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The Research Process;
Theoretical framework
hypothesis development
Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Research Methods: Chapter 4
S. No. Title Reference
1 Supply chain planning for a
multinational enterprise: a
performance analysis case
Fahimnia, B., Parkinson, E., Rachaniotis, N.,
Zubair, M. & Goh, A. (2013). Supply chain
planning for a multinational enterprise: a
performance analysis case study. International
Journal of Logistics Research and
Applications. Vol. 16 (5), 349-366
 After conducting the interviews, completing a literature
review and defining the problem, you are ready to
develop a theoretical framework;
 A theoretical framework is the foundation of hypothetico-
deductive research
 How certain phenomena are related to each other?
 Why these variables are associated with each other?
The Research Process for A & B Research
The need for the theoretical framework:
Research Methods: Chapter 4
1. Introducing definitions of the concepts or variables in
your model
2. Developing a conceptual model that provides a
descriptive representation of your theory.
3. Coming-up with a theory that provides an explanation for
relationships between the variable in the model.
The Research Process for A & B Research
The process of building a theoretical
framework includes:
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Broad area
of research
interest identified
Literature survey
Variables clearly
Identified and
Research question
The Research Process for A & B Research
Research Methods: Chapter 4
A variable is anything that can take on differing or varying
values. The value can differ at various times for the same object
or person, or at the same time for different objects or persons
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Research Methods: Chapter 4
1. Production Units
2. Absenteeism
3. Motivation
A variable is anything that can take on differing or varying values.
2.1 Types of Variables
Four main types of variables:
I. The Dependent variable (also known as the criterion variable).
II. The Independent variable (also known as the predictor variable).
III. The Moderating variable.
IV. The Intervening variable.
 Variables can be discrete (male/female) or Continuous (the age
of an individual).
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
New Product
Stock market price
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Reward Motivation Level
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Advertisement Sales
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Training Production Level
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Temperature Amount of Sweat
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
i. A variable is one that has a conditional effect on the
independent variable relationships
ii. Presence of a third variable modifies the original relationship
between independent and dependent relationship
iii. The variable that moderate the relationship is known as
moderating variable
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Moderating Variables;
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Variable (MV)
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Availability of
Reference Manuals
# of Rejects
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Workforce diversity
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Moderating Variable
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Training programs (Quality)
Growth needs
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Influence of IV on DV:
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Training programs
Effects for those high
in growth needs
Effects for those low
in growth needs
Research Methods: Chapter 4
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Influence of Intervening Variables:
Intervening variable influence the dependent variable while
moderating variable increase or decrease the influence .
For instance if we are seeing effects of televisions advertising on
children consumption behavior cognition comes into the way thus
it might totally change the DV .
On the other hand moderating variable would be parental influence
and peer pressure as they both would increase or decrease the Dv
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
IV, DV and Moderating Variable;
Research Methods: Chapter 4
A manager finds that off-the-job classroom training has a great
impact on the productivity of the employees in her department.
However, she also observes that employees over 60 years of age
don’t seem to drive much benefit and do not improve with such
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Exercise No. 4.1;
Research Methods: Chapter 4
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Exercise No. 4.1;
Research Methods: Chapter 4
A manager finds that off-the-job classroom training has a great
impact on the productivity of the employees in her department.
However, she also observes that employees over 60 years of age
don’t seem to drive much benefit and do not improve with such
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Exercise No. 4.1;
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Training Productivity
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Moderating Variable
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
i. A variable is one that surfaces between the time the
independent variables start operating to influence the
dependent variable and the time their impact is felt on it.
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Intervening (Mediating) Variables;
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Time t₂t₁ t₃
Independent Variable Dependent VariableIntervening Variable
Relation between IV, DV and MV:
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Independent Variable Dependent VariableIntervening Variable
Relation between IV, DV, IV and MV:
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Time t₂t₁ t₃
 The theoretical framework is the foundation on which the entire
research project is based.
 A good theoretical framework identifies and defines the
important variables those relevant to the problem
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Theoretical Framework:
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
 It is a logically developed, described, and elaborated network of
associations among the variables deemed relevant to the
problem situation and identified through such processes as
interviews, observations, and literature survey.
 Experience and intuition also guide in developing the
theoretical framework.
 The relationship between the literature survey and the
theoretical framework
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Theoretical Framework:
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
There are three basic features that should be incorporated in
the theoretical framework.
