Sherwood Forest Faire - logo
Tickets Available Now!
Located 35 Miles East of Austin, TX
Sherwood Forest Faire - logo
Tickets Available Now!

Located in McDade, TX

35 Miles East of Austin


Contact Sherwood Forest Faire

Tickets are not date specific and can be used

any weekend within the current Faire Season.

Sherwood Forest is home to a Medieval Faire all Season long.

There are no "themed weekends" so come get Medieval with us!

Sherwood Forest Faire
1883 Old Hwy 20
McDade, TX 78650
Mailing Address
PO Box 339
Round Rock, TX 78680
Attraction Hours
Open Weekends: March - April
and also open for Spring Break Friday
10 am to Dusk — Rain or Shine — No Pets


Sherwood Forest Is Located on Us Hwy 290, Approximately 35 Miles East of Austin

Parking Lot Entrance

For Day-Trippers
Address: 1883 Old Hwy 20, McDade, TX 78650 [View Google Map]

Directions: Turn off US Highway 290 (right if coming from Houston, left if from Austin) onto Old Potato Road. Proceed 1/2 mile to the end of Old Potato Road and turn right onto Old Highway 20. Our parking lot is 1/4 mile ahead on the right-hand side.

Some GPS systems do not like this address and will take you to a location several miles away. Please examine the map. If your GPS does not appear to be taking you to the vicinity of Old Potato Road, you might want to navigate to our Campground Entrance address instead, and then proceed 1 mile west to Old Potato Road from there.

Our parking lot is unmistakable from Google Maps. Just look near Highway 290 and Old Potato Road.

Campground Entrance

For Overnight Guests and Faire Workers
Address: 3106 US Hwy 290 E, Paige TX 78659 [View Google Map]

Directions: The campground gate is located on US Highway 290 and is flanked by two unmistakable billboards. That entrance is approximately 1 mile west of the Highway 21 overpass (which is your landmark coming from Houston) and 1 mile east of Old Potato Road (your landmark coming from Austin).

The billboards are set back from the road quite a bit due to state regulations, and if you are driving too fast, you might not have sufficient time to slow down. We advise you to slow down when you encounter one of the landmarks mentioned above.

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About Us

Sherwood Forest Faire is a privately-held company run by a small team with the support of hundreds of volunteers who share our vision: to create a beautiful, magical place that is consistent with our six core values: authenticity, community, escape, quality, family, and fun.

Our medieval-style village is 25 acres in size and comprises over 100 permanent buildings, which include merchant shoppes, pubs, stages, a wedding chapel, and many other structures. We are nestled in the Lost Pines section of Central Texas, 35 miles east of Austin on US Hwy 290. We also have many acres set aside for patron camping, participant camping, and as a buffer to preserve the ambiance of our sanctuary from the outside world.
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