This document is a teacher's guide for teaching Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island. It provides pre-reading activities and questions to engage students. It then summarizes each chapter in 1-3 sentences and provides discussion questions, vocabulary words, and activities for students. The guide is designed to help teachers facilitate understanding and discussion of the novel.
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Treasureisland teaching guide
S E R I E S E D I T O R S :
3. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 3
Pre-Reading Activities ..........................................................................................................4
Queestions .....................................................................................................................4
Activities ........................................................................................................................5
Major Characters (In Order of Appearance).........................................................................5
Summaries and Teaching Suggestions...................................................................................6
After Reading the Novel.....................................................................................................33
Activities ......................................................................................................................33
Related Works ....................................................................................................................35
Related Websites ................................................................................................................35
About the Authors of this Guide........................................................................................36
About the Editors of this Guide .........................................................................................36
Click on a Classic...............................................................................................................38
Free Teacher’s Guides .........................................................................................................39
4. 4 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
This guide contains four sections: Pre-reading Activities, Summaries and Teaching Suggestions,
After Reading the Novel, and Extended Learning. The pre-reading activities involve and engage
students, preparing them to read this mature work. The “Summaries and Teaching Suggestions”
section guides students during their reading. Organized by chapters, it provides questions,
vocabulary study, quotations, and assorted activities. Numbers in parentheses refer to the page
number in the Signet Classics edition of Treasure Island.
Questions are useful for class discussion, individual writing, or group activities.
Vocabulary is listed with the page number of its first use in the text. When possible, students
should determine the meaning of a word from within the context of the passage in the novel.
However, less able students may benefit from reviewing these words prior to reading of the
respective chapters.
Quotations can be discussed by the class or handled in small groups. Students can individually
respond to the quotations by meditating on it in his or her journal.
Activities may be selected by the teacher or the students—completing all the activities would be
too time-consuming. Some may be saved for post-reading activities.
After Reading the Novel is a section that suggests activities intended to bring the reader’s
experiences together through reflective examination of plot, character, and themes.
Related Reading offers further literature and websites for students who wish to pursue individual
interests piqued by reading Treasure Island.
1. What is a treasure? What do you consider to be your most valuable treasure? Why?
2. What do you know about pirates? Name some famous pirates.
3. Brainstorm vocabulary that you associate with pirates and pirate life. What ideas does this list
4. Look carefully at the cover art of the Signet Classics edition of Treasure Island. Jot down every
observed detail. Predict what the book is about based on the artwork.
5. Read the blurb on the back cover of the book. What words grab you? What do you think of
when you see the words “treachery,” “greed,” and “daring”?
6. Are there people in your life whom you would describe as treacherous, greedy, or daring?
What about people on TV or characters in a movie? What about historical figures?
1. Research a famous pirate, his nickname, and the legends surrounding him. (Examples: Henry
Morgan, William Kidd, Blackbeard, Woodes Rogers, Bartholomew Roberts, John Silver)
2. How did pirates affect everyday life: government, trade, culture?
3. What distinguishes a pirate from a sailor?
4. Do pirates have a code of ethics? If so, what is it?
5. What is a sea chantey? Research the song/poem “Derelict” by Young E. Allison and explain
how it is significant in pirate lore.
5. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 5
6. Read a few stanzas of the song from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride at Disneyland. How
does this song reflect your understanding of the pirate life?
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me
We pillage, we plunder, we rifle and loot
Drink up me hearties, yo ho
We kidnap and ravage and don’t give a hoot
Drink up me hearties, yo ho
Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate’s life for me
We’re beggars and blighters and ne’er-do-well cads
Drink up me hearties, yo ho
Aye, but we’re loved by our mommies and dads
Drink up me hearties, yo ho
7. Look at examples of piracy in our culture and determine how illegal music downloading and
illegal DVD copying are examples of piracy? How do they impact our daily life? How is
modern day piracy similar to the piracy of the 1700s?
8. Treasure Island was originally published as a serial novel. Research the beginnings of serial
novel publications. How and why were serial novels a phenomenon in the Nineteenth
Century? What was the extent of the serial novel’s popularity? Did the serial novel
revolutionize the act of storytelling? Why and why not?
9. In what ways do we currently “serialize” story telling (in movies, TV, and music)?
10. Research images of pirates from today’s mass and popular culture. For example, Peter Pan or the
2004 Johnny Depp movie, Pirates of the Caribbean. How are these images of pirates accurate?
How are they inaccurate?
1. Draw a picture of a pirate. Label the items a pirate must have. Share your illustrations with
your group.
2. In groups, write down as many words associated with pirates and pirate life as you can in one
minute. Share your results with the class. Which words do you think accurately represent
pirates? Which do you think have been exaggerated or are myth?
3. Imagine yourself as a pirate. What is your pirate name? What nefarious deeds have you
committed? What is your treasure? How do you protect it?
4. Treasure Island evolved from a series of stories created from a map Stevenson drew for his
stepson. Draw a map of where you grew up, labeling places you were allowed to go, places
you weren’t, and places where your own adventures took place. In groups, share your stories.
Use your best story (ies) to write a personal narrative.
Jim Hawkins: The narrator of Treasure Island
Billy Bones, Bill, or The Old Buccaneer: Sullen, drunken loner of a pirate with a mysterious sea chest.
Dr. Livesey: Doctor who treats Jim Hawkins’s father: “A gentleman and a magistrate.” (31)
Black Dog: A “tallowy” seafarer who surprises Bill at the inn; he is missing two fingers on his left
Pew: Blind man, with a frightening voice, who is in search of Bill.
Mr. Dance: Supervisor of the revenue officers who are called upon to rescue Jim and his mother
from Pew’s pirate crew.
Dogger: Revenue officer.
Trelawney, the squire: A tall man, “broad in proportion, and he had a bluff, rough-and-ready face, all
roughened and reddened and lined in his long travels.” (32) Outfits the ship to find Billy Bones’s treasure.
Flint: The most viscous of all pirates: “He was the bloodthirstiest buccaneer that sailed” (33). He
6. 6 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
ultimately dies from drink.
Tom Redruth, the gamekeeper: Guardian to Jim while Trelawney is away, securing a ship and a
crew. “Grumbles and laments” about everything.
Long John Silver: A one-legged sea-cook Trelawney hires for the ship. Different from the other
buccaneers, he is cheerful and pleasant, with a great sense of humor: “A man of substance.” (43)
Called Barbecue by the crew.
Mr. Arrow: First mate of the Hispaniola. Brown-skinned with earrings and a squint (51). Drunkard.
Captain Smollett: Captain of the Hispaniola. He is suspicious of the cruise, the men, and his officer.
Job Anderson: Boatswain who helps out as first mate when Arrow disappears. Later, a mutineer.
Cap’n Flint: Long John’s two-hundred-year old parrot.
Israel Hands: Mutineer, coxswain, and Long John Silver’s confidant.
Hunter: One of the loyal shipmen.
Red-cap, or O’Brien: A mutineer
Joyce: Trelawney’s valet, enlisted to help the Captain defend against the mutineers.
Abraham Gray: One of the mutineers turned back to support the captain.
An old pirate comes to stay at the Admiral Benbow Inn, which is run by the narrator’s ailing father.
The pirate refers to himself as “Captain” and pays the narrator a silver fourpenny every month to
look out for seafaring men—especially a sailor with only one leg. The rest of his stay is spent
drinking and alternately terrorizing and thrilling the guests at the inn with gruesome tales and
boisterous singing. Dr. Livesey speaks when the captain indicates silence, so the captain threatens
him with a knife. Livesey, who is also a court official, challenges the captain with legal action,
whereupon the old buccaneer backs down.
1. How does the description of the old buccaneer on page 1 differ from your image of a typical
pirate? How is it similar?
2. Why would the old buccaneer want to stay in a place that doesn’t have many visitors?
3. The old buccaneer seems like a man with many moods: sullen and quiet; nervous and scared; raucous
and wild; furious and menacing. Which do you think are the buccaneer’s truest feelings? Why?
4. Why does the buccaneer drink so much?
5. Why does Dr. Livesey remain so calm when the old buccaneer threatens him?
6. What effect does Dr. Livesey’s quiet defiance have on the buccaneer?
Students may be familiar with the vocabulary in Treasure Island. However, they can extend their
knowledge by looking up the origin of words. Websites like or can help students discover the “story” behind words.
Buccaneer (3): a seaman; a pirate
Bearings (3): location
Sabre (3): saber, or sword
Livid (3): angry
7. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 7
Capstan (3): a piece of equipment on a ship used to weigh anchor or to raise heavy sails
Connoisseur (3): an expert who can appreciate something good (in this case, rum)
Ruffian (8): a cruel, tough person; a bully
Scoundrel (8): someone who does evil deliberately; a villain
Assizes (8): court proceedings
Magistrate (8): a public official for justice; a judge
Effectual (8): legal, forceful
1. Using your knowledge of pirates, write your own lyrics to the tune of “Fifteen Men on the
Dead Man’s Chest.”