1. The variables considered relevant to the study should
be clearly identified, defined.
2. A conceptual model that describes the relationships
between the variables in the model should be given
3. There should be a clear explanation of why we expect
these relationships to exist. The arguments could be
drawn from the previous research findings.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Components of the Theoretical Framework;
The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
Research Methods: Chapter 4
List and label the variables in the following situation.
• The manager of a leading cellular company observes that
the morale of employees in her company is low.
• She thinks that if their working conditions are improved, pay
scales rose, and the vacation benefits made attractive, the
moral will be boosted.
• She doubts, however, if an increase of pay scales would
raise the morale of all employees.
• Her conjecture is that those that have supplemental incomes
will just not be “turned on” by higher pay, and only those
without side incomes will be happy with increased pay with
resultant boost of morale.
Quiz No. 2
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Quiz No. 2
Each corrected response will carry 2 marks.
List of Variables: Label the Variables:
1. Working conditions ___________________________
2. Morale ___________________________
3. Pay scales ___________________________
4. Vacation benefits ___________________________
5. Supplemental Incomes ___________________________
Research Methods: Chapter 4
List and label the variables in the following situation.
The manager of a leading cellular company observes that the
morale of employees in her company is low.
She thinks that if their working conditions are improved, pay
scales rose, and the vacation benefits made attractive, the
moral will be boosted.
She doubts, however, if an increase of pay scales would raise the
morale of all employees.
Her conjecture is that those that have supplemental incomes will
just not be “turned on” by higher pay, and only those without side
incomes will be happy with increased pay with resultant boost of
Quiz No. 2
Research Methods: Chapter 4
The Research Process; Hypotheses
Hypotheses Development;
 A tentative, yet testable, statement which predicts what you
expect to find in your empirical data.
 Hypothesis are derived from the theory on which your
conceptual model is based and are often relational in nature
 A hypothesis can be defined as a logically conjectured (guess)
relationship between two or more variables expressed in the
form of a testable statement.
 If the pilots are given adequate training to handle midair crowded
situations, air-safety violations will be reduced.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
The Research Process; Hypotheses
Hypotheses Development;
 Relationships are conjectured on the basis of the network of
associations established in the theoretical framework
formulated for the research study.
 By testing the hypotheses and confirming the conjectured
relationships, it is expected that solutions can be found to
correct the problem encountered.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
The Research Process; Hypotheses
Hypotheses Development;
The Research Process; Hypotheses
Hypotheses Development;
Question Hypothesis
Does a training program in driver safety
result in a decline in accident rate?
People who take a driver safety course will have a lower
accident rate than those who do not take the course.
Who is better in math, men or women? Men are better at math than women.
What is the relationship between age and
cell phone use?
Cell phone use is higher for younger adults than for older
Is there a relationship between education
and income?
Income increases with years of education.
Can public education reduce the
occurrence of AIDS?
The number of AIDS cases is inversely related to the
amount of public education about the disease.
In many cases the purpose of research is to answer a question or test a prediction, generally stated in
the form of hypotheses (-is, singular form) -- testable propositions. Examples
Research Methods: Chapter 4
The Research Process; Hypotheses
Hypotheses Development;
To put it another way, the fate of the research hypothesis depends upon what
happens to Hₒ. testable statements
Research Hypothesis (testable statements)
1. Exercise leads to weight loss
2. Exposure to classical music increases IQ score
3. Extroverts are healthier than introverts
4. Sensitivity training reduces racial bias
Null Hypothesis (testable statements)
1. Exercise is unrelated to weight loss.
2. Exposure to classical music has no effect on IQ score.
3. Extrovert and introverts are equally healthy.
4. People exposed to sensitivity training are no more tolerant than those
not exposed to sensitivity training.
a. If—Then Statements
 To examine whether or not the conjectured relationships or
differences exist, these hypotheses can be set either as
propositions or in the form of if—then statements. The two
formats can be seen in the following two examples.
 Example: Employees who are more healthy will take
sick leave less frequently.
 Example: If employees are more healthy, then they will
take sick leave less frequently.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Statement of Hypotheses: Formats
The Research Process; Hypotheses
 If, in stating the relationship between two variables or
comparing two groups, terms such as positive, negative, more
than, less than, then these hypotheses are directional
 The direction of the relationship between the variables
(positive/negative) or the nature of the difference between two
groups on a variable (more than/less than) is postulated below.
