Simon Pontié


Simon Pontié's photo


École des Mines de Saint-Étienne
Campus Georges Charpak Provence
880, route de Mimet
13541 GARDANNE Cedex France
[email protected]



Work Experiences

Researcher at CEA LETI,
SAS research group (Secure Architectures and Systems), Center of Microelectronics in Provence
Ph.D., Grenoble-Alpes University (France), TIMA Laboratory, AMfoRS research group
Ph.D. thesis defence at Grenoble: November 21st, 2016. Jury: Arnaud Tisserand, Lionel Torres,
Philippe Elbaz-Vincent, Pierre-Yvan Liardet, Viktor Fischer, Régis Leveugle, and Paolo Maistri
3 years of research, supervisors: Régis Leuveugle and Paolo Maïstri
Hardware security for cryptography based on elliptic curves (link)
3 years as a teacher at Phelma (school of Physics and Electronics in Grenoble) in addition to my PhD studies
digital and analog electronics, real-time systems, security of embedded systems, embedded systems
February-June 2012
Electronic sciences research during Master internship: TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble
Design and validation of a secure crypto-processor for cryptography based on elliptic curves
June-July 2010
Electronic sciences research during Bachelor internship: BIOMIS Laboratory, Rennes, France
Design of a potentiostat for micro sensor


PhD thesis - Simon Pontié - Hardware security for cryptography based on elliptic curves
Ph.D., Grenoble-Alpes University, TIMA Laboratory, Grenoble, France
Three years, researcher and teacher as Ph.D. student
Research Master: Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble
Nanoelectronic and Nanotechnology, Hardware design
June 2012
National Competitive Examination for Teacher Training in Electrical Engineering (French agrégation)
Master: École Normale Supérieure de Cachan, Rennes
Higher-education teacher training in electrical engineering
Preparation of the French agrégation in electrical engineering
First year of Master: École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and University of Rennes
Electronics and Telecommunications
First year of Master: École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and University of Rennes
Mechanical engineering
Bachelor: École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and University of Rennes
Electronics and Telecommunications
Bachelor: École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and University of Rennes
Mechanical engineering

Publications, Conferences and Research Projects


L. De Feo, N. El Mrabet, A. Genêt, N. Kaluderović, N. Linard de Guertechin, S. Pontie, and É. Tasso, “SIKE channels: Zero-value side-channel attacks on SIKE,” IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, pp. 264–289, 2022. link DOI Slides.
S. Pontie, P. Maistri, and R. Leveugle, “Dummy operations in scalar multiplication over elliptic curves: A tradeoff between security and performance,” Microprocessors and Microsystems, vol. 47, Part A, pp. 23–36, 2016. DOI.