2. Research the difference between a sea-dog and a buccaneer. Which does the old buccaneer
resemble and why?
3. Draw a picture of the narrator’s nightmarish versions of the “seafaring man with the one leg.”
4. Research how much a silver fourpenny is worth in today’s money. Would you look for a one-
legged man for that amount?
5. Create or bring to class objects you think are in the buccaneer’s chest. Defend your choices
using research about pirates and what you know from the text.
6. Create a character chart for the narrator, whom we later know as Jim Hawkins. Make a list
of descriptive adjectives that you think best describe the narrator. Support your list with the
character’s actions and words—what he says, does, and thinks. Be sure to provide page
numbers. Continue to add to this list throughout your reading of the novel.
“And indeed bad as his clothes were and coarsely as he spoke, he had none of the appearance of a man
who sailed before the mast, but seemed like a mate or skipper accustomed to be obeyed or to strike.” (4)
“Often I have heard the house shaking with ‘Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum,’ all the neighbours joining in
for dear life, with the fear of death upon them, and each singing louder than the other to avoid remark.” (5)
The narrator’s father gets sicker during the winter. A stranger comes to the inn inquiring about his
old mate, Bill, who happens to fit the description of the old buccaneer. Black Dog surprises Bill,
and the two begin a discussion, which escalates into a fight. As a result, Black Dog is cut on the
shoulder. He narrowly escapes death and runs away. Following the fight, the Captain suffers a
stroke. We learn the narrator’s name: Jim Hawkins. Jim and Livesey bleed the captain to bring him
back to consciousness, and the doctor warns Bill, or Billy Bones, that drinking could kill him.
1. How do the stranger’s actual words differ from his tone and expression? What effect does his
tone have on the narrator?
2. How does Black Dog react when the narrator doesn’t come back quickly enough (10)? How
does this change the narrator’s understanding of Black Dog’s nature?
3. What do Black Dog and Bill argue about?
4. Why does the author withhold the narrator’s name until page 12?
5. What do Bill’s tattoos say about him?
6. Why do they bleed Bill?
Hoar-frost (9): Ice crystals forming a white deposit (especially on objects outside)
Cutlass (9): curved sword
8. 8 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
Leer (10): a scornful look
Tallowy (10): greasy
Gabbling (12): rapid and indistinct speech
Fugitive (12): One who runs away
Prophetic (13): foretelling the future
1. Act out a skit of Black Dog arriving at the inn and surprising Bill.
2. We don’t actually hear what Black Dog and Bill are arguing about. Write the dialogue for their argument.
3. List what happened to you during the first five minutes of school today. Now, reread the fight on
page 12, paying close attention to the following sentence: “Then all of a sudden there was a
tremendous explosion of oaths and other noises—the chair and table went over in a lump, a
clash of steel followed, and then a cry of pain, and the next instant I saw Black Dog in full
flight, and the captain hotly pursuing, both with drawn cutlasses, and the former streaming
blood from the left shoulder.” Write a list of everything that happens in this one sentence.
How does Stevenson create such a clear image without listing things that happened? What effect
does this sentence have on the reader? Now, using your own list, try to imitate Stevenson’s style.
4. An idiomatic expression is a colorful way to say something that should not be taken literally.
Saying that your principal is “a big cheese” does not mean that he or she is a large wedge of Swiss
or cheddar. Stevenson writes, “Once out upon the road, Black Dog, in spite of his wound,
showed a wonderful clean pair of heels and disappeared over the edge of the hill in half a
minute.” (12) Draw a picture of Black Dog literally “showing a wonderful clean pair of heels.”
What does Stevenson contextually mean by this expression? What is the effect of Stevenson’s
idiomatic expression? Brainstorm other idiomatic expressions and illustrate both their literal
meanings and contextual meanings.
5. Research the practice of bloodletting, or phlebotomy. How did this practice supposedly cure
ailments? What about strokes? How are strokes treated today? Does anyone know a phlebotomist?
6. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
“It was tattooed in several places ‘Here’s luck,’ ‘A fair wind,’ and ‘Billy Bones his fancy’ were very
neatly and clearly executed on the forearm; and up near the shoulder there was a sketch of a gallows
and a man hanging from it—done, as I thought, with great spirit.” (13)
“I clear my conscience—the name of rum for you is death.” (14)
Billy Bones is recovering from his stroke but suffering from alcohol withdrawal. He persuades Jim
to bring him rum. When satisfied by rum, he asks Jim to fetch the doctor and explain to him that
the Admiral Benbow Inn needs protection from Flint, who’s on the hunt for Bones’s sea chest. Jim’s
father dies, which distracts Jim from bringing the old buccaneer’s request for protection to the
doctor. Several days later, a hunched blind man finds his way to the Inn and asks Jim for directions.
Then, grabbing Jim’s arm, the blind man threatens to break it if Jim doesn’t lead him to the old
buccaneer. Jim relents and leads the blind man to Billy Bones. The blind man passes something into
the Captain’s palm and nimbly skips away. After the blind man departs, the Captain looks at his
hand, declares “Ten o’clock! Six hours. We’ll do them yet,” then drops dead of apoplexy.
1. What do you think the “black spot” (16) means? Reread the phrase in context and make some
guesses. (The answer is on page 17.)
2. Why doesn’t Jim deliver Billy Bones’s request to the doctor?
3. What do you suppose the blind beggar put into Billy Bones’s hand?
9. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 9
4. What causes the Captain to die?
5. Why does Jim cry when the Captain dies but not when his father died?
Yellow Jack (15): yellow fever; malaria
Black Spot (17): a summons
Clambered (18): climbed awkwardly; scrambled
Apoplexy (20): a stroke
1. Research delirium tremens and compare its symptoms to the Captain’s. What is the effect of
alcohol on delirium tremens?
2. Based on his description on page 18, draw a picture of the blind beggar.
3. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
“‘I lived on rum, I tell you. It’s been meat and drink, and man and wife, to me’” (15)
“It was the second death I had known, and the sorrow of the first was still fresh in my heart.” (20)
Jim tells his mother about the dangerous men coming for the Captain’s sea chest. Jim and his
mother leave the Admiral Benbow to seek help in town. Captain Flint and his men strike terror in
the village and no one is willing to help Jim and his mother. Jim takes a packet from Bill’s sea chest,
and his mother takes only the money owed her from Bill’s stay. They escape just before the band of
pirates arrives. Jim scurries under a bridge, leaving his fainting mother on the bank.
1. Why doesn’t anyone from the village help Jim and his mother?
2. What’s found in Billy Bones’s pockets? What’s in the chest? What do these objects tell us
about the old buccaneer?
3. Why does Jim’s mother take only the money for Billy Bones’s room and board?
4. What does Jim take? Why?
5. Why does Jim leave his fainting mother on the bank?
Hulking (22): of great size and bulk
Oilcloth (25): waterproof fabric, treated on one side with a drying oil or resin
1. Before reading this chapter, predict what’s in the sea chest. Once you have read the chapter,
check your list against what the chest contains. What did you guess correctly? What helped
you make your predictions? What did you miss? What surprised you? Why?
2. Reread the paragraph on page 22, beginning “My heart was beating finely.” Create a poem
using some words from the paragraph that describe Jim’s fear.
3. Make a recording of the sounds indicated in this chapter. What effect do they have on your reading?
4. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
“Indeed, it seemed impossible for either of us to remain much longer in the house; the fall of coals
in the kitchen grate, the very ticking of the clock, filled us with alarms.” (21)
“They say cowardice is infectious; but then argument is, on the other hand, a great emboldener;
10. 10 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
and so when each had said his say, my mother made them a speech.” (22)
Jim listens from the bank as a band of pirates led by Pew, the blind man, bursts into the Admiral
Benbow. The pirates see that Bill is dead, but Pew is not phased. He’s focused only on the sea-chest,
which he quickly sees has been turned out. Although the money remains, “Flint’s fist” is gone. Pew
notices that Jim’s lamp is still lit and orders the men to go find him, screaming, “it’s that boy. I wish
I had put his eyes out!” Although his lookout sounds the alarm of approaching danger, Pew
continues to goad the men, “squalling” at them to find Jim. The men respond to Pew’s high-pitched
anger with passive irritation, which allows Dr. Livesey’s officers to advance upon them. The pirates
scatter and leave Pew, who is trampled by an officer’s horse. Jim’s mother is revived. The supervisor,
Mr. Dance, and Jim ride to Kitt’s Hole to look for the pirates’ boat, only to find it off shore. When
he calls out to the boat, a bullet whizzes past the supervisor’s shoulder. Back at the inn, the officers
puzzle over the damage, and Jim reveals that he suspects the pirates were searching for the packet.
Mr. Dance and Dogger take Jim to Dr. Livesey to examine the packet.
