The periodontal ligament is the soft connective tissue between the cementum and alveolar bone. It has an hourglass shape that is thinnest in the middle and widens coronally and apically. It develops from the dental follicle during tooth eruption as collagen fibers form and attach to the cementum and bone. The principal fibers include the transseptal, alveolar crest, horizontal, oblique, apical, and interradicular groups. The periodontal ligament contains collagen fibers, cellular elements like fibroblasts, and ground substances such as glycosaminoglycans and glycoproteins. It receives its blood supply from the alveolar arteries and has a fenestrated capillary network.
2. • Periodontal ligament is the soft, specialized connective tissue
situated between the cementum covering the root of the
tooth and bone forming the socket wall
3. • Its width ranges from 0.15 to 0.38mm.
• Periodontal ligament’s shape is like an hourglass apicocoronally.
• Periodontal ligament is thinnest at the axis of rotation inthe
middle and widens coronally and apically
4. • As the crown approaches the oral mucosa
during tooth eruption, the fibroblasts of
dental follicle become active and start
producing collagen fibrils.
• These fibers initially lack orientation, but
they soon acquire an orientation oblique to
the tooth.
• The first collagen bundles appear in the
region immediately apical to the
cementoenamel junction and give rise to the
gingivodental fiber groups.
• As tooth eruption progresses, additional
oblique fibers appear and become attached
to the newly formed cementum and bone.
• The transseptal and alveolar crest fibers
develop when the tooth merges into the oral
• Alveolar bone deposition occurs
simultaneously with periodontal ligament
5. • During eruption, cemental Sharpey’s
fibers appear first, followed by
Sharpey’s fibers emerging frombone.
• Sharpey’s fibers of bone are fewer in
number and more widely spaced than
those emerging from the cementum.
• At a later stage, alveolar fibers extend
into the middle zone to join the
lengthening cemental fibers and attain
their classic orientation, thickness and
strength when occlusal function is
• A. Periodontal ligament fibers
• B. Cellular elements
• C. Ground substances
i. Glycosaminoglycans
ii. Glycoproteins
7. Periodontal Ligament Fibers
• Mainly collagen and oxytalan fibres
• Elastic fibers are present only in the wall of bloodvessels
• Oxytalan are immature elastic fiber they support the
blood vessels of periodontal ligament.
8. Collagen
• Types I, III,V, VI, XII of collagen are present in periodontal ligament
• Collagen is synthesized by fibroblasts, chondroblasts,osteoblasts,
odontoblasts and other cells
• It is secreted in an inactive form called as procollagen converted
into tropocollagen polymerized into collagen fibrils aggregated
into collagen bundles by the formation of crosslinkages.
• There is rapid turnover rate of periodontal ligament collagen,with
half life of only 10 – 15 days, which is about 5 times faster than
gingival collagen.
9. Principal fibers of periodontal ligament
•1. Transseptal group
• Reconstructed even after destruction of the
alveolar bone has occurred in the
periodontal disease.
• Responsible for returning teeth to their
original state after orthodontictherapy.
• Extends interproximally over alveolar bone
crest and embedded in the cementum of
adjacent teeth
10. Principal fibers of periodontal ligament
2. Alveolar crest group
• Functions:
(i) Prevent extrusion
(ii) Prevent lateral tooth movements
• Position:
Extends obliquely from the cementumjust
beneath the junctional epithelium to the
alveolar crest.
11. Principal fibers of periodontal ligament
3. Horizontal group
Extends at right angles to the long axis of
the tooth from cementum to alveolar bone.
12. Principal fibers of periodontal ligament
4.Oblique group
(i) Bear vertical masticatory stresses
(ii) Transform vertical stress into tension on
the alveolar bone.
Extends from the cementum in a coronal
direction obliquely to the bone.
13. Principal fibers of periodontal ligament
5.Apical group
(i) Prevents tooth tipping
(ii) Resists luxation
(iii)Protects neurovascular supply tothe
It radiates in irregular fashion from
cementum to bone at apical regionof
14. Principal fibers of periodontal ligament
6.Interradicular group
(i) Prevents luxation
(ii) Prevents tooth tipping and torquing.
Found only between roots of multirooted
tooth running from cementum into bone,
forming crest of interradicular septum.
15. Sharpey’s fibers
• The ends of the periodontal fibers that are embedded inalveolar
bone and cementum are called Sharpey’s fibers.
• On the cementum side these Sharpey’s fibers are much thinner in
diameter and insert at closer intervals as compared with the alveolar
bone side
17. Ground Substance
• It is an amorphous, nonfibrous and noncellular matrix
which forms the major constituent of the periodontal
• Ground substance helps in the transportation of water,
electrolytes, nutrients and metabolites to and from the
connective tissue cells, thus is essential for the maintenance
of the normal function of connectivetissue.
• It is thought to have a significant effect on thetooth’s
ability to withstand stress loads.
19. blood supply of periodontal ligament
• The blood supply is derived from the inferior and superioralveolar
arteries and reaches the periodontal ligament from 3sources:
(i) Apical vessels
(ii) Penetrating vessels from the alveolarbone
(iii) Anastomosing vessels from the gingiva
• They are present in the interstitial spaces of loose connective tissue
between the principal fibres which runs longitudinally connected in
the net like plexus closer to the bone than cementum.
• The capillaries of periodontal ligament are fenestrated while in
other connective tissues they are continuous. Due to fenestration,
they have greater ability of diffusion and filtration which is related
to high metabolic requirements of periodontal ligament and itshigh
rate of turnover.