Refereed Conference Proceedings

R. Joud, P.-A. Moëllic, S. Pontie, and J.-B. Rigaud, “Like an open book? Read neural network architecture with simple power analysis on 32-bit microcontrollers,” in Smart card research and advanced applications: 22st international conference, CARDIS 2023, 2023, pp. 256–276. DOI arXiv.
C. Fanjas, D. Aboulkassimi, S. Pontie, and J. Clédière, “Exploration of system-on-chip secure-boot vulnerability to fault-injection by side-channel analysis,” in 2023 IEEE international symposium on defect and fault tolerance in VLSI and nanotechnology systems (DFT), 2023, pp. 1–6. DOI HAL.
M. Dumont, K. Hector, P.-A. Moellic, J.-M. Dutertre, and S. Pontie, “Evaluation of parameter-based attacks against embedded neural networks with laser injection,” in Computer safety, reliability, and security: 41st international conference, SAFECOMP 2023, 2023, pp. 259–272. DOI arXiv.
C. Fanjas, C. Gaine, D. Aboulkassimi, S. Pontie, and O. Potin, “Combined fault injection and real-time side-channel analysis for android secure-boot bypassing,” in Smart card research and advanced applications: 21st international conference, CARDIS 2022, birmingham, UK, november 7–9, 2022, revised selected papers, 2022, pp. 25–44. HAL ePrint DOI.
R. Joud, P.-A. Moëllic, S. Pontie, and J.-B. Rigaud, “A practical introduction to side-channel extraction of deep neural network parameters,” in Smart card research and advanced applications: 21st international conference, CARDIS 2022, birmingham, UK, november 7–9, 2022, revised selected papers, 2022, pp. 45–65. HAL arXiv DOI.
D. Bellizia, N. El Mrabet, A. Fournaris, S. Pontie, R. Francesco, F.-X. Standaert, É. Tasso, and E. Valea, “Post-quantum cryptography: Challenges and opportunities for robust and secure HW design,” in 2021 IEEE international symposium on defect and fault tolerance in VLSI and nanotechnology systems (DFT), 2021, pp. 1–6. HAL DOI.
É. Tasso, L. De Feo, N. El Mrabet, and S. Pontie, “Resistance of isogeny-based cryptographic implementations to a fault attack,” in International workshop on constructive side-channel analysis and secure design, 2021, pp. 255–276. HAL ePrint DOI.
C. Gaine, D. Aboulkassimi, S. Pontie, J.-P. Nikolovski, and J.-M. Dutertre, “Electromagnetic fault injection as a new forensic approach for SoCs,” in 2020 IEEE international workshop on information forensics and security (WIFS), 2020, pp. 1–6. HAL DOI.
P. Leignac, O. Potin, J.-M. Dutertre, J.-B. Rigaud, and S. Pontie, “Comparaison of side-channel leakage on rich and trusted execution environments,” in 6th workshop on cryptography and security in computing systems, 2019, pp. 19–22. HAL DOI.
S. Pontie, A. Bourge, A. Prost-Boucle, P. Maistri, O. Muller, R. Leveugle, and F. Rousseau, “HLS-based methodology for fast iterative development applied to elliptic curve arithmetic,” in 19th euromicro conference on digital system design (DSD), 2016, pp. 511–518. HAL DOI.
T. Backenstrass, M. Blot, S. Pontie, and R. Leveugle, “Protection of ECC computations against side-channel attacks for lightweight implementations,” in 1st international verification and security workshop (IVSW), 2016, pp. 1–6. DOI.
S. Pontie, P. Maistri, and R. Leveugle, “An elliptic curve crypto-processor secured by randomized windows,” in 17th euromicro conference on digital system design (DSD), 2014, pp. 535–542. DOI.
S. Pontie and P. Maistri, “Randomized windows for secure scalar multiplication on elliptic curves,” in 25th international conference on application-specific systems, architectures, and processors (ASAP), 2014, pp. 78–79. DOI.
S. Pontie and P. Maistri, “Design of a secure architecture for scalar multiplication on elliptic curves,” in 10th conference on ph. D. Research in microelectronics and electronics (PRIME), 2014, pp. 1–4. DOI.

