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disAbility Support Programs & Services

Welcome to City DSPS!

Watch our Welcome Video to find out more about the Services we offer! (4 min)

Email iconStudent Emails are Here, Activate Now!

You will receive your "" email and MyApps account upon registration which will allow you to:

  • Receive official emails from the San Diego Community College District
  • Use applications in the Microsoft 365 suite for Students such as Word, Excel and OneDrive with 1 TB storage.

For Step-by-Step Instructions on how to set up your email account, watch the instructional video or follow the guide linked below.
Student Email and 365 Setup Guide

For further assistance, please visit the Student Email and MyApps infopage, or contact the helpdesk by emailing [email protected], or calling 619-388-1140.

Email Setup Instructional Video (4 min)


New Students

If you are new to DSPS Services in the San Diego Community College District, the first step in getting connected is to Register for DSPS Services.

Please note: You must have completed the SDCCD Application
and received your Student ID number. Verification of Disability (VOD) will be requested to qualify for services.

Register for Services  

Continuing Students


Current students who have received services from City DSPS within the last year can request an accommodation letter for the current or upcoming semester through MyDSPS Portal and selecting "Request Accommodation Letter" once you are registered for classes for that term.

MyDSPS Student Portal


Current students who have received services from DSPS at any of the three colleges (City, Mesa, Miramar) and have a question, or would like to request an appointment to meet with a DSPS counselor may submit an appointment request and we will connect with you.

Appointment Request

Additional Ways to Connect with Us

 Phone: 619-800-2873

By Email: [email protected] 

*Appointment Scheduling or Cancellations by Phone Call Only

*Please include your Full Name and Student ID Number in all correspondence. 

HTC Technology Support Zoom

Availability by Appointment

High Tech Center Zoom

Or Telephone:Dial: +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll) Meeting ID:995 7794 5724 

In Need of a Laptop?

City College has laptops available for loan to currently enrolled students. Please submit the form linked below to request a device.
Returning a Device? Please place loaned laptops along with any accessories in a protective bag.
Gently deposit the bag into The Learning Resources Center's Library Book Return slot anytime.

Adaptive Furniture Request 

Please submit the form linked below to place a Furniture Request. Please note, we are only able to fufill requests for City College On-Campus classes.


  • Access & Academic Accommodations: DSPS Counselors authorize a variety of individualized accommodations to students in both remote learning and physical on campus environments. Accommodations such as; extended time on exams, priority registration, recording lectures, note-taking & test taking strategies, textbooks in alternate formats (ex: Audio) ASL interpreting services, speech to text captioning services, and more.
  • Educational Planning: DSPS counselors can assist you in creating both a short term and long term educational road map, also known as an "Ed Plan" that aligns with your goals and disability related needs.
  • Technology Training/Assistive Technology Support: Our HTC team can assist you remotely with technology questions, assistive technology training, and alternate media production requests.
  • Educational Assistance Class: DSPS 34 is a class that is designed to prepare students for remote learning and provide an introduction to college success skills with a focus on computer/web based programs such as canvas, blackboard, zoom, google docs and more!
  • Campus Liaison & General Information: We can assist  you with connecting to various remote supports and services, provide general information and liaison with your professors & other departments on campus.

We acknowledge that you might be experiencing one or many unmet basic needs and other barriers during this time, and would like to share with you information on how to connect with other resources and supports including mental health counseling services, student health services, tutoring services, information about basic needs housing and food insecurities, and much more!

Student Services

We can also provide support to faculty and staff during the transition to support accessibility for all students in the remote learning environment. For support with captioning resources, test proctoring and disability accommodation questions or to brainstorm ways to incorporate Universal Design for Learning in your classroom.

Call to Schedule: 619-800-2873

Our Mission: disAbility Support Programs & Services aspires to create, support, and sustain an inclusive and fully accessible campus community.

We accomplish this important mission by:

  • Serving as a resource, promoting self-advocacy, authorizing and coordinating accommodations, and providing professional development
  • Believing equal access is the shared responsibility of the entire campus community
  • Valuing disability as an integral aspect of diversity
  • Developing collaborative partnerships that incorporate the principles of universal design, equity, and social justice
  • Surpassing the standards of disability legislation to build a liberating campus community
  • Challenging social norms that create barriers to ensure all members of the campus community feel welcome

Program Outcomes

Academic Accommodations & Support: Provide students with disabilities timely academic accommodations and support services to increase access, retention, persistence and completion of their educational goals

Human Resources in DSPS: Secure funding, recruit, train and maintain well qualified faculty and staff to meet identified student needs in order to improve student experience, department effectiveness and accomplish goals outlined above

Collaboration & Professional Development: Increase campus collaboration and professional development to support faculty and staff in supporting the diverse learning needs of City College students and ensure that the needs of students with disabilities are represented in all campus initiatives.

Accessibility: Assist City College to improve accessibility and reduce environmental and technological barriers so that all students with disabilities have equal access to City College's programs & services.


What is a Verification of Disability (VOD)?

A VOD is just a document from a professional that states what your disability is. This will establish eligibility for our services at DSPS. 

It can look like many different things including:

  • An IEP/504 Plan 
  • A medical history printout where your disability/medical condition is mentioned
  • A letter from your mental health provider
  • VA benefit printout with % disability ratings
  • A DSPS verification form as completed by your doctor 
  • and more!

What if I am not sure if my documentation qualifies as a VOD or 

Let us know! We are happy to discuss with you what documentation qualifies and different ways to get it. We can schedule a 30 minute consultation appointment with a counselor to support you in the process of obtaining documentation. 

What if I have difficult circumstances where I cannot get a VOD from a professional?

Let us know! We want to connect you with services and will work with you to see what next steps we can take to support your journey at City. 

Where can I get a copy of the form?

Download Verification of Disability Form 

We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your educational journey!