in 3D

Data back to x,y coordinates

Original river in X,Y

Profile lines and cross-sections in (x,y) created using FishNet in (m,r).

Profile Lines and Cross Sections in 3D

Birds eye view!

Arc Hydro Time Series Object

TSDateTime TSValue

FeatureID TSType

National Water Information System

Web access to USGS water resources data

Arc Hydro NWIS data retrieval tool

Retrieving NWIS Data

Select Gage Layer Enter Period of Record

Streamflow Time Series

Arc Hydro Time Series Table

Time Series Extracted to Excel

(In Excel, use Data/Get External Data to query Geodatabase)

Excel view

Geodatabase view

Nexrad Data for Florida

Real-time Nexrad data supplied every 15 minutes on a 2km grid Data from 14 radars calibrated with 435 rain gages At end of month more careful calibration is done for historical rain map archive

HRAP Cells for Nexrad Data

Average area = 14.5 km2

GIS and Hydrologic Modeling: Where are we now?

All the major hydrologic models have GIS data support systems
HEC-GeoHMS, HEC-GeoRAS, GIS-Weasel for MMS, Mike-11GIS, WMS, .

An extensive body of experience in terrain processing for hydrology has been built up Standardized national geospatial datasets for hydrology
National Elevation Dataset, EDNA, National Hydrography Dataset, Watershed Boundary Dataset

GIS and Hydrologic Modeling: Where are we going to?

Integrated data and modeling systems e.g. Corps Water Management System, EPA Basins, DHI Mike Objects, ..
Integration of observational (time series) data, geospatial data, model-derived data

Integration of vector, raster and time series data in a database management system A language (vocabulary and grammar) for communicating between databases and models e.g. XML

Arc Hydro and Modeling

Intrinsic Modeling within a particular application eg Excel, ArcGIS, custom objects Dynamic Linked Library tightly coupled package of functions (e.g. LibHydro from HEC) Independent Modeling separate hydrologic model with data exchange

Dynamic Linked Library

Can have Fortran subroutines in a DLL Muskingum flow routing

Independent Hydrologic Model

VB progam reads and writes text files

Interfaces to Arc Hydro Data and Models

Analysis, Modeling, Decision Making

Arc Hydro Geodatabase

Vertical and Horizontal Water Balance

Atmospheric Water

Soil Water

Surface Water


Decoupling and connecting hydrologic systems

Model Building in ArcGIS 9

What software do you need?

ArcView 8.2
Viewing, querying existing geodatabases Editing feature classes and adding data

Spatial Analyst for ArcGIS

To operate the raster tools in Arc Hydro

ArcInfo 8.2
To build geometric networks and create new relationships
Arc Hydro tools and data model are on CD at back of Arc Hydro book and available on web at

Learning Arc Hydro

Arc HydroGIS for Water Resources book from ESRI Press Tutorial on tools and sample dataset on CD at back of book Exercises in Fall 2002 GIS in Water Resources class GISWR website ESRIs Arc Online (discussion forum)

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