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Homomorphic Encryption

    Craig Gentry scheme
Why homomorphic encryption?
• Proposed by Rivest, Adleman and Dertouzos
• Confidentiality problems
• Ability to compute over ciphertext instead of
• One could use information without knowing the
  content of that information
• Privacy garanteed
Homomorphic Encryption
• Crypto Magic

    5 * 6 = CT(5) * CT(6) -> D ( k, E(k,5) * E(k,6) ) = 5 * 6

                               Homomorphic Assumption

• Partially homomorphic/fully homomorphic
Homomorphic Encryption
• Partially homomorphic schemes
  – RSA: CT(x)*CT(y) = (xe mod M) * (ye mod M) = xeye
    mod M = (xy)e mod M = CT(x*y), where e is the
    exponent key and M the modulus
     •   p=61;
     •   q=53;
     •   N=3233;
     •   Φ(N)=60*52=3120;
     •   e=17;
     •   d=2753;
Homomorphic Encryption
• Partially homomorphic schemes
  – RSA: Obtain 5*6 performing RSA(5)*RSA(6)
     •   RSA(5) = 517 (mod 3233) = 3086;
     •   RSA(6) = 617 (mod 3233) = 824;
     •   3068*824 = 2542864;
     •   RSA-1(2542864) = 25428642753 (mod 3233) = 30;
     •   5*6 = 30;
Homomorphic Encryption
• Fully homomorphic schemes
  – Craig Gentry scheme
    • Based on ideal lattices
  – Zaryab Khan scheme
    • Based on perfectly colorblind function
Craig Gentry scheme
• Suppose a scheme with a “noise parameter”
  attached to each CT;
• Encryption algorithm outputs a CT with a small noise
  parameter (say less than n);
• Decryption algorithm only works if noise is less than
  some parameter N >> n;
• To compute E(a+b) / E(a*b), include noise;
• This gives a “somewhat homomorphic” scheme.
Craig Gentry scheme
• Now suppose a new algorithm RECRYPT, such that:
   – Input: E(a), with noise N’ < N
   – Output: E’(a), with noise √N
• “Somewhat homomorphic” -> fully homomorphic!
• Apply RECRYPT to E(a) and E(b) to ensure that the
  noise in E(a*b) or E(a+b) is smaller than N
• “Bootstrappable”
Craig Gentry scheme (integers)
• Key: odd integer p > 2N
• Encryption algorithm: given a bit b -> E(b) = c = b +
  2x + kp, where x is in [-n/2,n/2] and k is an integer
  chosen from some range
• Decryption algorithm: b = (c mod p) mod 2, where (c
  mod p) is the noise and belongs to [-n,n]
• Decryption works if b + 2x ∈ [-N,N] ⊂[-p/2,p/2]
Craig Gentry scheme (integers)
• Graig Gentry scheme’s homomorphic assumptions
   – Addiction: c1 + c2 = b1+ b2 + 2(x1+x2) + (k1+k2)p =
     b1 xor b2 + 2x + kp
      • Decryption works if (b1+2x1) + (b2+2x2) is in [-
   – Multiplication: c1*c2 = b1*b2 + 2(b1x2 + b2x1 +
     2x1x2) + kp = b1*b2 + 2x + kp
      • Decryption works if (b1+2x1) * (b2+2x2) is in [-
Craig Gentry scheme (integers)
• Addition example: 4+4
  – CT(100):
                                          22 21 21
     • CT(1) = 1 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 22
                                         +22 21 21
     • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21
                                          44 42 42
     • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21
