Barium Follow-Through TBL
Barium Follow-Through TBL
Barium Follow-Through TBL
Used to evaluate the small intestine Contrast medium appears white on xrays,showing internal lining of the bowel X-ray images taken as the contrast moves through the intestine, commonly at 0 minutes, 20 minutes, 40 minutes and 90 minutes Test completed when barium is visualized in the terminal ileum and Caecum
Clinical Application
Long segment narrowing of the jejunal loops with loss of mucosal pattern and bowel wall thickening.Diagnosis:Crohns disease
Frontal spot image from SBFT shows smooth elongated mass (black arrows) in distal ileum with telescoping of small bowel (intussusceptum, white arrow) into Overhead image from a small bowel follow through in a adjacent lumen (intussuscipiens), producing patient with history of Crohn's disease demonstrates coil spring appearance (arrowheads). This evidence of terminal ileal wall thickening, causing patient had inverted Meckel diverticulum narrowing of the lumen. acting as lead point for intussusception.
49-year-old woman with Crohn's disease involving small bowel. Five years before these imaging studies were obtained, patient had undergone segmental resection of ileum because of protein-losing enteropathy. Spot compression image of small-bowel follow-through study obtained 1 day afterA shows linear ulcer (arrows) in mesenteric border and pseudosacculation (arrowheads) along antimesenteric border.
Frontal spot image from SBFT shows primary adenocarcinoma of small bowel as annular lesion in jejunum, with circumferential narrowing, shelflike margins (black arrows), and small central ulcer (white arrow).
known or suspected obstruction of the colon suspected tracheoesophageal fistula, known obstructing lesions of the small intestine, pyloric stenosis known hypersensitivity to barium sulfate formulations. Imminent surgery and or suspected perforation; require water soluble contrast media. aspiration pneumonitis barium sulfate impaction granuloma formation intravasation, embolization and peritonitis following intestinal perforation vasovagal and syncopal episodes allergic reactions in atopic patients
Adverse effects
Frontal spot image from enteroclysis shows normal folds in distal jejunum as thin (12-mm-thick) delicate structures perpendicular to longitudinal axis of bowel. There are normally four to seven folds per inch of jejunum.
Frontal spot image from enteroclysis shows multiple smoothsurfaced hemispheric submucosal masses (white arrows) in small bowel; other lesions have bull's-eye appearance (black arrows) due to central ulceration. This patient had malignant melanoma with hematogenous metastases to small bowel
Left posterior oblique spot image from enteroclysis shows partially obstructing adhesive band as vertically oriented, extrinsic, bandlike impression (arrows) traversing lumen of jejunum, with proximal dilatation.
Barium Enema
To examine and diagnose problems with the colon(large intestine) Patient lies on the X-ray table and a preliminary X-ray is taken A well lubricated enema tube is inserted into the rectum Barium sulfate and air/Co2 is then allowed to flow into the colon A small balloon at the tip of the enema tube may be inflated to help keep the barium sulfate inside flow of the barium sulfate is monitored by the health care provider on an X-ray fluoroscope screen
Frontal spot image from double-contrast barium enema examination (with reflux into terminal ileum) shows carcinoid tumor as smooth, sessile, 1.5-cm-diameter polyp (black arrows) in terminal ileum. Also note multiple ileal diverticula (white arrows).
18-year-old woman with Crohn's disease involving colon. Image from double-contrast barium enema reveals longitudinal and perpendicular ulcerations (arrows) in right colon.
Peripheral T-cell lymphoma of the colon with diffuse involvement in a 42-year-old woman.Double-contrast barium enema image shows multiple shallow (arrows) and aphthous (arrowheads) ulcerations in the entire colon.
Small ulcerations with a diffuse distribution (arrows) and geographic ulceration (arrowhead)
Barium Swallow
Indications Dysphagia,Heartburn, Chest pain,Motility disorder
Barium Meal
Dyspepsia,Epigastric pain,Anaemia,Vomiting ,Perforation(non-ionic contrast)
Barium FollowThrough
Diarrhoea& abdominal pain of small bowel origin,possible obstruction by strictures Malabsoprtion,Crohns disease
Barium Enema
Altered bowel habit,rectal bleeding,Anaemia
Major Uses
Timeconsuming,radiation exposure
Difficult in frail elderly or incontinent patients,uncomfortable ,sigmoidoscopy necessary to evaluate rectum,Misses polyps<1cm,less useful in IBD