The document outlines the steps for planning and conducting data analysis, including determining the method of analysis, processing and interpreting the data, and presenting the findings through descriptive and inferential statistical analysis techniques to answer research questions. It also discusses the components and format for writing up the final research paper, including the preliminary pages, main body, and supplementary pages.
3. Data Analysis
The purpose
To answer the research questions and to
help determine the trends and
relationships among the variables.
4. Steps in Data Analysis
Before Data Collection, the researcher should
accomplish the following:
Determine the method of data analysis
Determine how to process the data
Consult a statistician
Prepare dummy tables
After Data Collection:
Process the data
Prepare tables and graphs
Analyze and interpret findings
Consult again the statistician
Prepare for editing
Prepare for presentation
6. 1. Descriptive Analysis
refers to the description of the data from a
particular sample;
hence the conclusion must refer only to the sample.
In other words, these summarize the data and
describe sample characteristics.
Descriptive Statistics
are numerical values obtained from the sample that
gives meaning to the data collected.
7. Classification of Descriptive
a. Frequency Distribution
A systematic arrangement of numeric values from
the lowest to the highest or highest to lowest.
Formula: Ef = N
E = sum of
f = frequency
N= sample size
8. Classification of Descriptive
b. Measure of Central Tendency
A statistical index that describes the average of the set
Kinds of Averages
1. Mode - a numeric value in a distribution that occurs most frequently.
2. Median - an index of average position in a distribution of numbers.
3. Mean - the point on the score scale that is equal to the sum of the scores
divided by the total number of scores.
X= Σ___
X = the mean
n Σ = the sum of
X = each individual raw score
n = the number of cases
9. Classification of Descriptive
c. Measure of Variability
Statistics that concern the degree to
which the scores in a distribution are
different from or similar to each other.
10. Two Commonly Used Measures of
1. Range
- the distance between the highest score and the
lowest score in a distribution.
The range for learning center A 500 (750 - 250) and the range
for learning center is about 300 (650 - 350)
2. Standard Deviation
- the most commonly used measure of variability
that indicates the average to which the scores
deviate from the mean.
11. Classification of Descriptive
d. Bivariate Descriptive Statistics
Derived from the simultaneous analysis of two variables
to examine the relationships between the variables.
Two Commonly Used Bivariate Descriptive
5. Contingency tables
- is essentially a two-dimensional frequency distribution in
which the frequencies of two variables are cross-tabulated.
- the most common method of describing the
relationship between two measures
13. 2. Inferential Analysis
The use of statistical tests, either to test for
significant relationships among variables or to
find statistical support for the hypotheses.
Inferential Statistics
are numerical values that enable the researcher to
draw conclusion about a population based on the
characteristics of a population sample.
This is based on the laws of probability.
14. Level of Significance
An important factor in determining the
representativeness of the sample population and the
degree to which the chance affects the findings.
The level of significance is a numerical value selected
by the researcher before data collection to indicate the
probability of erroneous findings being accepted as
This value is represented typically as 0.01 or 0.05.
15. Uses of Inferential Analysis
Cited some statistical test for inferential analysis.
1. t-test
is used to examine the difference between the means of two
independent groups.
2. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) - is used to test the significance
of differences between means of two or more groups.
3. Chi-square - this is used to test hypotheses about the
proportion of elements that fall into various cells of a
contingency table.
16. Hypothesis - Testing Procedures
The outcome of the study perhaps may
retain, revise or reject the hypothesis and
this determines the acceptability of
hypotheses and the theory from which it
was derived.
17. Steps in testing hypothesis:
Determine the test statistics to be used
Establish the level of significance
Select a one-tailed or two-tailed test
Compute a test statistic
Calculate the degrees of freedom
Obtain a tabled value for statistical test
Compare the test statistics to the tabled value
18. Presentation of Findings
Findings are presented in different forms such as:
1. Narrative or textual form
This is composed of summary of findings, direct quotations
and implications of the study.
2. Tables
Tables are used to present a clear and organized data.
This is utilized for easy analysis and interpretation of data.
19. The parts of tabular data are presented in the
Rows - horizontal entries (indicates the outcome
or the dependent variable)
Columns - vertical entries (indicates the cause
or the independent variable)
Cells - are boxes where rows and columns
21. Interpretation of Data
After analysis of data and the appropriate statistical
procedure, the next chapter of the research paper
is to present the interpretation of the data, which is
the final step of research process.
The three areas:
Summary of Findings
22. Summary of Findings
This portion summarizes the result of data
analysis from chapter
4. The best thing is to review the stated
problem and tie up with the result of your
data analysis.
23. Conclusions
A conclusion is drawn from the summary of
focuses on the answers to the problem
including the outcome of the hypotheses
whether it is rejected or accepted.
24. Recommendations
This is based on the result of the
The main goal is geared toward
improvement or development
26. Writing the Final Output
The researcher should know not only the
parts in research process but also the forms
and style in writing the research proposal
and the research paper
28. Preliminary Pages
1. Title page/ Title of the Study
- is a phrase that describes the research study.
- It should not be too long or too short as well as
too vague and general.
2. Acknowledgement Page
- is a section wherein the researcher expresses his
deep gratitude for those persons who assisted and
helped him to make the study a successful one.
29. 3. Table of Contents
- from the word itself, it contains all the parts of the
research paper including the pages.
4. List of Tables
- this follows the table of content and indicates the title
of the tables in the research paper.
5. List of Figures
- is composed of paradigms, diagrams, graphs and
charts or flowcharts.
31. Main Body
Chapter I. Introduction
This section refers to:
“What this study is all about” or “What
makes the researcher interested in doing
the study”.
Purpose: to introduce the reader to the
subject matter.
The introduction serves as a springboard
for the statement of the problem as stated
by Dr. Barrientos-Tan.
32. Chapter II. Review of Related Literature
Chapter III. Research Design and
Chapter IV. Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Chapter V. Summary, Conclusions, and
Recommendations Supplementary Pages
34. Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Chapter I The Problem and its Background
Background of the Study
Conceptual Framework/Theoretical
Statement of the Problem
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
Definition of Terms
35. Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies
Literature (Foreign/Local)
Studies (Foreign/Local)
Justification of the Present Study
Chapter III Research Design and Methodology
Research Design
Research Subject
Data Gathering Procedure
Statistical Treatment of Data
Chapter IV Analysis and Interpretation of Data
Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Curriculum Vitae
indicates all the contents of research
paper and the page number for each
section is placed at the right-hand
The page for the table of contents is
usually written in Roman numeral and
indicated at the bottom of the paper.
38. List of Tables
The caption should be exactly how it
appears in the text.
In numbering the tables, use Arabic