The hyoid bone is a horseshoe-shaped bone located in the neck that supports the root of the tongue and serves as an attachment point for muscles in the neck involved in swallowing and speech. It is the only bone in the human body that does not articulate with any other bones. The hyoid bone consists of a body and greater and lesser cornua. It helps support the tongue and larynx and allows for movement of these structures during swallowing and speech. The triangles of the neck are anatomical spaces bounded by the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles that are important sites for lymph nodes and structures in the head and neck.
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Anatomy and functions of hyoid
Dr. Asma
House Surgeon,
ENT Department, Capital
3. Helps to support the tongue
Serves as an attachment point for several
muscles that help to elevate the larynx
during swallowing and speech.
4. The hyoid bone
(Lingual Bone) is
unique in that it is
the only bone of the
body that does not
articulate with any
other bone.
5. It is supported by the muscles
of the neck and in turn
supports the root of the
Its name is derived from the
Greek word hyoeides
meaning "shaped like the
letter upsilon" (υ). The hyoid
bone is shaped like a
horseshoe, and is suspended
from the tips of the styloid
processes of the temporal
bones by the stylohyoid
6. Segments
The body or basihyalThe body or basihyal
The greater cornuaThe greater cornua
or thyrohyalsor thyrohyals
The lesser cornua orThe lesser cornua or
7. The body or basihyal
Its anterior surface is convex and directed forward and upward.Its anterior surface is convex and directed forward and upward.
The anterior surface gives insertion to the to a number ofThe anterior surface gives insertion to the to a number of
The posterior surface is smooth, concave, directed backwardThe posterior surface is smooth, concave, directed backward
and downward, and separated from the epiglottis by theand downward, and separated from the epiglottis by the
hyothyroid membranehyothyroid membrane
In early life the lateral borders are connected to the greaterIn early life the lateral borders are connected to the greater
cornua by synchondroses; after middle life usually by bonycornua by synchondroses; after middle life usually by bony
8. The greater cornua or thyrohyals
The greater cornua (cornua majora) project backward from the lateralThe greater cornua (cornua majora) project backward from the lateral
borders of the body; they are flattened from above downward; eachborders of the body; they are flattened from above downward; each
ends in a tubercle to which is fixed the lateral hyothyroid ligament.ends in a tubercle to which is fixed the lateral hyothyroid ligament.
The lesser cornua or ceratohyals
The lesser cornua (cornua minora) are two small, conical eminences,The lesser cornua (cornua minora) are two small, conical eminences,
attached by their bases to the angles of junction between the bodyattached by their bases to the angles of junction between the body
and greater cornua.and greater cornua.
They are connected to the body of the bone by fibrous tissue, andThey are connected to the body of the bone by fibrous tissue, and
occasionally to the greater cornua by distinct diarthrodial jointsoccasionally to the greater cornua by distinct diarthrodial joints
9. Ossification
The hyoid is ossified from six centers:
two for the body, andtwo for the body, and
one for each for each cornu.
Ossification commences in the
greater cornua toward the end of fetal life,greater cornua toward the end of fetal life,
in the body shortly afterward,in the body shortly afterward,
and in the lesser cornua during the first or second year afterand in the lesser cornua during the first or second year after