 The greater the stress experienced in the job, the lower the
Job satisfaction of employees.
 Women are more motivated than men.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Directional and Nondirectional Hypotheses:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
 On the other hand, non-directional hypotheses are those that do
hypothesize a relationship but offer no indication of the
direction of these relationships.
 In other words, though it may be conjectured that there would
be a significant relationship between two variables, we may not
be able to say whether the relationship would be positive or
 There is a relationship between age and job satisfaction.
 There is a difference between the work ethic values of American
and work ethic values Asian employees.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Directional and Non-directional Hypotheses:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
 The null hypotheses is a proposition that states a definitive,
exact relationship between two variables.
 It states that the population correlation between two variables is
equal to zero or that the difference in the means of two groups
in the population is equal to zero (or some definite number).
 In general, the null statement is expressed as no (significant)
relationship between two variables or no (significant) difference
between two groups.
 The alternate hypothesis, which is the opposite of the null, is a
statement expressing a relationship between two variables or
indicating differences between groups.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Null and Alternate Hypotheses:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Null: The new drug has no health benefits
Alternate: The new drug has health benefits
In this case the doctor should tend to doubt with the alternate hypothesis
rather than the null, because if the researcher mistakenly rejects the null and
the drug is indeed unsafe, this mistake would cost human lives!
The null hypothesis in respect of group differences stated in our
Example 5.18 would be:
H0: µm = µw H0: Meanm = Meanw
H0: µm - µw = 0 H0: Meanm - Meanw = 0
The alternate for the above example would statistically be set as
HA: µM < µW HA: Meanm is less than Meanw
which is the same as
HA: µW >µM HA: Meanw is greater than Meanm
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Hypotheses Development:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
For the non-directional hypothesis of the mean group differences in
work ethic values, in Example 5.20, the null hypothesis would be:
H0: µAM = µAS or H0: µAM - µAS = 0
where H0 represents the null hypothesis, AM is the mean work ethic
value of Americans and AS is the mean work ethic value of Asians.
The alternate hypothesis for the above example would statistically
be set as:
HA: µAM ≠ µAS
where HA represents the alternate hypothesis and AM and AS are the
mean work ethic values of Americans and Asians, respectively.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Hypotheses Development:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
The null hypothesis for the relationship between the two variables in
Ho: There is no relationship between stress experienced on the job
and the job satisfaction of employees.
This would be statistically expressed by H0: ρ= 0
Where “ρ” represents the correlation between stress and job
satisfaction, which in this case is equal to 0 (i.e., no correlation).
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Hypotheses Development:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
The alternate hypotheses for the above null, which has been
expressed directionally in Example; can be statistically expressed
as HA: ρ < 0 (The correlation is negative.)
For Example 5.19, which has been stated non-directionally, while the
null hypothesis would be statistically expresses as:
H0: ρ = 0
The alternate hypothesis would be expressed as:
HA: ρ ≠ 0
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Hypotheses Development:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
1) State the null and the alternate hypotheses.
2) Choose the appropriate statistical test depending on whether the data
collected are parametric or nonparametric
3) Determine the level of significance desired (p= 05, or more, or less).
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Hypotheses Testing:
The Research Process; Hypotheses
4) See if the output results from computer analysis indicate that the
significance level is met. If, as in the case of Pearson correlation
analysis in Excel software, the significance level is not indicated in the
printout, look up the critical values that define the regions of
acceptance on the appropriate table [(t, F, χ2)—see tables at the end of
the book].
a. This critical value demarcates the region of rejection from that of
acceptance of the null hypothesis.
5) When the resultant value is larger than the critical value, the null
hypothesis is rejected, and the alternate accepted. If the calculated
value is less than the critical value, the null is accepted and the
alternate rejected.