  – D(44 42 42):
     • D(44) = 44 mod 3 = 2
     • D(42) = 42 mod 3 = 0
                                    1000 = 8 = 4+4
     • D(42) = 42 mod 3 = 0
Craig Gentry scheme (integers)
• Multiplication example: 4*4
  – CT(100):
     • CT(1) = 1 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 22
                                                22 21 21
     • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21              ×22 21 21
     • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21   484 924 1365 882 441
  – D(484 924 1365 882 441):
     •   D(484) = 484 mod 3 = 1
     •   D(924) = 924 mod 3 = 0
     •   D(1365) = 1365 mod 3 = 0
                                    10000 = 16 = 4*4
     •   D(882) = 882 mod 3 = 0
     •   D(441) = 441 mod 3 = 0
Craig Gentry scheme (ideal lattices)
• Replace integers by ideal lattices
• Ideal lattices have many representations or
• Bases:
  – Good: good to decrypt, bad to encrypt
  – Bad: bad to decrypt, good to encrypt
• Public key scheme, where good bases are
  private keys and bad bases are public keys
Cryptography over lattices
• L = ζ(B) = {Bc : c ∈ Zk}, B ∈ Rn×k, where the k
  columns of the basis are linearly independent
• NP-hard problems over lattices:
  – SVP (shortest vector problem): given a basis for
    lattice L of size n, find the shortest nonzero vector
    v ∈ L s.t. ||v|| = λ(L);
  – CVP (closest vector problem): given a basis for
    lattice L of size n and a vector t ∈ Rn, find a
    nonzero vector v ∈ L s.t. ||t-v|| ≤ γ;
Cryptography over lattices
• NP-hard problems over lattices:
  – SIVP (shortest independent vector problem): like
    the SVP, except the output are linearly
    independent vectors v1, …, v2 ∈ L of length at
    most λ(L);
  – BDDP (bounded distance decoding problem):
    same as CVP but with the promise that there is a
    unique solution.
Craig Gentry scheme
• Why inefficient?
  – CT size and computation time increase sharply as
    the security level increases;
  – 2k security -> CT size and computation time are
    high-degree polynomials in k;
  – Efforts are being made to reduce the
    computational requirements of Craig Gentry
Homomorphic Encryption
• Nowadays:
  – Craig Gentry presented a working implementation
    of the fully homomorphic system, including the
    bootstrapping function
  – Exists a practical application of homomorphic
    encryption to a hybrid wireless network
  – Perform statistical tests over encrypted data such
    as temperature, humidity, etc.
  – There are also some practical implementations of
    simplifications of this scheme over databases
Problems solved
• Cloud security
• Problems related to personal records like
  medical records
• Work with information stored in databases
• Querys to search engines
• …
My Project
• Design an API and include it on a Web Service
  that will work over CLOUD platforms
• The API should provide homomorphic
  encryption functions to be used
• Create a prototype that will work under the
  constructed API