1. Why don’t the pirates care about Bill’s gold and silver? What are they looking for?
2. What is “Flint’s fist”?
3. What kind of leader is Pew? How do the others feel about him? How do you know this?
4. How did the officers from the hamlet get notified of the danger at the inn? What does that
say about the men of the town?
5. Why doesn’t he give the packet to Mr. Dance?
Glim (27): light; a candle or a lamp
Skulking (28): avoiding work by pretending to be sick or incapacitated
Squalling (28): making high-pitched, whiny noises
Miscreant (29): a person with no morals
Spurned (29): rejected
Lugger (29): a small boat
1. The men in his command despise Pew, not only because he’s physically violent but also
because he’s verbally demeaning. Rewrite the scene on pages 26-29, so Pew is more persuasive
and less verbally abusive. How do you think the pirate crew might have responded if Pew were
a more considerate leader? Why?
2. Create a model of the lugger the pirates held at Kitt’s Hole.
3. Create your own “packet.” What papers are inside of it? Detail what makes those papers so
valuable to Pew and his men.
4. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
Jim, Dance, and Dogger meet with Dr. Livesey at the squire’s home; Dance recounts the attack at
the inn, and Jim delivers the oilskin packet to Dr. Livesey. Squire Trelawney expounds upon pirate
Flint’s reputation, declaring that if the packet contains directions to a treasure, then he will outfit
a ship to go in search of it. The packet contains a sealed paper, a book filled with doodles, and a
strange financial record kept over a period of 20 years. The sealed paper contains a complete map
of the island holding Billy Bones’s treasure. Trelawney insists on mounting an expedition to recover
11. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 11
the treasure. Livesey voices his concerns about secrecy, and the men agree not to breathe a word of
their discovery and their mission.
1. Why does Stevenson have Jim meet up with Livesey at the stately squire’s home? What effect
does this have on the reader?
2. How do the squire and Dr. Livesey react to Mr. Dance’s account of the incident at the inn?
3. When Jim hands Dr. Livesey the packet, he “looked it all over, as if his fingers were itching
to open it; but instead of doing that, he put it quietly in the pocket of his coat” (33). How
do you account for the doctor’s action?
4. How does the tone of the doctor and the squire’s conversation change after Dance leaves? Why?
5. Why is the squire so eager to see the contents of the packet?
6. What does the book contain? What does it reveal about Billy Bones’s character?
7. What does the sealed paper contain?
Condescending (32): to treat another as if he/she/it were beneath one’s dignity; to patronize or
Atrocious (32): shockingly brutal or cruel; horrible
A trump (32): in a card game, the suit that ranks above all others; also, a brass instrument with a
brilliant tone (e.g. a trumpet)
Prodigiously (33): in a manner far beyond what is usual; exceptionally
Ambiguity (35): confusion; lack of clarity
To play duck and drake with (36): to squander money recklessly. The allusion is to the practice of
children throwing flat stones horizontally along the surface of the water in such a way as to cause
them to skim along the surface, touching it and then rising from it several times in succession. The
first time the stone skips is called a “duck,” the second time, a “drake,” and so on, alternately. The
meaning of the expression is that the spendthrift uses his money in a reckless way, even as children
use stones to make ducks and drakes.
1. Write a newspaper article as if written by Mr. Dance describing the attack on the inn. Be sure
to use journalistic format and answer all relevant questions—Who? What? Where? When?—
in the first paragraph. Since photography wasn’t available at the time, make an illustration to
complement the story.
2. An “interior monologue” consists of unspoken thoughts in a character’s head. Write an
interior monologue for Dr. Livesey’s as Jim hands him the oilskin packet.
3. Compare the map at the front of the novel to the description on page 35. What similarities
can you find? What details were omitted from the map? Which were added?
4. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
“A tall man, broad in proportion, and he had a bluff, rough-and-ready face, all roughened and
reddened and lined in his long travels. His eyebrows were very black, and moved readily, and this
gave him a look of some temper, not bad, you would say, but quick and high.” (30)
“ ‘He was the bloodthirstiest buccaneer that sailed. Blackbeard was a child to Flint. The Spaniards were so
prodigiously afraid of him that, I tell you, sir, I was sometimes proud he was an Englishman.’” (33)
12. 12 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
Dr. Livesey goes to London in search of a physician to take over his practice while he’s at sea.
Meanwhile, the doctor leaves Jim with Redruth, the ornery gamekeeper. Jim spends his time
alternately brooding and fantasizing about seafaring adventures. Jim’s sea-dreams are interrupted
when he receives a letter from Trelawney, the squire. The squire writes of the schooner he has
procured for their voyage as well as the crew he has gathered. He asks Livesey, et al., to come to
Bristol as soon as possible. The squire has refurbished the destroyed inn and has found a boy to
replace Jim while they are away. Jim leaves the inn and his mother without regret or sentiment and
heads to Bristol, giddily anticipating his life at sea.
1. How does Jim memorize the map?
2. How does Stevenson forewarn the readers that Jim’s fantasies will turn tragic?
3. How do you know that Trelawney has broken his promise of secrecy?
4. What criteria does the squire have for putting a crew together? Why does he trust Long John Silver?
5. What does the squire reveal about his character through his letter?
6. If Jim is glad to get away from Redruth, “ who can do nothing but grumble and lament” (44),
why does the squire place Redruth in charge of Jim?
7. How has the squire replaced Jim at the refurbished inn? How does Jim treat his replacement?
What truth does Jim suddenly realize?
8. How does Squire Trelawney’s giddiness about the adventure differ from Jim’s?
Trifle (42): a tiny detail
Calumnies (42): lies; slandering
Odious (42): detestable
Abominable (43): awful
Indomitable (43): impossible to stop
Frigate (43): a medium-sized warship
Quays (45): piers providing access to ships and boats; pronounced, “keys”.
1. Create a flier that the squire might have used to recruit his crew for the treasure hunt.
2. Draw a picture of Long John Silver as he is described in the novel. (42-43)
3. Begin a character chart for Silver like the one you are keeping for Jim Hawkins.
4. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
“‘It was the crew that troubled me. I wished a round score of men—in case of natives, buccaneers,
or the odious French—and I had the worry of the deuce itself to find so much as half a dozen, till
the most remarkable stroke of fortune brought me the very man that I required. I was standing on
the dock, when, by the merest accident, I fell in talk with him. I found he was an old sailor, kept a
public-house, knew all the seafaring men in Bristol, had lost his health ashore, and wanted a good
berth as cook to get to sea again.’” (42)
“Though I had lived by the shore all my life, I seemed never to have been near the sea till then. The
smell of tar and salt was something new.” (45)
13. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 13
The squire gives Jim a note to deliver to John Silver at the Spy Glass tavern. While delivering the
letter, Jim notices Black Dog, who leaves without paying his bill. Silver makes a show of sending
two men to retrieve Black Dog. Meanwhile, Jim and Long John Silver determine Black Dog’s
connection to Pew. The men return, confessing that Black Dog has got away. Silver and Jim become
fast friends. They go back to the inn where Trelawney and Livesey are staying and relay Black Dog’s
escape. The crew plans to set sail at four o’clock that afternoon.
1. Why is Jim apprehensive about delivering the message to Long John Silver? What kind of
man is he expecting? What kind of man does he meet instead?
2. Why does Jim trust Silver so easily?
3. Long John Silver uses slang that would be easy for other sea-going men to understand. What
about his language makes sense to you? What confuses you?
4. Why does Silver laugh about Black Dog’s unpaid bill?
Keel-hauling (48): punishment by tying a rope around the offender, throwing him overboard, and dragging
him under the ship so as to be scraped against sharp barnacles covering the keel, or bottom of the ship
Deadlights (49): eyes; also, a strong shutter over a ship’s porthole that is closed in stormy weather
1. Jim’s thoughts often show hindsight—he is writing this tale after it happened, so he is able to
look back at his actions from a different perspective. In the first paragraph on page 49, Jim talks
about how quickly he trusts Long John Silver, but hints that he shouldn’t have. Using your
personal narrative (Activities Before Reading the Novel), examine how you used hindsight to
keep your reader intrigued. If you have not used this strategy, see if you can add it to your
2. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“His left leg was cut off close by the hip, and under the left shoulder he carried a crutch, which he
managed with wonderful dexterity, hopping about upon it like a bird. He was very tall and strong,
with a face as big as a ham—plain and pale, but intelligent and smiling. Indeed, he seemed in the
most cheerful spirits, whistling as he moved about among the tables, with a merry word or a slap
on the shoulder for the more favoured of his guests.” (46)
“I watched the cook narrowly. But he was too deep, and too ready, and too clever for me, and by the
time the two men had come back out of breath and confessed that they had lost the track in a crowd,
and been scolded like thieves, I would have gone bail for the innocence of Long John Silver.” (49)
On board, Captain Smollett voices his concerns about the voyage. He himself was brought on board
under “sealed orders,” but everyone else seems to know that the purpose of their voyage is buried treasure.
