Uremia develops as a result of chronic kidney disease and deterioration of renal function. It causes fluid, electrolyte, and hormone imbalances which can damage multiple organ systems. As kidney function declines to a creatinine clearance below 10 mL/min, waste products like nitrogen cannot be removed from the body and accumulate, disrupting water and electrolyte balance and causing pathological changes. Patients with end-stage renal disease experience fatigue, nutritional issues, and anxiety from their condition and treatment.
3. Uremiaa clinical syndrome associated with fluid, electrolyte, and hormone imbalances and metabolic abnormalities, which develop in parallel with deterioration of renal function. The term uremia, literally means urine in the blood.
4. Normal Function of KidneyShape and LocationKidneys are bean-shaped organs, each about the size of your fist.
5. Located near the middle of your back, just below the rib cage.FunctionThe kidneys are sophisticated trash collectors.For filtration.It measure out chemicals.
6. Kidneys release three important hormones:ErythropoietinReninThe active form of vitamin D.
7. Urine is formed through three processes that occur in the kidney: UltrafiltrationReabsorptionSecretion
9. UREMIAIs a clinical syndrome associated with fluid, electrolyte, and hormone imbalances and metabolic abnormalities, which develop in parallel with deterioration of renal function.Uremia more commonly develops with chronic renal failure (CRF) or the later stages of chronickidney disease (CKD)Uremia usually develops only after the creatinine clearance falls to less than 10 mL/min, although some patients may be symptomatic at higher clearance levels, especially if renal failure acutely develops.
10. In Uremia stage, nitrogen metabolites and other toxic material cannot be discharged out of body, so they deposited and cause disorder of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance and pathological changes of many organs and systems.Digestive systemPathological changes to heart and lungsHemopoietic systemSkeletal systemSkinThe nervous system
18. NURSING CARE PLANSExcess fluid volume related to decreased urine output.Anxiety related to present condition (Chronic Kidney Disease)Imbalanced Nutrition: Less then body requirements related to dietary restrictions.Fatigue related to long hours of hemodialysis procedureKnowledge deficit R/T cognitive limitation of the disease process and its treatment.
19. DRUG STUDYVerapamil(Antianginal)For angina pectoris and hypertension2. Amlodipine( Antianginal)For chronic stable angina and hypertension
20. 3.Clyndamycin( Anti-infectives)For infections caused by streptococci, pneumococci, and staphylococci organisms.4. Metaclopromide(Antiemetics)For prevention or reduction of nausea and vomiting.
22. 7. Paracetamol(Nonopiod analgesics and antipyretics)For mild pain or fever.8. Calcium Carbonate(Antacids, adsorbents and antiflatulents)For antacid and calcium supplement.
23. 9. Sodium bicarbonate(Acidifiers and alkalinizers) For metabolic acidosis, systemic or urinary alkalization, and antacid.10. Erythropoeitin(Immunomodulation drugs)For anemia from reduced production of erythropoeitin caused by enstagerenal disease.