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ISFJ Careers
In many ways, ISFJs are the backbone of the modern workforce. Altruistic and well-rounded, no
other personality type is so well-suited to be of service of others. It is no surprise that many
ISFJs are not just good at supporting their coworkers and customers in human resources and
support positions, they genuinely enjoy it, as it gives them the chance to calm frustrations, see
things through to a practical solution, and to be thanked, appreciated, at the close of each ordeal.
Be Humble and Earnest
ISFJs are skilled at remembering things about others which makes them not only valuable
assistants, but well-liked colleagues. People with the ISFJ personality type can always be
counted on to remember a birthday, a graduation, or simply a frequent customers' name, and that
can make all the difference. Add to these amiable qualities ISFJs' meticulousness, hard work and
dedication, and it's no surprise that their careers often progress smoothly, with few of the ups and
downs that accompany more high-flying types.
However, ISFJs are unlikely to actively seek out managerial positions, and are still more unlikely
to brag about their accomplishments. ISFJ personalities prefer to be rewarded by seeing first-
hand the positive impact of their efforts, and will remain enthusiastic simply knowing that what
they do is genuinely appreciated by the people they care for. This makes them natural
counselors, technical support, and interior designers, where they are able to help others one-on-
one without having to worry about corporate politics.
Whether they seek promotion or not it happens often enough, as ISFJs' ability to implement ideas
and “create order from chaos” is bound to make an impression.
Respecting tradition and security, ISFJs have no problem with the idea of moving along in a
structured hierarchy, and while they may not always seek out these managerial positions, they fill
them well. ISFJs are well-tuned to others' emotions and have a strong sense of practicality,
extending their own ability to get things done to their teams.
Where ISFJs struggle is in generating new ideas and in grasping abstract concepts – fields like
academic research and corporate strategy are too intangible and too impersonal to utilize ISFJs'
strengths. Similar challenges arise in more typical careers when changes are forced through by
ISFJs' employers – advance warning and a proper explanation can help to smooth the shock, but
if the changes cut back on things like the quality of customer service, it can feel like a betrayal in
the face of their loyalty and dedication.
Live Pleasantly and Do Good
Strong, well-developed institutions alongside like-minded friends are attractive workplaces for
people with the ISFJ personality type, and careers as nurses, elementary school teachers and
social and religious workers are attractive options. Sometimes the desire to help others is enough
in itself – it's not uncommon to find ISFJs volunteering and helping the community at shelters,
food banks and their children's schools. ISFJs are warm, service-oriented people, and hardly
anyone is more welcome in these (and many, many other) roles.
ISFJ in the Workplace
Whether subordinate, colleague or manager, ISFJs share the goal of putting good service and
dedication above all else. Whether helping customers directly, helping coworkers get projects
finished on time or helping teams keep organized and productive, people with the ISFJ
personality type can always be relied on for their kindness and ability to listen to concerns, and
to find ways to resolve them. Win-win situations are ISFJs' bread and butter, and no one takes
quite the same pleasure in finding satisfying resolutions to day-to-day challenges.
ISFJ Subordinates
As subordinates, ISFJs exemplify the strength of humble dedication. Relied on and respected for
their patience and commitment, ISFJ personalities really only seek one reward for their work: the
satisfaction of knowing that whoever they helped feels heartfelt thanks. On the other hand, this
humbleness can hold them back – ISFJs are quite unwilling to advertise their achievements,
often for fear of creating unnecessary friction, which makes it too easy for them to be overlooked
when opportunities come along.
ISFJs are people of incredible loyalty, often trying to follow favored managers to new positions
and locations. This contrasts with their usual feelings on change which, if it compromises their
principles (as cutbacks to customer care might), is met with stress and unhappiness. Though
perfectly capable of accepting change, ISFJs must feel that it's for the right reasons. If a policy
change results in disappointed customers, ISFJs take it very personally.
ISFJ Colleagues
Among their colleagues, people with this personality type seek a frictionless environment, a
spirit of friends helping friends to get the job done. Close-knit and supportive teams are what
ISFJs enjoy most, allowing them to express their altruistic spirit among people who rely on their
dedication and warmth. ISFJs are natural networkers, but they use this skill to keep things
running smoothly, not as a tool for professional advancement.
These qualities can be drawbacks though, as ISFJs' aversion to conflict and desire to help can be
abused by less scrupulous colleagues. Instead of only asking help when they need it, some may
ask for help when they just don't feel like working hard, knowing that their ISFJ colleagues have
a hard time saying no. The result is that ISFJs can become overburdened and stressed, and it
takes a few good workplace friends to put pressure on these less savory characters in order to
maintain balance.
ISFJ Managers
While management isn't necessarily at the top of ISFJs' list of goals, it is a natural progression as
their hard work and good people skills are recognized over the years. Oftentimes they don't
actually enjoy managing others, but this can be one of their greatest strengths – as managers,
ISFJs are warm, approachable and great listeners. Having no real desire to issue authoritarian
dictates from some high tower, ISFJ personalities prefer to work alongside their subordinates,
organizing people and minimizing conflict.
This helps them to create personal relationships with their subordinates, to be friends in the
workplace who simply have different sets of responsibilities. While they may be slow to accept
some changes, they are great at helping their teams put them into practice once they've been
agreed on. ISFJs may be too sensitive to be fully executive material, but they make exemplary
floor and office managers who know what it takes to satisfy their customers.

