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Silk Chocolate Soy Milk 6pcs
- Multi-pack (6 counts)
- Silk Chocolate Soymilk,236mL each in 1 set packaging
- 8g of protein each serving
- Lactose free
- Product of the USA
Actual Weight: 1.65 KGs
Product Dimensions: 6.5 x 4 x 5
Product Details +
Specifications +
Reviews (0) +
Soymilk is already a great low-fat and low-calorie alternative to regular milk. Silk Chocolate Soymilk gives you the goodness of soy milk, all with the delicious twist of a rich chocolate flavor! Lactose free and a great source of calcium and protein, it just might be your new favorite tasty milk alternative. Silk Soymilk is the Original Nutrition Powerhouse, so you can be sure you're placing you're trust in a company that knows exactly what they're doing when it comes to soy milk!
Store in a cool, dry place. Once opened, refrigerate and consume by the date indicated. Shake well before opening.