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Watching a DJ who is multi-talented and can perform self written lyrics, play multiple instruments, and DJ is something very rare. The performance that DJ Quik gave was one like I’d never seen before. He opened the set behind decks, and blasted out a couple of remixes, and some of his own mixes, before moving downstage to the mictophone setup.
He picked up the microphone and opened his vocal set with Pitch In on a Party, which had everyone singing along and dancing straight away. The band behind him were tight, and playing his complex riffs with ease and skill. He played several tracks form both The Book of David, and The Midnight Life, which went down really well. In a live performance, it’s easier to discern the lyrics that the artist is singing, especially being as close as I was to the front. For me, this made the concert even more exciting, enabling me to engage with Quik’s material more easily.
The talent that he showcased was incredible, switching from complicated rhythmic vocals, to the synth , and keys, and occasionally revisiting the turn tables. He was also great at getting the audience going and enthusiastic. He was encouraging everyone to sing along, and even held the microphone out occasionally. It was an epic evening, and I’d love to see him again.
Want to see DJ Quik in concert? Find information on all of DJ Quik’s upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2025-2026.
DJ Quik is not due to play near your location currently - but they are scheduled to play 4 concerts across 1 country in 2025-2026. View all concerts.
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