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ISFJ Careers

  • 1. ISFJ Careers In many ways, ISFJs are the backbone of the modern workforce. Altruistic and well-rounded, no other personality type is so well-suited to be of service of others. It is no surprise that many ISFJs are not just good at supporting their coworkers and customers in human resources and support positions, they genuinely enjoy it, as it gives them the chance to calm frustrations, see things through to a practical solution, and to be thanked, appreciated, at the close of each ordeal. Be Humble and Earnest ISFJs are skilled at remembering things about others which makes them not only valuable assistants, but well-liked colleagues. People with the ISFJ personality type can always be counted on to remember a birthday, a graduation, or simply a frequent customers' name, and that can make all the difference. Add to these amiable qualities ISFJs' meticulousness, hard work and dedication, and it's no surprise that their careers often progress smoothly, with few of the ups and downs that accompany more high-flying types. However, ISFJs are unlikely to actively seek out managerial positions, and are still more unlikely to brag about their accomplishments. ISFJ personalities prefer to be rewarded by seeing first- hand the positive impact of their efforts, and will remain enthusiastic simply knowing that what they do is genuinely appreciated by the people they care for. This makes them natural counselors, technical support, and interior designers, where they are able to help others one-on- one without having to worry about corporate politics.
  • 2. Whether they seek promotion or not it happens often enough, as ISFJs' ability to implement ideas and “create order from chaos” is bound to make an impression. Respecting tradition and security, ISFJs have no problem with the idea of moving along in a structured hierarchy, and while they may not always seek out these managerial positions, they fill them well. ISFJs are well-tuned to others' emotions and have a strong sense of practicality, extending their own ability to get things done to their teams. Where ISFJs struggle is in generating new ideas and in grasping abstract concepts – fields like academic research and corporate strategy are too intangible and too impersonal to utilize ISFJs' strengths. Similar challenges arise in more typical careers when changes are forced through by ISFJs' employers – advance warning and a proper explanation can help to smooth the shock, but if the changes cut back on things like the quality of customer service, it can feel like a betrayal in the face of their loyalty and dedication. Live Pleasantly and Do Good Strong, well-developed institutions alongside like-minded friends are attractive workplaces for people with the ISFJ personality type, and careers as nurses, elementary school teachers and social and religious workers are attractive options. Sometimes the desire to help others is enough in itself – it's not uncommon to find ISFJs volunteering and helping the community at shelters, food banks and their children's schools. ISFJs are warm, service-oriented people, and hardly anyone is more welcome in these (and many, many other) roles. ISFJ in the Workplace Whether subordinate, colleague or manager, ISFJs share the goal of putting good service and dedication above all else. Whether helping customers directly, helping coworkers get projects finished on time or helping teams keep organized and productive, people with the ISFJ personality type can always be relied on for their kindness and ability to listen to concerns, and to find ways to resolve them. Win-win situations are ISFJs' bread and butter, and no one takes quite the same pleasure in finding satisfying resolutions to day-to-day challenges. ISFJ Subordinates As subordinates, ISFJs exemplify the strength of humble dedication. Relied on and respected for their patience and commitment, ISFJ personalities really only seek one reward for their work: the satisfaction of knowing that whoever they helped feels heartfelt thanks. On the other hand, this humbleness can hold them back – ISFJs are quite unwilling to advertise their achievements, often for fear of creating unnecessary friction, which makes it too easy for them to be overlooked when opportunities come along. ISFJs are people of incredible loyalty, often trying to follow favored managers to new positions and locations. This contrasts with their usual feelings on change which, if it compromises their
  • 3. principles (as cutbacks to customer care might), is met with stress and unhappiness. Though perfectly capable of accepting change, ISFJs must feel that it's for the right reasons. If a policy change results in disappointed customers, ISFJs take it very personally. ISFJ Colleagues Among their colleagues, people with this personality type seek a frictionless environment, a spirit of friends helping friends to get the job done. Close-knit and supportive teams are what ISFJs enjoy most, allowing them to express their altruistic spirit among people who rely on their dedication and warmth. ISFJs are natural networkers, but they use this skill to keep things running smoothly, not as a tool for professional advancement. These qualities can be drawbacks though, as ISFJs' aversion to conflict and desire to help can be abused by less scrupulous colleagues. Instead of only asking help when they need it, some may ask for help when they just don't feel like working hard, knowing that their ISFJ colleagues have a hard time saying no. The result is that ISFJs can become overburdened and stressed, and it takes a few good workplace friends to put pressure on these less savory characters in order to maintain balance. ISFJ Managers While management isn't necessarily at the top of ISFJs' list of goals, it is a natural progression as their hard work and good people skills are recognized over the years. Oftentimes they don't actually enjoy managing others, but this can be one of their greatest strengths – as managers, ISFJs are warm, approachable and great listeners. Having no real desire to issue authoritarian
  • 4. dictates from some high tower, ISFJ personalities prefer to work alongside their subordinates, organizing people and minimizing conflict. This helps them to create personal relationships with their subordinates, to be friends in the workplace who simply have different sets of responsibilities. While they may be slow to accept some changes, they are great at helping their teams put them into practice once they've been agreed on. ISFJs may be too sensitive to be fully executive material, but they make exemplary floor and office managers who know what it takes to satisfy their customers.