Research Methods: Chapter 4
Hypotheses Testing:
The Research Process; Hypotheses

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Research Method for Business chapter 4

  • 1. The Research Process; Theoretical framework and hypothesis development Chapter 4 Welcome Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 9. Research Methods: Chapter 4 S. No. Title Reference 1 Supply chain planning for a multinational enterprise: a performance analysis case study Fahimnia, B., Parkinson, E., Rachaniotis, N., Zubair, M. & Goh, A. (2013). Supply chain planning for a multinational enterprise: a performance analysis case study. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. Vol. 16 (5), 349-366 2 3 4
  • 10.  After conducting the interviews, completing a literature review and defining the problem, you are ready to develop a theoretical framework;  A theoretical framework is the foundation of hypothetico- deductive research  How certain phenomena are related to each other?  Why these variables are associated with each other? The Research Process for A & B Research The need for the theoretical framework: Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 11. 1. Introducing definitions of the concepts or variables in your model 2. Developing a conceptual model that provides a descriptive representation of your theory. 3. Coming-up with a theory that provides an explanation for relationships between the variable in the model. The Research Process for A & B Research The process of building a theoretical framework includes: Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 12. OBSERVATION Broad area of research interest identified PRELIMINARY DATA GATHERING Interviewing Literature survey NO PROBLEM DEFINITION Research Problem delineated THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Variables clearly Identified and labeled GENERATION OF HYPOTHESES SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH DESIGN DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION DEDUCTION Hypotheses Substantiated? Research question answered? Yes Managerial Decision Making Report Presentation Report Writing 1 119 8 10 76 5 43 2 The Research Process for A & B Research Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 13. A variable is anything that can take on differing or varying values. The value can differ at various times for the same object or person, or at the same time for different objects or persons The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables; Research Methods: Chapter 4 Examples; 1. Production Units 2. Absenteeism 3. Motivation
  • 14. A variable is anything that can take on differing or varying values. 2.1 Types of Variables Four main types of variables: I. The Dependent variable (also known as the criterion variable). II. The Independent variable (also known as the predictor variable). III. The Moderating variable. IV. The Intervening variable.  Variables can be discrete (male/female) or Continuous (the age of an individual). The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables; Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 15. Independent Variable Dependent Variable The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 16. New Product success Stock market price The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 17. Reward Motivation Level The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 18. Advertisement Sales The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 19. Training Production Level The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 20. Temperature Amount of Sweat The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 21. i. A variable is one that has a conditional effect on the independent variable relationships ii. Presence of a third variable modifies the original relationship between independent and dependent relationship iii. The variable that moderate the relationship is known as moderating variable The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Moderating Variables; Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 22. Independent Variable (IV) Dependent Variable (DV) Moderating Variable (MV) The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 23. Availability of Reference Manuals (IV) # of Rejects (DV) Interest & Inclination (MV) The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 24. Workforce diversity Organizational effectiveness Managerial expertise Independent Variable Dependent Variable Moderating Variable The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 25. Willingnesstolearn Training programs (Quality) Growth needs Research Methods: Chapter 4 Influence of IV on DV: The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
  • 26. Willingnesstolearn Training programs Effects for those high in growth needs Effects for those low in growth needs Research Methods: Chapter 4 The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Influence of Intervening Variables:
  • 27. Intervening variable influence the dependent variable while moderating variable increase or decrease the influence . For instance if we are seeing effects of televisions advertising on children consumption behavior cognition comes into the way thus it might totally change the DV . On the other hand moderating variable would be parental influence and peer pressure as they both would increase or decrease the Dv The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 IV, DV and Moderating Variable; Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 28. A manager finds that off-the-job classroom training has a great impact on the productivity of the employees in her department. However, she also observes that employees over 60 years of age don’t seem to drive much benefit and do not improve with such training. The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Exercise No. 4.1; Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 29. The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Exercise No. 4.1; Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 30. A manager finds that off-the-job classroom training has a great impact on the productivity of the employees in her department. However, she also observes that employees over 60 years of age don’t seem to drive much benefit and do not improve with such training. The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Exercise No. 4.1; Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 31. Training Productivity Age Independent Variable Dependent Variable Moderating Variable The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Variables;