Other Communications

S. Pontie and D. Resende, “Accélération matérielle d’une signature ECDSA dans un ASIC en FD-SOI 22nm avec contremesures aux attaques physiques.” Journées Nationales 2024 du GDR Sécurité Informatique, 2024. link.
S. Pontie, “Introduction aux attaques physiques.” Séminaire au M2 FSI (Fiabilité et Sécurité Informatique) d’Aix Marseille Université, 2023.
A. Ras, M. Carmona, A. Loiseau, S. Pontie, G. Renault, B. Smith, and E. Valea, “Secure, optimized and agile HW/SW implementation for post-quantum cryptography.” Poster at CHES 2023, 2023. HAL.
D. Aboulkassimi, S. Pontie, and C. Fanjas, “How to exploit EMFI to bypass the secure-boot of SoC.” Cyber in Sophia Antipolis (8th edition of the Cyber in ... French Cybersecurity Doctoral School), 2023. link Slides.
C. Fanjas, C. Gaine, D. Aboulkassimi, S. Pontie, and O. Potin, “Méthode combinée d’injection de faute et d’analyse side-channel temps réel pour contourner le secure-boot d’android.” Journée thématique sur les attaques par injection de fautes (JAIF), 2022. link Slides.
S. Pontie, É. Tasso, N. El Mrabet, L. De Feo, and G. Clément, “SIKE: Injection de fautes et contre-mesure sur la génération de clés.” Journée thématique des GDR SoC2 et Sécurité Informatique : Algorithmes de chiffrement post-quantiques et sécurité matérielle, 2021. link Slides Video.
É. Tasso, L. De Feo, N. El Mrabet, and S. Pontie, “Resistance of isogeny-based cryptographic implementations to a fault attack.” Journée thématique sur les attaques par injection de fautes (JAIF), 2021. link Slides Video.
C. Gaine, D. Aboulkassimi, S. Pontie, J.-P. Nikolovski, and J.-M. Dutertre, “Electromagnetic fault injection on SoCs.” Journée thématique sur les attaques par injection de fautes (JAIF), 2021. link Slides Video.
É. Tasso, L. De Feo, N. El Mrabet, and S. Pontie, “Resistance of isogeny-based cryptographic implementations to a fault attack.” 3th NIST PQC Standardization Conference, 2021. Slides Paper Video.
É. Tasso, L. De Feo, N. El Mrabet, and S. Pontie, “Résistance des implémentations cryptographiques basées sur les isogénies à une attaque en faute.” Séminaire de l’équipe Informatique et algèbre appliquée, Institut de mathématiques de Toulon, 2021. link.
N. El Mrabet, M. Carmona, S. Pontie, J.-P. Enguent, and P. Galy, “La cryptographie post-quantique et les enjeux associés aux implémentations des algorithmes proposés.” Webinaire du pôle SCS: WebTech#SCS, 2021. link.
S. Pontie and D. Aboulkassimi, “Attaque side-channel sur plateforme mobile android.” Séminaire à l’École des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Gardanne, 2018. link.
S. Pontie and D. Aboulkassimi, “Hardware characterization for mobile devices a security perspective.” 1st Mobitrust International Workshop, Portugal, Aveiro, 2017. link.
S. Pontie, Étude de la sécurité des courbes quartiques de jacobi vis à vis des attaques par analyse de puissance consommée.” Séminaire à l’École des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Gardanne, 2016. link.
S. Pontie, “Prise en compte des fuites d’informations par canaux auxiliaires dans une implémentation ECC.” Séminaire sécurité des systèmes électroniques embarqués, Rennes, 2016. link.
S. Pontie, “Attaque par analyse de la puissance consommée contre un crypto-processeur basé sur les courbes jacobi quartiques.” Journées Codage et Cryptographie, Toulon, 2015. link.
S. Pontie, P. Maistri, and R. Leveugle, “Tuning of randomized windows against simple power analysis for scalar multiplication on elliptic curves.” TRUDEVICE 2015: Workshop on Trustworthy Manufacturing; Utilization of Secure Devices, Grenoble, 2015. link.
S. Pontie and M.-A. Cornelie, “Fast and secure crypto-processor based on elliptic curve cryptography.” 2eme Journée SCCyPhy: Security; Cryptology for CyberPhysical systems, Grenoble, 2015. link.
S. Pontie, “Architecture d’un crypto processeur ECC sécurisé contre les attaques physiques.” Journées Nationales du Réseau Doctoral en Micro-nanoélectronique, Lille, pp. 1–4, 2014. HAL.
S. Pontie, “Multiplication scalaire avec fenêtrage aléatoire pour la protection d’un coprocesseur de chiffrement basé sur les courbes elliptiques.” 1er Journée SCCyPhy: Security; Cryptology for CyberPhysical systems, Grenoble, 2014.

Research Activities


PhD students

Fixed-term contracts

  • Daniel Resende (2022-2024): Software design for cryptography as part of the ACROQAY research project.


Research Projects

  • POLIIICE: Horizon Europe project (2022-2025).
  • REV: Cybersecurity PEPR project (2023-2028).
  • ACROQAY: Carnot Explorer project (2020-2024).
  • PICTURE: ANR project (PRCE, 2021-2024).
  • EXFILES: H2020 project (2020-2023).
  • CSAFE+: FUI project (2017-2021).
  • MobiTrust: CATRENE project (2014-2017)

Other Activities

  • Program Committee of the COSADE2024 workshop.
  • Scientific and Program Committee of the PHISIC2022 workshop.
  • Technical committee of the PHISIC2019 workshop.