Donate to Space

Help us give young people the time to grow and the space to thrive!

Your generosity goes a long way…

Your donations have a huge impact on the lives of young people in Devon. As a charity we rely on the help of our friends and supporters to continue unlocking potential with young people and their communities.

Donations are instrumental in ensuring that Space continues to be a dynamic, needs-led organisation, providing the best possible youth services for Devon’s young people. We use all funds efficiently and sustainably to maximise their positive impact for young people. We really value your support and the new opportunities it will provide for young people.

Other ways to give…

We believe all young people deserve the time and space to navigate the transition into adulthood, with support and guidance close to hand. There are plenty of ways to support our mission and including these other ways you can give…

Leave us a donation in your will, or raise funds in memory of a loved one as a special way to honour their legacy and make a lasting impact.

Support us on Easyfundraising. You can raise FREE donations when you shop online with over 7,000 brands. It's simple and only takes 2 minutes to sign up.

Help us support young people in Devon and be in with a chance of winning £25,000!

Your support is so important…

Read how your support can provide young people with the time and space to grow and thrive as they navigate the transition into adulthood. 

"When I first came I was really naughty and not good. Just bad, I don't really know how to explain it. I would always get in trouble, well not always, most of the time. I got in trouble for shouting at members of staff. But I learned new things like how to make cake pops and how to make friends. Here we do activities and I learn new things which have helped me make new friends. I'm not as shy now and I've made new friends." - Maisy's Story