Who We Are

First Christian Church is a non-denominational, Bible believing church in Somerset, Pennsylvania.

The Gospel

The word “Gospel” means Good News. We have good news that the God who created us and loves us came to save us from our sin, bring us back into a close relationship with Him, and give us new life. Below are the ABC’s of becoming a Christ-follower.

A – Accept Christ as your Lord & Savior

-Admit your sin is punishable by eternal separation from God. (Romans 6:23)
-Believe that Christ’s death on the cross was done in your place; he died to pay for your sins and then rose from the dead. (Romans 5:8)
-Repent (turn from your sins) and ask God to forgive you. (Acts 2:38)
-Surrender your life to Christ and commit to following Him and living your life in relationship with God. (Matthew 16:24)

B – Be Baptized

-Baptism is an important step in following Christ. (Colossians 2:12)
-Being immersed in the water represents dying to your old self and coming up out of the water represents being raised into new life with Christ. Baptism is a public commitment to following Christ. 

C – Connect to a Church

-Jesus wants us not just to believe, but to belong. When we decide to give our life to Christ, we become a part of God’s family. Being a part of the Church means living on mission together with others. (Hebrews 10:25)

D – Do Devotions

-We need to grow in our faith through prayer, personal worship, and studying the Bible. 

E – Experience God

The Christian life is not a set of rules, but an ongoing relationship with God. Learn to be filled with the Holy Spirit daily.