Fat Digestion and Absorption

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VEGETABLE ORIGIN DIETARY FATS: ANIMAL ORIGIN Mostly : Neutral fat (TAGs) Small amounts of phospholipids, cholesterol, some

ome free F.As, lecithin and cholesterol esters. Daily intake: varies from 25-160 grams.

Lipolytic enzymes: Lingual lipase (Mouth), Gastric lipase (Stomach) Insignificant role. Gastric lipase: acts only on butter. Gastric PH: 1-2. While the optimum pH of Gastric lipase 4.5, Exceptional conditions: Achlorhydria production of gastric HCl is low or absent. Regurgitation of bile. newborns

Mechanism of Digestion
Emulsification of fat by bile salts. Hydrolysis of fat by pancreatic and intestinal lipolytic enzymes. Acceleration of fat digestion by micelle formation.


Large fat drops is broken down into smaller droplets. Prerequisite for the action of pancreatic lipase. Surface area for action of lipase is increased several folds by emulsification. Pancreatic lipase water soluble. It acts only on oil water interface.

Micelle formation of enhanced by:

Bile salts: Lowers the surface tension (detergent action) Peristaltic movements of intestine. Lecithin (component of bile)

Bile salts surrounds the fine droplets in such a way that their lipophilic non-polar ends are towards the fat and their hydrophilic polar ends separate the fat droplets from aqueous phase.

2. Hydrolysis of fat by pancreatic and intestinal lipolytic enzymes.

1. Pancreatic lipase: Very powerful. Digests fat rapidly after emulsification COLIPASE: A protein present in pancreatic juice. Displaces bile salts from fat droplet and allows the action of lipase. Colipase is activated by Trypsin.

Pancreatic lipase hydrolyses almost all TGs to produce mainly 2 MAG and to some extent 1 MAG, glycerol & Fatty acids. 2.CHOLESTEROL ESTER HYDROLASE: Most of the dietary cholesterol is in the form of cholesterol esters. Cholesterol esters Cholesterol + Fatty acid

3. Phospholipase A2: Phospholipid + H2O Lysophospholipid + Fatty acid.

Intestinal lipolytic enzymes

Brush border of epithelial cells covering intestinal villi contains small amount of lipase & cholesterol esterase. Mode of action is Similar to pancreatic enzymes. Buttheir action is minimal.

Acceleration of fat digestion by micelle formation

Accumulation of Monoglycerides and Free fatty acids blocks further digestion. This is solved by Micelle formation. Micelles are small water soluble cylindrical disc shaped particles. Each Micelle is composed of a central fat globule and surrounded by about 30 molecules of bile salts in such a way that their hydrophilic end face outside and hydrophobic end face inside.

Micellar formation is essential for the absorption of Fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E & K. As Insolubility of fat globules prevents their diffusion.

Micelle diffuse through aqueous medium of intestinal lumen to reach the brush border membrane (Transport vehicle). Once the Micelle comes in contact with the cell membrane the Monoglycerides, free fatty acids, cholesterol and fat soluble vitamins diffuse passively at rapid speed. The bile salts are left b

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