He warns Trelawney and the doctor that there has been too much loose talk, especially in regard to a
certain map. The map, he says, must be kept a secret or else risk mutiny. The doctor lightheartedly tells
the Captain that there’s nothing to worry about. Trelawney, on the other hand, bristles at Smollett’s
concerns. The crew sets to work, taking out the arms and powder. Long John approaches in an offshore
boat. He suggests that the crew hurry up, lest they miss the morning tide. When the Captain sees Jim
idling, he orders Jim downstairs to help the cook. Jim admits that he “deeply” hates the Captain.
14. 14 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
1. Why is Captain Smollett concerned about the voyage?
2. How did the crew find out about the treasure hunt?
3. What doesn’t Smollett like about the crew? About Arrow?
4. What mistakes have been made regarding the setup of the ship, according to Smollett?
5. Why does Trelawney blame Jim and Dr. Livesey for the information leak?
6. Why doesn’t Captain Smollett want to know who has the map? Why doesn’t he want Arrow
to know, either?
7. Livesey compliments Trelawney on his selection of Smollett and Silver, but Trelawney
discounts Smollett. Why?
8. Which of the ship’s men would you choose as your friends? Why?
Berth (54): journey; tour of duty
Forelock (55): a lock of hair growing (or falling) over the forehead
Swivel (55): a chain that has one end that turns on a headed pin
1. Research the fable of the mountain and the mouse: “A Mountain in Labor.” Why does the
doctor see this fable as a parallel to Captain Smollett’s concerns? Now read Ambrose Bierce’s
version, “The Mountain and the Mouse.” Which one fits the situation better? What is a
parody? How does Bierce parody the original? Read a few more original fables and Bierce’s
parodies. Try your hand at writing your own parody of a common fable.
2. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“‘I’ll have no favourites on my ship.’” (56)
The ship sets sail to the Isle of Treasure with many well wishes from Trelawney’s friends. The crew
is able and the Captain knowledgeable; the voyage is, for the most part, uneventful. Though no one
can fathom where and when he takes his alcohol, Mr. Arrow is continually marked by drunkenness.
Indeed, Mr. Arrow is useless as a first mate and eventually disappears completely; thus, Job
Anderson takes over as first mate while maintaining his position as boatswain. The narrative focus
turns to Long John’s adept nautical knowledge. Silver introduces Jim to Cap’n Flint, his two-
hundred-year old parrot, who has traveled with pirates her whole life—and has the vocabulary to
prove it. Trelawney and Smollett still don’t like each other, but Smollett admits he may have been
wrong about the crew. Still, Smollett has a bad feeling about the cruise and disapproves of the way
Trelawney spoils the crew with apples. Jim, on the other hand, takes advantage of the squire’s
generosity and jumps bodily inside the barrel to retrieve the last apple. Once inside the barrel, Jim
falls asleep only to be awakened by the voice of Long John Silver. Jim realizes that the lives of all
the “honest” crew depend on him.
1. Why do so many of the squire’s friends come by to wish them well? What does this further
confirm about the squire’s faltering secrecy?
2. Do you think Billy Bones would “fit in” on this journey? Why or why not?
3. What is Mr. Arrow’s problem? How does the crew respond? What happens to him?
4. Should Long John Silver be pitied? Why or why not?
5. Long John Silver’s parrot is named Cap’n Flint. Reread the description of Flint. (33) Why
would Silver name his parrot after that buccaneer?
15. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 15
6. Silver says of Cap’n Flint, “ you can’t touch pitch and not be mucked, lad. Here’s this poor
old innocent bird o’ mine swearing blue fire, and none the wiser, you may lay to that. She
would swear the same, in a manner of speaking, before a chaplain.” (59) How have your
surroundings influenced you or those around you?
7. As a narrator, Jim frequently hints at what will happen before it happens, a technique known
as “foreshadowing.” Find an example of foreshadowing in this chapter. How does the
technique affect your reading?
Bustle (56): a flurry of activity
Tip us a stave (56): Play us a tune. A stave is a system of five horizontal lines on which musical notes
are written.
Boatswain (57): a ship’s petty officer who controls the work of other seamen
Coxswain (58): Helmsman of a ship; one who steers the ship.
Grog (60): rum diluted with water
1. Long John Silver moves easily about the ship despite his wooden leg. The reason being that
he has developed strategies to accommodate his having only one leg (e.g., the lines across the
widest part of the ship, the lanyard for his crutch). For activities regarding the simulation of
disabilities, please visit the following website:
2. Long John Silver estimates that Cap’n Flint, the parrot, is close to two hundred years old and
has sailed around the world. Make a puppet that you think resembles her, and write one of
her adventures in her own voice to present in class.
3. In the course of a paragraph, Jim goes from a young man playing at sea to a potential hero.
Write about a time you had to grow up all at once.
4. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“He’s no common man, Barbecue,” said the coxswain to me. “He had good schooling in his young
days and can speak like a book when so minded; and brave-a lion’s nothing alongside of Long John!
I seen him grapple four and knock their heads together—him unarmed.” (58)
“‘There,’ John would add, ‘you can’t touch pitch and not be mucked, lad.’” (59)
Hiding in the apple barrel, Jim overhears Long John Silver’s conversation with another young sailor,
Dick. Long John reveals that he had once been quartermaster of the dreaded pirate Flint’s ship.
Moreover, Pew, the blind man, was also of Flint’s crew. In fact, Pew lost his sight and Silver his leg in
the same incident. Many of Flint’s old crew are aboard the Hispaniola, “gentlemen of fortune”(65), or
common pirates, posing as ordinary seamen. Silver persuades and flatters Dick, and Dick eventually
allies himself with John Silver. Together with Israel Hands, they plot against the squire, the doctor,
and Smollett. Their plan is to use Smollett, with his sailing expertise, and the squire and the doctor,
who have the map, to find the treasure. Then, once they are safely headed home, they will kill all
three. The moon rises, and Jim hears “Land ho!”
1. Silver and Pew served on the same ship. Who do you think had higher rank? Why do you
think so?
2. How do Long John Silver and Billy Bones manage their finances similarly?
3. How does Jim feel when he hears Long John Silver speak to another member of the crew
using exactly the same words he spoke to Jim?
16. 16 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
4. What other persuasive techniques does Silver use to bring the regular sailors over to the pirates’ side?
5. Given Silver’s cheerful disposition, do you believe his boasting about being feared on Flint’s ship?
6. What does John mean by “gentlemen of fortune”?
7. Why does John want to kill the squire himself?
8. What do you suppose really happened to Mr. Arrow?
Quartermaster (61): supply officer
Broadside (61): in a battle, the simultaneous firing of all the cannons on one side of the warship
Before the mast (63): serving as an ordinary sailor or apprentice seaman
Maroons (65): those stranded or left behind with no resources, as on an island. The name was also
given to escaped African slaves who fled to the most remote margins of the Caribbean and defied
the European masters.
Pannikin (66): a small tin cup
Mizzen-top (66): the topsail on the mizzenmast, the one behind the main mast.
Luff (66): the edge of a foresail next to the mast
1. Long John Silver talks about the power of saving money in the interest of accumulating wealth
over time. Research investments. If you began saving $10 a month now, how much would you
have in 10 years? Which types of accounts have the greatest return? The greatest risk? Check
out the Motley Fool at to get tips for teens on saving and managing money.
2. Create a television or radio advertisement convincing the ordinary crew to ally themselves with
Silver’s group. Use arguments that would make sense to a sailor despite the violence and theft.
3. Create an ad persuading the ordinary crew to stay loyal to the Captain and the squire and
doctor. Use arguments that would benefit the sailor here as well. Also, use the techniques of
political campaign spots.
4. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“There was some that was feared of Pew, and some that was feared of Flint; but Flint his own self
was feared of me. Feared he was, and proud.” (63)
“By this time I had begun to understand the meaning of their terms. By a ‘gentleman of fortune’ they
plainly meant neither more nor less than a common pirate, and the little scheme that I had overheard
was the last act in the corruption of one of the honest hands—perhaps the last one left aboard.” (64)
As the whole crew rushes across the deck, Jim hops out of the apple barrel to join them. John Silver
recognizes the land as Skeleton Island; he advises Captain Smollett on the lay of the island and
where they should drop anchor. The Captain assembles the crew on deck, praises their hard work,
and rewards them with grog. Shortly thereafter, the three honest men assemble below and call for
Jim, who reveals his news of conspiracy. Trelawney immediately admits his mistake in selecting the
crew and apologizes to the Captain. In turn, the Captain decides that the only way to handle this
information is to keep a positive outlook and to put “prodigious faith” (71) in Jim’s ability to
intermediate between the pirates and themselves.
1. Based on what you know about John Silver, would you trust his information about the island?
Why or why not?
2. Does John Silver really like Jim? Why do you think so?
17. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 17
3. How is Long John Silver able to hide his disappointment about the map (and his real
intentions) so easily?
