Life Cycle Costanalysis Guidelines
Life Cycle Costanalysis Guidelines
Life Cycle Costanalysis Guidelines
LCCA allows comparisons of investment alternatives having different cost streams. In the highway arena, it is a formal, systematic approach for considering most of the factors that go into making a pavement investment decision.
LCCA framework represents the governing criteria and principles by which a comparison of costs of alternative design strategies is made.
Economic analysis technique. Real versus nominal dollars. Discount rate. Analysis period. Cost factors. Approach to risk and uncertainty in LCCA.
The NPV is the discounted monetary value of expected net benefits (i.e., the benefits minus the costs).
Discount Rate
It represents the real value of money over time and is used to convert future costs to present-day costs (in EUAC analysis, it is subsequently used to convert NPV to annualized costs). The discount rate is a function of both the interest rate and inflation rate Low interest rates favour large capital investments with low maintenance or user costs. High interest rates favour large capital investments with low maintenance or user costs.
Analysis Period
The analysis period is defined as the time period over which the initial and future costs are evaluated for different design alternatives.
The analysis period is defined as the time period over which the initial and future costs are evaluated for different design alternatives. Agency Costs Agency costs include all costs incurred directly by the agency over the life of the project User Costs User costs are the costs incurred by the highway user over the life of the project Time delay costs Vehicle operating costs (VOCs) Accident cost Discomfort cost Environmental costs
Cost Factors
The type and range of each input sampling distribution are user-defined, and may be developed using either objective or subjective methods
Step 2 - Determine Pavement Performance and M&R Activity Timing It involves the determination of the performance life for each design alternative and the timings of subsequent M&R treatments 1. Determine Initial Performance Life of Design Option 2. Determine Repair or Maintenance Requirements
Step 2 - Determine Pavement Performance and M&R Activity Timing Determine Initial Performance Life of Design Option
1. Design Guide distress 2. Ride quality prediction models 3. The Design Guide prediction models have been calibrated with the LTPP monitoring data or performance. 4. Failure analysis (Survival Analysis) This technique uses historical construction and rehabilitation data for a family of pavements to construct a failure curve that depicts the probability of failure with time (or traffic loadings)
Step 2 - Determine Pavement Performance and M&R Activity Timing Determine Repair or Maintenance Requirements Routine maintenance Major maintenance Rehabilitation Determine the Expected Life of M&R Activities.
Analyzing data if not available then estimates of experience engineer
C.3.3 Step 3Estimate Direct/Agency Costs The agency costs are separated into the following five categories Design costs Initial construction costs Maintenance costs Rehabilitation costs Salvage value
Probabilistic LCCA Probabilistic LCCA / risk analysis involves randomly selecting a value from each input parameters sampling distribution and the NPV/EUAC formula to compute a single life cycle costs and repeating it thousands of times. The probabilistic simulation is performed using 5,000 iterations (or runs) of the Monte Carlo sampling process and corresponding NPV/EUAC computation process
Deterministic process gives a single NPV/EUAC value while probabilistic yields a distribution of NPV/EUAC values), thats why its analysis is also different.
1. Trial-by-trial comparisons of forecasted NPV/EUAC values 2. Statistical analysisdifferences between mean values (z-score, ANOVA). 3. Risk assessment of forecasted NPV/EUAC distributions.
Gives the probability of the observation value on the bell curve.
z-score =
1. Evaluation1Trial-By-Trial Comparisons.
Trials in which an alternative had the lowest life cycle cost compared to all other alternatives) for each alternative, dividing the respective wins by the total number of trials performed in the simulation, and multiplying by 100 percent, the overall probabilities for each alternative to have the lowest life cycle cost are determined.
To reject the null hypothesis and conclude that the mean life cycle costs are statistically significantly different, the calculated t-value must fall in a critical range.
Although there is a potential for savings in selecting alternative A, that potential is outweighed by alternative B over the range of most probable NPV outcomes$1.51 to $1.7 millionas illustrated in figure
A cost overrun occurs when the expenses required to complete a project, or one aspect of a project, exceed the amount budgeted
there is potential for a cost underrun if the true NPV is low, say less than $1.45 million
At the tails of these two distributions, there are clear differences in the forecasted NPVs. In the case of alternative A, there is potential for a cost underrun if the true NPV is low, say less than $1.45 million. This opportunity for cost savings is termed upside risk. If, on the other hand, the true NPV is high, say greater than $1.75 million, there is potential for a cost overrun associated with alternative A. This chance for financial loss is termed downside risk.
There is a 10 percent probability that the NPV of alternative A will be less than alternative B by as much as $26,000
There is a 10 percent probability that alternative A will exceed the cost of alternative B by up to $41,000.
Input Data
Cars as Percentage of AADT (%) Single Unit Trucks as Percentage of AADT (%) Combination Trucks as Percentage of AADT (%) Annual Growth Rate of Traffic (%) Speed Limit Under Normal Condition (mph) No of Lanes in Each Direction During Normal Operation Free Flow Capacity (vphpl) Rural/Urban Urban Queue Dissipation Capacity (vphpl)
Estimation of pavement service life using performance trend analysis or survival analysis techniques, when sufficient and reliable pavement history (construction and M&R activities and dates) and performance (timeseries pavement condition data) data exist. Considering increased user cost when a road is frequently used by life saving services like hospital and fire stations.