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Homomorphic Encryption

  • 1. Homomorphic Encryption Craig Gentry scheme
  • 2. Why homomorphic encryption? • Proposed by Rivest, Adleman and Dertouzos • Confidentiality problems • Ability to compute over ciphertext instead of plaintext • One could use information without knowing the content of that information • Privacy garanteed
  • 3. Homomorphic Encryption • Crypto Magic 5 * 6 = CT(5) * CT(6) -> D ( k, E(k,5) * E(k,6) ) = 5 * 6 Homomorphic Assumption • Partially homomorphic/fully homomorphic
  • 4. Homomorphic Encryption • Partially homomorphic schemes – RSA: CT(x)*CT(y) = (xe mod M) * (ye mod M) = xeye mod M = (xy)e mod M = CT(x*y), where e is the exponent key and M the modulus • p=61; • q=53; • N=3233; • Φ(N)=60*52=3120; • e=17; • d=2753;
  • 5. Homomorphic Encryption • Partially homomorphic schemes – RSA: Obtain 5*6 performing RSA(5)*RSA(6) • RSA(5) = 517 (mod 3233) = 3086; • RSA(6) = 617 (mod 3233) = 824; • 3068*824 = 2542864; • RSA-1(2542864) = 25428642753 (mod 3233) = 30; • 5*6 = 30;
  • 6. Homomorphic Encryption • Fully homomorphic schemes – Craig Gentry scheme • Based on ideal lattices – Zaryab Khan scheme • Based on perfectly colorblind function
  • 7. Craig Gentry scheme • Suppose a scheme with a “noise parameter” attached to each CT; • Encryption algorithm outputs a CT with a small noise parameter (say less than n); • Decryption algorithm only works if noise is less than some parameter N >> n; • To compute E(a+b) / E(a*b), include noise; • This gives a “somewhat homomorphic” scheme.
  • 8. Craig Gentry scheme • Now suppose a new algorithm RECRYPT, such that: – Input: E(a), with noise N’ < N – Output: E’(a), with noise √N • “Somewhat homomorphic” -> fully homomorphic! • Apply RECRYPT to E(a) and E(b) to ensure that the noise in E(a*b) or E(a+b) is smaller than N • “Bootstrappable”
  • 9. Craig Gentry scheme (integers) • Key: odd integer p > 2N • Encryption algorithm: given a bit b -> E(b) = c = b + 2x + kp, where x is in [-n/2,n/2] and k is an integer chosen from some range • Decryption algorithm: b = (c mod p) mod 2, where (c mod p) is the noise and belongs to [-n,n] • Decryption works if b + 2x ∈ [-N,N] ⊂[-p/2,p/2]
  • 10. Craig Gentry scheme (integers) • Graig Gentry scheme’s homomorphic assumptions – Addiction: c1 + c2 = b1+ b2 + 2(x1+x2) + (k1+k2)p = b1 xor b2 + 2x + kp • Decryption works if (b1+2x1) + (b2+2x2) is in [- N,N] – Multiplication: c1*c2 = b1*b2 + 2(b1x2 + b2x1 + 2x1x2) + kp = b1*b2 + 2x + kp • Decryption works if (b1+2x1) * (b2+2x2) is in [- N,N]
  • 11. Craig Gentry scheme (integers) • Addition example: 4+4 – CT(100): 22 21 21 • CT(1) = 1 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 22 +22 21 21 • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21 44 42 42 • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21 – D(44 42 42): • D(44) = 44 mod 3 = 2 • D(42) = 42 mod 3 = 0 1000 = 8 = 4+4 • D(42) = 42 mod 3 = 0
  • 12. Craig Gentry scheme (integers) • Multiplication example: 4*4 – CT(100): • CT(1) = 1 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 22 22 21 21 • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21 ×22 21 21 • CT(0) = 0 + 2*3 + 5*3 = 21 484 924 1365 882 441 – D(484 924 1365 882 441): • D(484) = 484 mod 3 = 1 • D(924) = 924 mod 3 = 0 • D(1365) = 1365 mod 3 = 0 10000 = 16 = 4*4 • D(882) = 882 mod 3 = 0 • D(441) = 441 mod 3 = 0
  • 13. Craig Gentry scheme (ideal lattices) • Replace integers by ideal lattices • Ideal lattices have many representations or “bases” • Bases: – Good: good to decrypt, bad to encrypt – Bad: bad to decrypt, good to encrypt • Public key scheme, where good bases are private keys and bad bases are public keys
  • 14. Cryptography over lattices • L = ζ(B) = {Bc : c ∈ Zk}, B ∈ Rn×k, where the k columns of the basis are linearly independent • NP-hard problems over lattices: – SVP (shortest vector problem): given a basis for lattice L of size n, find the shortest nonzero vector v ∈ L s.t. ||v|| = λ(L); – CVP (closest vector problem): given a basis for lattice L of size n and a vector t ∈ Rn, find a nonzero vector v ∈ L s.t. ||t-v|| ≤ γ;
  • 15. Cryptography over lattices • NP-hard problems over lattices: – SIVP (shortest independent vector problem): like the SVP, except the output are linearly independent vectors v1, …, v2 ∈ L of length at most λ(L); – BDDP (bounded distance decoding problem): same as CVP but with the promise that there is a unique solution.
  • 16. Craig Gentry scheme • Why inefficient? – CT size and computation time increase sharply as the security level increases; – 2k security -> CT size and computation time are high-degree polynomials in k; – Efforts are being made to reduce the computational requirements of Craig Gentry construction
  • 17. Homomorphic Encryption • Nowadays: – Craig Gentry presented a working implementation of the fully homomorphic system, including the bootstrapping function – Exists a practical application of homomorphic encryption to a hybrid wireless network – Perform statistical tests over encrypted data such as temperature, humidity, etc. – There are also some practical implementations of simplifications of this scheme over databases
  • 18. Problems solved • Cloud security • Problems related to personal records like medical records • Work with information stored in databases • Querys to search engines • …
  • 19. My Project • Design an API and include it on a Web Service that will work over CLOUD platforms • The API should provide homomorphic encryption functions to be used • Create a prototype that will work under the constructed API