4. Why does the Captain reward the men with drink?
5. What do you think of Trelawney’s apology to Smollett? Does that change your opinion of him?
6. What are Smollett’s three insights about their situation?
7. Is it fair to have Jim serve as a spy? Why or why not? Would you be willing to do it, knowing
the kind of men these pirates are? Why or why not?
8. How would you determine which men have joined the pirates?
Duplicity (68): being two-faced; deceptive
Durst not (69): dare not; wouldn’t dare
Pretence (69): the act of pretending to (spelled pretense in American English)
1. Pick the most important word in this chapter and explain why you chose it. Be prepared to
defend your choice using what you know from the reading of Treasure Island.
2. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“‘Yes sir,’ said he, ‘this is the spot, to be sure, and very prettily drawed out. Who might have done
that, I wonder? The pirates were too ignorant, I reckon.’” (68)
“In the meantime, talk as we pleased, there were only seven out of the twenty-six on whom we knew
we could rely; and out of these seven one was a boy, so that the grown men on our side were six to
their nineteen.” (72)
The Hispaniola arrives, and Jim dreads setting foot on the island. He volunteers for a boat manned
by Long John Silver. Silver helps the steersman navigate the waters with extreme ease. The crew
becomes increasingly hostile emitting an air of mutiny; however, Silver maintains an anxious but
willing and civil face, which counter-balances the surly crew. The Captain, in an attempt to allay
tension, lets the men have a recreational afternoon on the island. As the Captain goes below, the
men gather around Silver, who’s clearly the real leader of the rebellious crew. Silver takes thirteen
men ashore, leaving six men on board with the Captain. Jim decides to go ashore as well and, since
his boat is lighter and better manned, he darts ahead of Silver and the rest of the crew. He hears
Silver shouting after him: “Jim, Jim!” (79)
1. Do the chapter titles help you predict what will happen? Do you read the chapter differently
because of the titles? Why or why not?
2. Many of the nautical terms in Treasure Island have double meanings that inform the text.
What two meanings does the word scupper (75) have? How does this ring true for the crew
of the Hispaniola?
3. How do the conditions of the anchorage reflect the conditions inside the ship?
4. What on the island concerns the doctor? Why? Is he talking about a literal fever or a
metaphorical one? What proof do you have from the text?
Spires (75): towers that taper to points at the top
Scuppers (75): Drains that allow water on the deck of a ship to flow overboard
18. 18 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
Sweltering (77): excessively hot and humid, causing sweating and faintness
Stagnant (77): not circulating or flowing; stale, dead
1. Setting is incredibly important to Treasure Island; in fact, the map of the island was drawn before
the book was written. Select one of the settings you’ve come across thus far in the novel, and
illustrate the setting in 3-dimensions; make a diorama, a topical map, a pop-up book, etc.
2. Stevenson writes sound and motion expertly into the text. Using the quote on page 76 (see below) as
a model, write out a similar moment—of noise, motion, and then silence—in your personal novel.
3. Stevenson uses simile and metaphor to create a depth of tone in his writing, as on page 77.
Create a metaphor or simile to enhance your personal narrative.
4. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“The plunge of our anchor sent up clouds of birds wheeling and crying over the woods, but in less
than a minute they were down again and all was once more silent.” (76)
“Mutiny, it was plain, hung over us like a thundercloud.” (77)
Jim runs into the island jungle and hears a muffled, heated conversation between Long John and
another crewmember. Because he cannot make out what they’re saying, Jim crawls nearer to the two
men. John is, in fact, attempting to bring Tom, the crew-hand, over to the side of the mutineers.
Tom, however, is more concerned with duty than with riches. A scream sounds, which Tom soon
recognizes as Alan’s. Indeed, Alan, another of the honest crew has been murdered. Tom declares:
“You’ve killed Alan, have you? Kill me too. But I defies you.” (83) Long John obliges and kills him
with great violence. Jim, realizing that he might be next, runs for his life.
1. Why did or didn’t you think that all the men Silver took with him were part of the mutinous plan?
2. Silver’s true nature is revealed in this chapter. Did his ferocity and violence surprise you? Why
or why not? Use support from the text to defend your answer.
3. Now that Jim knows that the men either join the mutiny or are killed, how can he stay alive?
Make a prediction to check against your later reading.
Hearkening (81): listening
Modulated (83): changed in pitch, tone, or volume
Extricated (84): to release from being entangled; escaped
1. Add to the island map you have created based on the descriptions Jim has given in this
chapter of his whereabouts
2. Write an alternate chapter telling what would have happened had Jim stayed aboard the ship.
3. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver.
“Everything else was unchanged, the sun still shining mercilessly on the steaming marsh and the
tall pinnacle of the mountain, and I could scarce persuade myself that murder had been actually
done and a human life cruelly cut short a moment since before my eyes.” (83)
“As I did so, I could hear hails coming and going between the old buccaneer and his comrades, and
this sound of danger lent me wings.” (84)
19. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 19
Jim sees a man/bear/monkey-like figure in front of him, hears the pirates behind him, and considers
the two dangers—the known and the unknown. He suspects the wild man might be a cannibal,
which he ultimately finds less frightening than the murderous Silver. Jim remembers his pistol and
commits in the direction of the island man, who suddenly drops to his knees in supplication. The
man identifies himself as Ben Gunn, stranded on the island for the last three years. He tells Jim he’s
rich; Jim tells Ben his own tale. They agree that if Ben can help Jim get back to the Hispaniola, Jim
will provide Ben with a way off the island. Ben explains how he, along with Bill Bones and John
Silver, was on board Flint’s ship when Flint buried the treasure years ago. Ben also tells how he came
to be marooned. Jim hears a cannon blast, realizes the fight has begun, and soon discovers that the
Union Jack has been raised on land.
1. Why is Jim caught between going towards the frightening island man and going back to Silver?
What propels him forward?
2. What is the difference between being shipwrecked and being marooned? What other
characters from literature, movies, TV, etc. were marooned?
3. Why does Ben tell Jim so quickly that he is rich? Why does Ben continue to talk to Jim while
they are running towards the boat?
4. Ben coaches Jim on what to tell the squire. What do you predict the words, “Nor he weren’t,
neither” mean to Ben? To Jim? To the squire? Does Ben know the squire? Defend your answer.
Apparition (85): ghost
Adversary (85): competitor; enemy
Resolutely (85): with purpose
Supplication (85): a plea or prayer for help
Accoutrement (86): additional item of dress or equipment
Desolate (86): abandoned; forsaken; deserted
Pious (87): devoutly religious; god-fearing
Clove hitch (88): A knot used to fasten a line temporarily to a post or spar
Union Jack (90): Great Britain’s national flag, when flown from a ship, becomes the Union Jack.
1. Draw a picture of Ben Gunn based on his description on page 86.
2. Learn how to tie a clove hitch knot.
3. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“From trunk to trunk the creature flitted like a deer, running manlike on two legs, but unlike any
man that I had ever seen, stooping almost double as it ran. Yet a man it was, I could no longer be
in doubt about that.” (85)
“‘Ben Gunn,’” he answered, and his voice sounded hoarse and awkward, like a rusty lock. ‘I’m poor
Ben Gunn, I am; and I haven’t spoke with a Christian these three years.’” (86)
20. 20 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
At the point when the mutineers and Jim leave the Hispaniola for shore, the doctor takes over the
narration. The doctor, hearing that Jim had left the Hispaniola, does not doubt Jim’s honesty but is
worried about his safety. Hunter and the doctor go ashore in a jolly boat. Once ashore, the doctor
discovers a stockade built by the pirates in case of an attack; he hears gunfire, a scream, and fears
Jim has been shot. The doctor and Hunter speed back to the Hispaniola where the Captain and the
squire are shaken by the scream. After arming themselves, the doctor threatens to kill anyone on
board who signals to the mutineers ashore. The doctor and his men load the jolly boat with
provisions and arms, then, once again, make for the shore. The doctor notes that, though the
mutineers have advantage in numbers, their side has advantage in arms. The Captain convinces
Abraham Gray, one of the mutineers, to join the honest men.
1. Why, at this point, does Stevenson switch narrators? What benefit does the reader get from
hearing another perspective?
2. How do the wretched smells coming from the deck embody the events and emotions of characters?
3. Why does the doctor threaten Mr. Hands first?
4. Based on that threat, what do we learn about the character of the mutineers on board?
5. Why do the men need so many supplies?
6. Why does Abraham Gray decide to support the Captain?
Mutineers (93): men who plan mutiny, or overthrow a ship’s authority
Jolly-boat (93): a small workboat, usually rowed by 4 or 6 oars
Stockade (94): fortification consisting of a fence made of a line of posts set firmly for defense; a
place where prisoners are kept
Dot and carry one (95): unsteady; from mathematics (place-marking in addition)
Palisade (96): synonym for stockade
Fathom (96): measurement used for water depth: 1 fathom=6 feet.