  • 32. i. A variable is one that surfaces between the time the independent variables start operating to influence the dependent variable and the time their impact is felt on it. The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Intervening (Mediating) Variables; Research Methods: Chapter 4
  • 33. Workforce diversity Organizational effectiveness Creative synergy Time t₂t₁ t₃ Independent Variable Dependent VariableIntervening Variable Relation between IV, DV and MV: The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
  • 34. Workforce diversity Organizational effectiveness Creative synergy Independent Variable Dependent VariableIntervening Variable Managerial expertise Relation between IV, DV, IV and MV: The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5 Time t₂t₁ t₃
  • 35.  The theoretical framework is the foundation on which the entire research project is based.  A good theoretical framework identifies and defines the important variables those relevant to the problem Research Methods: Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework: The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
  • 36.  It is a logically developed, described, and elaborated network of associations among the variables deemed relevant to the problem situation and identified through such processes as interviews, observations, and literature survey.  Experience and intuition also guide in developing the theoretical framework.  The relationship between the literature survey and the theoretical framework Research Methods: Chapter 4 Theoretical Framework: The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
  • 37. There are three basic features that should be incorporated in the theoretical framework. 1. The variables considered relevant to the study should be clearly identified, defined. 2. A conceptual model that describes the relationships between the variables in the model should be given 3. There should be a clear explanation of why we expect these relationships to exist. The arguments could be drawn from the previous research findings. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Components of the Theoretical Framework; The Research Process; Steps 4 & 5
  • 38. Research Methods: Chapter 4 List and label the variables in the following situation. • The manager of a leading cellular company observes that the morale of employees in her company is low. • She thinks that if their working conditions are improved, pay scales rose, and the vacation benefits made attractive, the moral will be boosted. • She doubts, however, if an increase of pay scales would raise the morale of all employees. • Her conjecture is that those that have supplemental incomes will just not be “turned on” by higher pay, and only those without side incomes will be happy with increased pay with resultant boost of morale. Quiz No. 2
  • 39. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Quiz No. 2 Each corrected response will carry 2 marks. List of Variables: Label the Variables: 1. Working conditions ___________________________ 2. Morale ___________________________ 3. Pay scales ___________________________ 4. Vacation benefits ___________________________ 5. Supplemental Incomes ___________________________
  • 40. Research Methods: Chapter 4 List and label the variables in the following situation. The manager of a leading cellular company observes that the morale of employees in her company is low. She thinks that if their working conditions are improved, pay scales rose, and the vacation benefits made attractive, the moral will be boosted. She doubts, however, if an increase of pay scales would raise the morale of all employees. Her conjecture is that those that have supplemental incomes will just not be “turned on” by higher pay, and only those without side incomes will be happy with increased pay with resultant boost of morale. Quiz No. 2
  • 41. Research Methods: Chapter 4 The Research Process; Hypotheses Hypotheses Development;
  • 42. Definition;  A tentative, yet testable, statement which predicts what you expect to find in your empirical data.  Hypothesis are derived from the theory on which your conceptual model is based and are often relational in nature  A hypothesis can be defined as a logically conjectured (guess) relationship between two or more variables expressed in the form of a testable statement.  If the pilots are given adequate training to handle midair crowded situations, air-safety violations will be reduced. Research Methods: Chapter 4 The Research Process; Hypotheses Hypotheses Development;
  • 43. Definition;  Relationships are conjectured on the basis of the network of associations established in the theoretical framework formulated for the research study.  By testing the hypotheses and confirming the conjectured relationships, it is expected that solutions can be found to correct the problem encountered. Research Methods: Chapter 4 The Research Process; Hypotheses Hypotheses Development;
  • 44. The Research Process; Hypotheses Hypotheses Development; Question Hypothesis Does a training program in driver safety result in a decline in accident rate? People who take a driver safety course will have a lower accident rate than those who do not take the course. Who is better in math, men or women? Men are better at math than women. What is the relationship between age and cell phone use? Cell phone use is higher for younger adults than for older adults. Is there a relationship between education and income? Income increases with years of education. Can public education reduce the occurrence of AIDS? The number of AIDS cases is inversely related to the amount of public education about the disease. In many cases the purpose of research is to answer a question or test a prediction, generally stated in the form of hypotheses (-is, singular form) -- testable propositions. Examples
  • 45. Research Methods: Chapter 4 The Research Process; Hypotheses Hypotheses Development; To put it another way, the fate of the research hypothesis depends upon what happens to Hₒ. testable statements Research Hypothesis (testable statements) 1. Exercise leads to weight loss 2. Exposure to classical music increases IQ score 3. Extroverts are healthier than introverts 4. Sensitivity training reduces racial bias Null Hypothesis (testable statements) 1. Exercise is unrelated to weight loss. 2. Exposure to classical music has no effect on IQ score. 3. Extrovert and introverts are equally healthy. 4. People exposed to sensitivity training are no more tolerant than those not exposed to sensitivity training.
