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Lumbar puncture
• A lumbar puncture (or LP, and
colloquially known as a spinal tap) is
a diagnostic procedure that is
performed in order to collect a
sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Lumbar puncture should be performed for the
following indications:
• Suspicion of meningitis
• Suspicion of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH)
• Suspicion of central nervous system (CNS)
diseases such as Guillain-Barré syndrome and
carcinomatous meningitis
• Therapeutic relief of pseudotumor cerebri
Absolute contraindications for lumbar puncture are
• presence of infected skin over the needle entry site and the
presence of unequal pressures between the supratentorial and
infratentorial compartments.
• Midline shift
• Loss of suprachiasmatic and basilar cisterns
• Posterior fossa mass Loss of the superior cerebellar cistern
• Loss of the quadrigeminal plate cistern
Relative contraindications for lumbar puncture include the following:
Increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
Brain abscess
• After suitable local
• Position child in either
sitting or lateral
recumbent position
with hips,knees and
neck flexed.
• Wearing nonsterile
gloves, locate the L3-L4
interspace by palpating
the right and left
posterior superior iliac
crests and moving the
fingers medially toward
the spine
• Palpate that interspace
(L3-L4), the interspace
above (L2-L3), and the
interspace below (L4-L5)
to find the widest space.
Lumbar puncture
• Insert the needle at a slightly
cephalad angle, directing it
toward the umbilicus. Advance
the needle slowly but smoothly.
Occasionally, a characteristic
“pop” is felt when the needle
penetrates the dura. Otherwise,
the stylet should be withdrawn
after approximately 4-5 cm and
observed for fluid return. If no
fluid is returned, replace the
stylet, advance or withdraw the
needle a few millimeters, and
recheck for fluid return. Continue
this process until fluid is
successfully returned
• For measurement of the
opening pressure, the
patient must be in the
lateral recumbent position.
After fluid is returned from
the needle, attach the
manometer through the
stopcock, and note the
height of the fluid column.
The patient’s legs should be
straightened during the
measurement of the open
pressure, or a falsely
elevated pressure will be
• If the CSF flow is too
slow, ask the patient to
cough or bear down (as in
the Valsalva maneuver),
or ask an assistant to
press intermittently on
the patient’s abdomen to
increase the flow.
Alternatively, the needle
can be rotated 90° so that
the bevel faces cephalad.
• Replace the stylet, and
remove the needle (see
the video below). Clean
off the skin preparation
solution. Apply a sterile
dressing, and place the
patient in the supine
• Local pain
• Infection
• Bleeding
• Spinal Fluid Leak
• Hematoma
• Spinal Headache/Post-tap headache
• Acquired epidermal spinal cord tumor (caused by
implantation of epidermal material into spinal
canal if no stylet is used on skin entry)

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Lumbar puncture

  • 2. • A lumbar puncture (or LP, and colloquially known as a spinal tap) is a diagnostic procedure that is performed in order to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
  • 3. INDICATIONS Lumbar puncture should be performed for the following indications: • Suspicion of meningitis • Suspicion of subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) • Suspicion of central nervous system (CNS) diseases such as Guillain-Barré syndrome and carcinomatous meningitis • Therapeutic relief of pseudotumor cerebri
  • 4. CONTRAINDICATIONS Absolute contraindications for lumbar puncture are • presence of infected skin over the needle entry site and the presence of unequal pressures between the supratentorial and infratentorial compartments. • Midline shift • Loss of suprachiasmatic and basilar cisterns • Posterior fossa mass Loss of the superior cerebellar cistern • Loss of the quadrigeminal plate cistern Relative contraindications for lumbar puncture include the following: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) Coagulopathy Brain abscess
  • 5. PROCEDURE • After suitable local anesthesia • Position child in either sitting or lateral recumbent position with hips,knees and neck flexed.
  • 6. • Wearing nonsterile gloves, locate the L3-L4 interspace by palpating the right and left posterior superior iliac crests and moving the fingers medially toward the spine • Palpate that interspace (L3-L4), the interspace above (L2-L3), and the interspace below (L4-L5) to find the widest space.
  • 8. • Insert the needle at a slightly cephalad angle, directing it toward the umbilicus. Advance the needle slowly but smoothly. Occasionally, a characteristic “pop” is felt when the needle penetrates the dura. Otherwise, the stylet should be withdrawn after approximately 4-5 cm and observed for fluid return. If no fluid is returned, replace the stylet, advance or withdraw the needle a few millimeters, and recheck for fluid return. Continue this process until fluid is successfully returned
  • 9. • For measurement of the opening pressure, the patient must be in the lateral recumbent position. After fluid is returned from the needle, attach the manometer through the stopcock, and note the height of the fluid column. The patient’s legs should be straightened during the measurement of the open pressure, or a falsely elevated pressure will be obtained
  • 10. • If the CSF flow is too slow, ask the patient to cough or bear down (as in the Valsalva maneuver), or ask an assistant to press intermittently on the patient’s abdomen to increase the flow. Alternatively, the needle can be rotated 90° so that the bevel faces cephalad.
  • 11. • Replace the stylet, and remove the needle (see the video below). Clean off the skin preparation solution. Apply a sterile dressing, and place the patient in the supine position.
  • 12. COMPLICATIONS • Local pain • Infection • Bleeding • Spinal Fluid Leak • Hematoma • Spinal Headache/Post-tap headache • Acquired epidermal spinal cord tumor (caused by implantation of epidermal material into spinal canal if no stylet is used on skin entry)