1. Research terminology for telling time on the sea. Why is 1:30 known as “three bells”? (93)
2. Research the tune “Lillibullero.” What is its significance?
3. Make a model of the stockade using the description on page 94.
4. Journal entry: What is Jim doing/thinking during his absence from this chapter?
“‘I am leaving this ship, and I order you to follow your Captain. I know you are a good man at the
bottom, and I dare say not one of the lot of you’s as bad as he makes out. I have my watch here in
my hand; I give you thirty seconds to join me in.’” (97)
The doctor, Redruth, the squire, the Captain, and Gray set out on the overloaded jolly-boat. With water
coming aboard and with the ebb tide pulling them off course, the doctor finds it hard to keep the boat
moving forward without sinking. Suddenly, the men realize they have left one of their guns on board
21. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 21
the ship and that the mutineers are preparing to fire it. Although the squire fires at Israel Hands, who
had been Flint’s gunner, he misses Hands and kills another of the mutineers. When Trelawney fires a
second time, the boat’s stern goes under, swamping the supplies and two of their five guns. The men now
race for the shore, even as Silver’s men race towards the Captain’s store of provisions. Hunter and Joyce
are already on shore; the doctor is concerned that they cannot defend themselves against Silver’s men.
1. How is the doctor’s narration similar to Jim’s? How is it different?
2. How many men are loyal to the Captain?
3. Why isn’t Trelawney able to hit the gunner?
4. What is the difference between Joyce and Hunter?
Gallipot (97): a glazed earthen pot or vessel used for containing medicines
Journal entry: What is Jim doing/thinking during this chapter?
“‘Israel was Flint’s gunner,’ said Gray hoarsely.” (99)
“‘Mr. Trelawney, will you please pick me off one of these men, sir? Hands, if possible,’ said the
Captain.” (99)
Both the Captain’s men and Silver’s men race to the Captain’s provisions store. The Captain gives
the squire his gun, and the doctor gives Gray his cutlass. The men are well prepared, so when they
see the mutineers emerge from the thicket, four of them shoot; they kill one mutineer and send the
rest back into the woods. They rejoice too soon, however, because a retaliatory bullet kills Tom
Redruth. The Captain busies himself with turning out his pockets, mounting a flag up a makeshift
flagpole, and placing another flag over Tom’s body. After several shots head their way, the doctor
suggests that the flag provides the mutineers with a target and they should take it down. The
Captain refuses. The men observe that each mutineer has a musket. They hear someone hailing
them; it is Jim Hawkins.
1. How has the doctor’s role changed from when he was in the village? How has it stayed the
same? How do you account for the change?
2. How does the doctor’s opinion of Tom Redruth differ from Jim’s?
3. How does the Captain react to Redruth’s death?
4. What does he tell Dr. Livesey about the rations?
5. Why doesn’t the Captain want to take down the flags?
Worth his salt (102): worth his pay; valuable. Roman soldiers were paid a salarium, that is, they
were paid in salt, a precious commodity (the word salary comes from the root sal, meaning salt)
Acquiescence (103): acceptance without arguing
1. Research the practice of placing flags over war heroes. According to the criteria, does Redruth
qualify? Why or why not?
2. Research the difference between a pistol and a musket.
22. 22 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
3. Journal entry: What is Jim doing/thinking?
“Poor old fellow, he had not uttered one word of surprise, complaint, fear, or even acquiescence
from the very beginning of our troubles till now, when we had laid him down in the log-house to
die. He had lain like a Trojan behind his mattress in the gallery; he had followed every order silently,
doggedly, and well; he was the oldest of our party by a score of years; and now, sullen, old,
serviceable servant, it was he that was to die.” (103)
“‘Oho!’ said the Captain. ‘Blaze away! You’ve little enough powder already, my lads.’” (104)
Gunn ascertains that, since the flag flown above the stockade is not the Jolly Roger, the Captain’s
men must be inside. Ben tells Jim to retrieve the squire or the doctor, as he would like to make a
proposition. Both Ben and Jim scatter in opposite directions when a cannonball lands near them.
Jim makes his way to the shore where he sees the raised Jolly Roger and observes the mutineers
demolishing the jolly-boat with axes. He notes the white rock where Ben told him he could find a
boat. He later finds his friends in the stockade. The Captain gives the men chores, so they don’t get
depressed over recent deaths and injuries. The men discuss their strategy regarding the mutineers—
whose manpower has been reduced from nineteen to fifteen. They agree that their best hope is to
kill off the mutineers until they “either [haul] down the flag or [run] away with the Hispaniola.”
(110) Jim is awakened by the sound of shouting: Silver has raised a flag of truce.
1. How is Ben Gunn like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
2. Why are the mutineers destroying the jolly-boat?
3. Why hasn’t Tom Redruth been buried?
4. Why is cheese so valuable to Ben Gunn?
5. Why does the doctor consider rum and the climate to be their allies?
Succeeded (108): followed
1. Research the Jolly Roger. What is it and how did it become traditional for pirates to fly it over
their ships? What are the variations on the flag? Design one appropriate for Long John Silver
and his crew.
2. Resume the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
3. Continue the character chart for Long John Silver.
“‘First ship that I ever lost,’ said Captain Smollett.”
Silver and another of his men approach in seeming surrender; the Captain warns his men to keep
indoors in case the surrender is a hoax. After some negotiation, Silver enters the stockade, alone, to
speak with the Captain. Silver speaks of a nighttime massacre in which many of his men were killed;
the Captain is confused, but Jim guesses that Ben Gunn must have attacked Silver’s men while they
were passed out from drink. Silver bargains: he offers to take the Captain and his crew on board
the Hispaniola and drop them off to safe harbor in exchange for the map and the subsequent
treasure. Captain Smollett counters: he wants each of Silver’s men to offer himself up to shackles
23. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 23
and a fair trial in England. Neither side allows a compromise; both parties are resigned to battle.
1. Why does the Captain pointedly disagree when Silver calls himself Captain?
2. Why does Silver call Captain Smollett a deserter?
3. How is their conference about power? Who has the real power? How is the power demonstrated?
4. Why doesn’t anyone give Silver a hand up?
Placidly (111): calmly
Marrow (111): the center of bones
Morass (112): a soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot; a bog, a mire
Treacherous (112): dangerous; unpredictable; intending to betray
Cavalier (113): having arrogant disregard of others
Surmounting (113): getting over the top
Nettled (115): impatient, angry, as if stung by nettles—plants with stinging hairs
Affy-davy (115): affidavit; a declaration under oath; a promise
Imprecations (116): curses, insults
Puncheon (116): a cask containing from 72 to 120 gallons
1. Draw a picture of Silver and his lieutenant approaching the stockade.
2. Reenact the meeting between the Captain and Silver.
3. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
“‘Why, Silver,’ said the Captain, ‘if you had pleased to be an honest man, you might have been
sitting in your galley. It’s your own doing. You’re either my ship’s cook—and then you were treated
handsome—or Cap’n Silver, a common mutineer and pirate, and then you can go hang!’” (113)
“‘I would see you and him and this whole island blown clean out of the water into blazes first.’” (115)
Smollett roars at his men, whom have all left their posts. They must remain vigilant, since they are
outnumbered and will soon be attacked. He sets the men to new positions, and the mutineer attack
begins. Most attack from the north, where Squire Trelawney is posted. Silver’s men quickly overrun
the log-house, but the smoke from the gunfire helps mask the loyal men’s positions. The Captain
orders the men to exit the house. Jim runs directly into Anderson, barely escaping a fatal blow by
falling into the sand. When he gets up, the Captain’s men have won and only one attacking pirate
has escaped. Unfortunately, Joyce has been shot dead and the Captain has been wounded. There
are only eight mutineers and five of the Captain’s men remaining.
1. How does each man’s position fit his personality and ability?
2. When the Captain determines the number of men attacking from each side, why doesn’t he
change his strategy?
A flea in his ear (117): an annoying hint or a stinging rebuke
24. 24 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
1. Draw an architectural plan of the log-house, marking the position of each person at his post.
2. Write an account of the attack from Joyce’s perspective. Use his voice and demeanor as much
as possible.
3. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and/or Long John Silver.
Out of the eight men fallen from battle, only three still breathed: the doctor kills one of them, the
mutineer, for mercy’s sake; Hunter, whose skull is fractured and whose chest is crushed, loses
consciousness and eventually dies; and the Captain’s “grievous” (125) injuries have left him
temporarily incapacitated. The doctor sets off with the map to do some reconnaissance. While Gray
thinks the doctor is crazy for leaving them, Jim is envious; he imagines the doctor lingering in the
pleasant shadow of the woods—as opposed to suffocating in the overheated stockade amidst blood
and dead bodies. Jim decides to follow the doctor’s lead and sets out to find Ben Gunn’s boat,
leaving only two able men, Gray and the squire, to guard the house. As Jim makes his way along
the beach, he hears an awful scream, which he recognizes as the parrot, Cap’n Flint. Having found
and boarded Gunn’s small boat, he decides on rowing out to the Hispaniola, cutting the ship adrift,
and giving it up to the sea’s strong tides.
