- Dictionary
la paleta(
)A feminine noun is almost always used with feminine articles and adjectives (e.g., la mujer bonita, la luna llena).
1. (fine arts)
La artista eligió una paleta de colores brillantes para el cuadro.The artist chose a bright color palette for the painting.
El pintor mezclaba los colores en su paleta.The painter combined the colors on his palette.
No usé la paleta para voltear la tortilla y me quemé el dedo.I didn't use the spatula to turn the tortilla over, so I burned my finger.
a. trowel
Los albañiles usan la paleta para extender la argamasa.Construction workers use a trowel to spread the mortar.
a. blade
Algo quedó atascado en las paletas de la hélice.Something got stuck in the propeller blades.
5. (sports)
a. paddle
Nos prestaron unas buenas paletas para el partido de ping-pong.They lent us good paddles for the ping-pong match.
6. (anatomy)
a. shoulder blade
Mi primo se lastimó la paleta cuando se cayó de la bici.My cousin hurt his shoulder blade when he fell from the bike.
7. (culinary)
8. (colloquial) (tooth)
A word or phrase that is commonly used in conversational speech (e.g., skinny, grandma).
9. (candy) (Latin America)
Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Does not include Spain.
a. lollipop
El doctor le dio una paleta al niño acabando la consulta.The doctor gave the kid a lollipop at the end of the appointment.
10. (ice cream) (Latin America)
Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Does not include Spain.
a. Popsicle (registered trademark) (United States)
A word or phrase that is a proprietary term owned by a brand (e.g., iPod).
Regionalism used in the United States
Con este calor se me antoja una paleta.It's so hot I feel like having a Popsicle.
b. ice lolly (United Kingdom)
Regionalism used in the United Kingdom
Yo quiero una paleta de limón, por favor.I want a lemon ice lolly, please.
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