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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Souderton Connects?


Since 2016, the Souderton Connects, a non-profit, has been working alongside more than 200 property owners within the Borough of Souderton and its commercial district.  Providing marketing, networking, beautification, community engagement, collaboration, and economic development for Souderton, it is dedicated to supporting our local businesses.  We're so thankful that the Souderton community has let us become a part of their lives and together we can continue to grow what they've built.    To know more, visit our About page.  

Who is included in the Souderton Connects Business Improvement District?

*All properties were notified by letter if they are to be included in the BID.  If you aren't sure, refer to last chart on our Final Plan or call to find out. 215-723-6627 ext101

Starting in 2021, we will use the Souderton Borough as the boundaries for the Souderton BID.  All Commercial or Industrial properties in the Borough with zoning C1, C2, LI, GA, MUR, R1, R2, or R3 are included.  Properties designated Class R (Residential) and zoned C1 or C2 are also included because commercial use is possible, especially in the core commercial business district.  If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us.


Can I remove my property from the Business Improvement District?

An owner-occupant of a residential property within the boundaries of the Souderton Connects is not obligated to pay the Assessed Charges, upon fulfillment of certain conditions.  In order to apply for exemption, use this form and return it to: 

Souderton Connects

PO Box 75

Souderton, PA 18964

What is the assessment formula?

Assessments will be calculated annually using the most recent data as provided by the Montgomery County Board of Assessment.  Annual assessment for each property is calculated as follows:

Total Property Tax Assessment (CO + MUNI + SCH)  x  4.5%

Who oversees the activities of the Souderton Connects?


We are governed by a Board of Directors, who are residents, local business owners, and/ or property owners.  The board oversees all services, finances, and operations. Board members serve for 2 years and then step off.  Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month.  Businesses and property owners who are not on the board are always welcome and encouraged to present their ideas.  Contact us to get involved.  ByLaws Of The Souderton Community Development Corporation

Where can I get more information about monthly meetings?


BID board meeting agendas and minutes are listed on the site.  Contact us to present at a meeting.

How can I get support from Souderton Connects with selling/ renting my commercial property?  With hiring for my business?


Let us know if you property is up for sale or for rent by filling out this form.  Your property will be highlighted on our website and shared via social media.  If your business is hiring, post your job opening on Facebook so we can help you connect with the right applicants.  

Who gives Souderton Connects authorization to operate?

We are currently reauthorized for 2021-2025.  The Board presented the Preliminary Plan to the Souderton Borough Council and received their full support.  During the process, two public hearings were held in order to present our work and hear from our stakeholders.  *All properties were notified by letter if they are to be included in the BID. 

The method of voting to reauthorize the BID is established by the Commonwealth.  The Souderton BID is not able to change what the Commonwealth has set forth. 


How can I get involved?

We are always happy to connect with great people who want to roll up their sleeves and help to make Souderton even better!  You can click here apply to join our board or email our manager to tal about volunteering at our events -

How do I get in touch with the Souderton Connects?

Email us at or call us at 215-723-6627.

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