1. Is it worth dying in pursuit of the treasure?
2. Why does Jim continue to endanger himself by heading out on his own? What is his
rationale? What would you have done differently and why?
3. From Jim’s comments, we know that his leaving turns out to be a good thing. Why does
Stevenson make each disappearance fortunate for Jim? What would that lead his audience of
readers to think? Are they influenced by Jim’s boldness?
Rations (125): allotted portion of food
French leave (127): an abrupt and unannounced departure; a leisurely desertion from a military
unit; going AWOL
Coracle (129): a small rounded boat made of hides stretched over a wicker frame
Thwart (129): a board used as a seat across a boat
Truantry (129): leaving without permission
1. Write and perform a monologue reflecting Jim’s thoughts regarding his surroundings in the
log-house, comparing his emotions to the doctor’s.
2. Reread Jim’s description of the sea. (127-128) Using images from this passage, create a poem
that shows Jim’s awe of the sea.
3. Write Long John Silver’s journal detailing events ashore during his absence from the narrative of the book.
4. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
25. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 25
The coracle is awkward, spinning and moving sideways more than going forward. Still, the tide
carries Jim closer to the Hispaniola. Jim begins to cut the ship from its anchor but stops when the
wind dies and the hawser tightens. While waiting for the wind to pick up-and the rope to slacken—
Jim overhears the gunner, Israel Hands, arguing with the man in the red cap. Jim cuts the final
fibers of the hawser but cannot seem to push the coracle away from the Hispaniola. Making the
most of the coracle’s dangerous closeness to the Hispaniola, Jim glances inside the ship’s cabin
window; he sees Hands in a deadly wrestle with Red-cap. Jim suddenly realizes that both his boat
and the Hispaniola are picking up speed and heading out to sea. He therefore imagines his little
skiff wrecking in the raging breakers; preparing for death, Jim falls asleep instead.
1. Why does Jim grab “the light cord” (133) at the last minute?
2. What is the connection between the men wrestling on the ship and the boisterous singing on shore?
3. What are the men fighting about?
Hawser (131): large, heavy nautical rope
Taut (131): tight
Innumerable (133): so many as to be uncountable
Incessant (133): never stopping
Weltering (133): tossing in an uncontrolled way
Supervened (134): overcame
1. Recreate the argument between Hands and the other man in a dramatic dialogue. What are
they arguing about?
2. Build or draw a model of the coracle.
3. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
4. Write out a journal for Long John Silver, detailing what he’s doing/thinking during his
absence from this stage of the narrative of the book.
“Do as you pleased, she always made more leeway than anything else, and turning round and round
was the maneuver she was best at.” (130)
Jim is adrift at the southwest end of the island. He recognizes that if he were to paddle toward shore,
he would be dashed upon the craggy rocks. He sees two sea lions, “slimy monsters” (135), which
are frightening though harmless. Jim figures that so long as he doesn’t interfere with the coracle-
that is, attempt to paddle—it moves quickly through the waves. Eventually he is able to slowly
maneuver the coracle. As he aims for a promontory, he sees the Hispaniola with her sails raised and
is both frightened and relieved by the prospect of being captured. He soon notices that, in fact, no
one is steering the boat, so he plans to get on board and return the ship to Captain Smollett. The
coracle is destroyed just as Jim grabs hold of the jib boom and climbs on board the Hispaniola.
1. Although still youthful and, in some ways, careless, it’s clear that Jim is wiser now than when
the Hispaniola left Bristol. How so? What have been some of Jim’s more transitional moments
26. 26 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
and experiences?
2. Which character (i.e. the squire, the doctor, Long John Silver, Ben Gunn) do you think has,
thus far, had the most influence on Jim? Why?
3. Why is Stevenson so kind to Jim? That is, why does Jim have such good luck?
Infallibly (137): incapable of failing
Promontory (137): a rocky elevated area that juts out into the sea
Jib-boom (140): a rounded pole of wood to support a ship’s rigging
1. Research seagoing survival techniques. How quickly does dehydration occur at sea? On land?
What other dangers might occur over long periods at sea?
2. Create a picture (drawing, painting, etc.) of Jim’s sighting of the Hispaniola on pages 137-138.
3. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
4. Write out Long John Silver’s journal detailing events ashore during his absence from the
narrative of the book.
“I felt willing rather to starve at sea than to confront such perils.” (135)
Jim tries to gain his footing as the Hispaniola rocks from side to side. He sees that Israel Hands and
Red-cap have indeed killed each other; rather, Red-cap is dead, while Hands has a weak hold on
life. Hands moans in such pain that Jim almost pities him. He asks Jim for brandy, and Jim obliges.
Hands offers to advise Jim on sailing the ship in exchange for food, drink, and clean bandages. Jim
agrees, and within minutes they have the ship sailing steadily.
1. How does the condition of the ship reflect the crew’s mutiny? What does it say about their
attitudes towards rules, regulations, and authority?
2. Which characters do and do not abuse alcohol? How do the alcohol abusers and non-abusers differ?
3. Why does Jim bring Hands his brandy?
4. Jim tells Hands to regard him as the new Captain. Why does Hands obey?
5. Would you trust Hands to teach you how to sail?
6. How does Stevenson foreshadow yet another danger for Jim?
Bowsprit (140): a pole extending forward from a ship’s bow to which the forestaysails are fastened.
Ankecher (143): a handkerchief
Derision (145): laughing with contempt; ridicule
1. Draw a picture of the ship before the mutiny and afterwards. What is the difference, and what
made it that way?
2. Write Long John Silver’s journal detailing what he’s doing/thinking during his absence from
the narrative of the book.
3. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
27. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 27
“Hands bound up the great bleeding stab he had received in the thigh, and after he had eaten a
little and had a swallow or two more of the brandy, he began to pick up visible, sat straighter up,
spoke louder and clearer, and looked in every way another.” (144)
Hands asks Jim to heave O’Brien’s body off the ship; Jim refuses, and a discussion about death ensues.
Hands then asks Jim to fetch him some wine. Jim suspects this request is a ploy to get him off deck; he
complies in order to spy on Hands whom Jim sees creak to his feet and retrieve a knife. Knowing that
Hands has a knife, Jim arms himself with a bottle of wine. After another philosophical banter, Jim
and Hands maneuver the ship through a narrow estuary. Jim is so enthralled by the ship’s near safety
that he neglects Hands. Fortunately, he remembers Hands in time to see the coxswain advancing
toward him with the knife. As Hands charges, Jim lets go of the tiller, which, in turn, strikes Hands.
Jim tries to shoot Hands, but his pistol is waterlogged. Hands and Jim are at a standoff when the
ship strikes land at a steep angle, sending them both reeling. Jim recovers first and scrambles up the
mast. He loads his pistol while Hands climbs after him. Jim is overly confident about his safety, “as
a conceited cock upon a wall” (152), and relaxes, whereupon Hands pins him to the mast with a
dagger. Both of Jim’s pistols fire and hit Hands, who plunges into the water.
1. Why does Hands call Jim “Cap’n” so readily, and then switch back to calling him Jim so easily
as well?
2. Why does Hands ask about whether a man can come back to life? What are Hands’s reasons
for living a sinful life?
3. How does Jim’s pride disarm him twice?
4. How is Stevenson able to let us know that Jim has been stabbed and Hands has been shot
without telling us specifically?
Dilapidation (148): a state of deterioration due to decay or long use
Feints (150): distracting maneuver
Mizzen shrouds (151): ladder-like ropes used to support a mast
1. Research body language. What are some of the “tells” (gestures, physical tics, etc.) of a person
who is lying? Which of these does Jim observe?
2. Reread the last paragraph on page 152, noting how Stevenson is able to show what happens
without telling his readers explicitly. Write a scene from an event in your own life (or rewrite
a scene from your personal narrative) in which you use this same technique.
3. Write out Long John Silver’s journal detailing events ashore during his absence from the
narrative of the book.
4. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
“‘Cap’’s my old shipmate, O’Brien; s’pose you was to heave him overboard. I ain’t partic’lar
as a rule, and I don’t take no blame for settling his hash, but I don’t reckon him ornamental now,
do you?’” (145)
“‘I never seen good come o’ goodness yet. Him as strikes first is my fancy; dead men don’t bite;
them’s my views—amen, so be it.’” (148)
28. 28 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
Jim shudders and thereby breaks his skin away from the dagger. After cleaning his wound, he
addresses the body of O’Brien, tossing it overboard. Jim leaves the Hispaniola and looks forward to
seeing the faithful men at the stockade. He reasons that, though he was wrong to leave them one
man short, he made good by capturing the Hispaniola. With moonlight to guide him, Jim carefully
makes his way toward the immense fire—very unlike the smaller fires the men used to make.
Though relieved to hear his friends snoring peacefully, Jim considers how poorly they keep watch.
He sneaks into the cabin, where Long John Silver captures him.