  • 46. a. If—Then Statements  To examine whether or not the conjectured relationships or differences exist, these hypotheses can be set either as propositions or in the form of if—then statements. The two formats can be seen in the following two examples.  Example: Employees who are more healthy will take sick leave less frequently.  Example: If employees are more healthy, then they will take sick leave less frequently. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Statement of Hypotheses: Formats The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 47.  If, in stating the relationship between two variables or comparing two groups, terms such as positive, negative, more than, less than, then these hypotheses are directional  The direction of the relationship between the variables (positive/negative) or the nature of the difference between two groups on a variable (more than/less than) is postulated below. Example:  The greater the stress experienced in the job, the lower the Job satisfaction of employees. Example:  Women are more motivated than men. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Directional and Nondirectional Hypotheses: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 48.  On the other hand, non-directional hypotheses are those that do hypothesize a relationship but offer no indication of the direction of these relationships.  In other words, though it may be conjectured that there would be a significant relationship between two variables, we may not be able to say whether the relationship would be positive or negative. Example:  There is a relationship between age and job satisfaction.  There is a difference between the work ethic values of American and work ethic values Asian employees. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Directional and Non-directional Hypotheses: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 49.  The null hypotheses is a proposition that states a definitive, exact relationship between two variables.  It states that the population correlation between two variables is equal to zero or that the difference in the means of two groups in the population is equal to zero (or some definite number).  In general, the null statement is expressed as no (significant) relationship between two variables or no (significant) difference between two groups.  The alternate hypothesis, which is the opposite of the null, is a statement expressing a relationship between two variables or indicating differences between groups. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Null and Alternate Hypotheses: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 50. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Null: The new drug has no health benefits Alternate: The new drug has health benefits In this case the doctor should tend to doubt with the alternate hypothesis rather than the null, because if the researcher mistakenly rejects the null and the drug is indeed unsafe, this mistake would cost human lives!
  • 51. The null hypothesis in respect of group differences stated in our Example 5.18 would be: H0: µm = µw H0: Meanm = Meanw or H0: µm - µw = 0 H0: Meanm - Meanw = 0 The alternate for the above example would statistically be set as follows: HA: µM < µW HA: Meanm is less than Meanw which is the same as HA: µW >µM HA: Meanw is greater than Meanm Research Methods: Chapter 4 Hypotheses Development: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 52. For the non-directional hypothesis of the mean group differences in work ethic values, in Example 5.20, the null hypothesis would be: H0: µAM = µAS or H0: µAM - µAS = 0 where H0 represents the null hypothesis, AM is the mean work ethic value of Americans and AS is the mean work ethic value of Asians. The alternate hypothesis for the above example would statistically be set as: HA: µAM ≠ µAS where HA represents the alternate hypothesis and AM and AS are the mean work ethic values of Americans and Asians, respectively. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Hypotheses Development: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 53. The null hypothesis for the relationship between the two variables in Example: Ho: There is no relationship between stress experienced on the job and the job satisfaction of employees. This would be statistically expressed by H0: ρ= 0 Where “ρ” represents the correlation between stress and job satisfaction, which in this case is equal to 0 (i.e., no correlation). Research Methods: Chapter 4 Hypotheses Development: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 54. The alternate hypotheses for the above null, which has been expressed directionally in Example; can be statistically expressed as HA: ρ < 0 (The correlation is negative.) For Example 5.19, which has been stated non-directionally, while the null hypothesis would be statistically expresses as: H0: ρ = 0 The alternate hypothesis would be expressed as: HA: ρ ≠ 0 Research Methods: Chapter 4 Hypotheses Development: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 55. 1) State the null and the alternate hypotheses. 2) Choose the appropriate statistical test depending on whether the data collected are parametric or nonparametric 3) Determine the level of significance desired (p= 05, or more, or less). Research Methods: Chapter 4 Hypotheses Testing: The Research Process; Hypotheses
  • 56. 4) See if the output results from computer analysis indicate that the significance level is met. If, as in the case of Pearson correlation analysis in Excel software, the significance level is not indicated in the printout, look up the critical values that define the regions of acceptance on the appropriate table [(t, F, χ2)—see tables at the end of the book]. a. This critical value demarcates the region of rejection from that of acceptance of the null hypothesis. 5) When the resultant value is larger than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the alternate accepted. If the calculated value is less than the critical value, the null is accepted and the alternate rejected. Research Methods: Chapter 4 Hypotheses Testing: The Research Process; Hypotheses