1. Have you known anyone with Jim Hawkins’s good luck? Why does Stevenson save him from
so many situations?
2. Why does Jim decide to throw O’Brien overboard when he refused before?
3. When Jim approaches the sleeping men, what are the signs that something is wrong? Why
does Jim ignore these signs?
1. Write Long John Silver’s journal detailing events ashore during his absence from the narrative
of the book.
2. Continue the character chart for Jim Hawkins.
The pirates have captured the blockhouse; there is no sign of the Captain and his men. Only six
mutineers survive. Long John Silver tells Jim that the Captain, the doctor, and the squire have
turned against him because of his desertion. He explains that Jim’s only option is to join the
mutineers. The pirates are in the log-house because the doctor told Silver that the ship was gone
and bargained for a truce. Jim tells Silver of his own role in the pirates’ situation. He further
explains that his life must be spared in order for him to be Silver’s witness in court. Tom Morgan
wants to kill Jim, but Silver stops him. Silver’s men, on the verge of mutiny, step outside to hold a
council. Silver tells Jim that he and the squire are allied and the doctor has given him the chart.
1. How much of what Silver says does Jim believe?
2. Is Jim’s full disclosure a good idea? Why or why not?
3. What does their lack of challenge to Silver’s authority say about the men? What is their
attitude towards authority in general, and Silver’s in particular?
4. The crew adjourns to hold a council. What is odd about this?
5. Why does Silver ally himself with Jim? Is he opportunistic or is he earnest?
Smote (161): Injured or struck with a firm blow
Preening (161): Grooming
Truculently (163): in a defiantly aggressive manner
Furtively (166): secretly, slyly
1. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver.
29. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 29
“‘And the short and the long of the whole story is about here: you can’t go back to your own lot,
for they won’t have you; and without you start a third ship’s company all by yourself, which might
be lonely, you’ll have to jine with Cap’n Silver.’” (162)
Through a loophole, Jim spots the buccaneers talking. They stoop to examine a book. When the
buccaneers return, they hand Silver a black spot cut from a Bible. Silver mocks Dick, the pirate who
has a Bible with him. The crew formally states their grievances, but the Captain claims that each
grievance is their own fault, not his. To cement his status as their Captain, he shows them the
treasure map. They re-elect Silver. As the men sleep, Jim wonders how Silver will manage to keep
the mutineers under control while pursuing the treasure.
1. Why do the buccaneers have a book? Why does Jim find it odd?
2. Why is it ironic that the buccaneers have cut a black spot from a Bible to give to Silver? What
does the black spot represent? Why does Silver mock the man who has the Bible?
3. Reread Chapter 3 to refresh your memory about the ceremony of the black spot. How is this
event similar to when Billy Bones receives the spot? How is it different?
4. What are the men angry about? How does Silver respond to the men’s accusations? Is his
response effective?
5. How does Dick’s status in the group change as a result of this process? Why does Silver give
the black spot to Jim? Why has he kept it?
1. Make a replica of the black spot from the description on page 173.
2. Write a journal entry from the perspective of the Captain, the doctor, or Trelawney detailing
the events that led up to giving Silver the map.
3. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver.
The doctor awakens the men. Barely acknowledging Jim, the doctor tends to the wounded
buccaneers without judgment. He claims he’s tending to them as prisoners, not as free men. Silver
grants Jim permission to speak to the doctor so long as he promises not to escape. The men
grumble, but Silver assures them that they’ll soon have their way. The doctor chastises Jim for
having left the wounded Captain and urges him to escape. Jim refuses. He further tells the doctor
where he’s hidden the Hispaniola. The doctor warns Silver to be cautious when looking for the
treasure. Silver wants more information, but the doctor refuses saying he’ll do his best to help Silver
when he comes to trial.
1. Why is the doctor civil to Silver and calmly committed to treating the wounded?
2. What effect does Silver’s allowing Jim to speak with the doctor have on the buccaneers? Why
do they react this way?
3. How does Silver’s demeanor change when he’s with his men versus with the doctor? Why does
it change?
4. The doctor believes that Jim has loyally aided the Captain’s men at every turn. Is this true?
30. 30 A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island
Home-thrust (176): jab at the heart
Preponderance (177): superiority
Gammon (177): early 18th Century, chiefly British: criminals’ slang for to deceive someone
Volubility (177): having the ability to speak and write easily
1. Research the criminal proceedings for piracy, especially for the pirate William Kidd. How
were pirates tried? Executed? Why would this frighten such hardened criminals?
2. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver.
“He seemed under no apprehension, though he must have known that his life, among these
treacherous demons, depended on a hair; and he rattled on to his patients as if he were paying an
ordinary professional visit in a quiet English family.” (175)
“‘Because, you see, I am mutineers’ doctor, or prison doctor as I prefer to call it,’ says Doctor
Livesey in his pleasantest way, ‘I make it a point of honour not to lose a man for King George (God
bless him!) and the gallows.’” (175-6)
Silver thanks Jim for keeping his word and not running away. The buccaneers have made a huge
fire and are cooking enough food for several days. Silver tells them that the Captain has the
Hispaniola. He says that Jim is their hostage, their bargaining tool. Jim understands that Silver’s
alliances change with the circumstances. The men, using the directions on the back of the map, set
out in two boats, both of which are in poor condition. They hear a scream of terror and find the
skeleton of a seaman in an unnatural position: perfectly straight with his arms raised overhead; like
a pointing arrow. The buccaneers search for the dead man’s knives and other possessions but don’t
find anything. Spooked by Flint’s long-ago cruelty towards his own men, they move forward
1. What is the advantage of fighting back-to-back rather than side-by-side?
2. Why are the buccaneers so wasteful?
3. How does Jim feel about Silver? Does he trust him? Why or why not?
4. How are the pirates equipped? What is the condition of their supplies and equipment? What
does this say about their preparation?
Burthened (182): burdened
Miry (184): marshy; wet
Tethered (184): tied
1. Open a bottle of nutmeg to smell while reading the passage from page 184.
2. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver.
“‘This is one of his jokes, and no mistake. Him and these six was alone here; he killed ‘em, every
man; and this one he hauled here and laid down by compass, shiver my timbers!’” (185)
“‘Messmates, but if Flint was living, this would be a hot spot for you and me. Six they were, and
six are we; and bones is what they are now.’” (186)
31. A Teacher’s Guide to the Signet Classics Edition of Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island 31
“The terror of the dead buccaneer had fallen on their spirits.” (186)
The men hear “Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest” and nearly faint from terror. Silver assures them
that the voice is from a living person, not Flint’s ghost; however, the men are terrified when they
hear Flint’s dying words: “Fetch aft the rum, Darby!” Silver motivates the men to continue
searching for the treasure despite their fear. The men recognize Ben Gunn’s voice. Dick gets sicker
and prays more feverishly as they go along. As they approach the treasure, they begin to hurry. Jim
notices that Silver’s demeanor has changed. He fears murder of Flint’s six men may be reenacted
once they find the treasure. They proceed only to find that the treasure has been excavated and is
1. How does Silver convince the men to continue searching for the treasure? How effective is he?
2. When the men recognize the voice of Ben Gunn, why aren’t they afraid any more?
3. What is the difference between superstition and faith? What is Stevenson’s opinion about
religion in general, or Dick’s faith specifically? Use the text to support your position.
4. Why does the prospect of money erase the men’s fears?
5. How does the idea of treasure affect Long John Silver’s behavior? What visible changes does
Jim notice in Silver?
6. How are Silver and Dick similar in their pursuit of the treasure? How do they differ?
Skylarking (188): playing around
Countenance (191): face; appearance
Cache (192): hidden item
1. Research the power of suggestion. How are Silver’s men affected by both their surroundings and
the sounds they hear? Why aren’t the facts of the situation more powerful than what they fear?
2. Create a collage of words or pictures showing the power of money. What can it buy? What
can’t it buy?
3. Research what a British merchantman of the period was paid. What were their options for
advancing toward better paying jobs?
4. Continue the character charts for Jim Hawkins and Long John Silver.
“Not a man, not a sail, upon the sea; the very largeness of the view increased the sense of solitude.” (187)
“Certainly he took no pains to hide his thoughts, and certainly I read them like print.” (191)
Long John Silver, realizing that his plans for the treasure have been dashed, passes Jim a pistol and
tells him to get ready to fight. Meanwhile the men have found only a two-guinea piece, not the
seven hundred thousand pounds of treasure. George Merry calls for the men to attack Silver and
Jim; however, before they do, shots from the thicket kill him. Doctor Livesey, Gray, and Ben Gunn
emerge carrying muskets as the three other mutineers attempt to escape. Ben Gunn tells Silver that
he found the treasure and moved it to a cave two months earlier. The doctor and the others
demolish one boat and head towards Ben Gunn’s cave in the other. After Trelawney chastises Silver
for his villainy, he guides them into a cave where Captain Smollett sits among “heaps of coin and
quadrilaterals built of bars of gold.” (197)