Hearing and Audiology
Help for Hearing Loss
At Lakeland Ear, Nose and Throat our team of audiologists are trained in hearing, balance, and communication disorders. If you think you may benefit from a hearing test contact our St. Joseph office at 269.982.3368 or our Niles office at 269.687.2910 to speak with our team and schedule an appointment.
What is audiology?
Audiology is a medical specialty that focuses on hearing and balance problems. Our team of audiologist help you find the proper hearing device, like hearing aids or a cochlear implant, and get you back to enjoying life.
Take a Hearing Risk Assessment
Signs that you may need a hearing assessment:
You find it hard to hear people on the phone.
You have trouble following conversations when two or more people speak at once.
You have trouble following conversations in a noisy background.
You ask people to repeat themselves.
You often misunderstand others and respond incorrectly.
Others notice that the TV or phone volume is high.
You don't take part in activities because of trouble hearing and understanding speech.
If you think you may have hearing loss, an ear, nose and throat specialist working with a certified audiologist can diagnose the exact cause and provide medically sound treatment, including a hearing aid if one is necessary. Contact our St. Joseph or Niles office to schedule a hearing assessment.
Get the facts
Most people are aware that hearing loss can occur naturally with increasing age, but often do not consider that noise exposure (recreational or occupational), family history of hearing loss, or other health issues (such as diabetes or certain cancer treatments) may also contribute to hearing concerns. If you suffer from hearing loss, you're not alone. In 2017, the National Institutes of Health National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIH NIDCD) reported that approximately 48 million Americans suffers some type of hearing loss.
The NIH NIDCD estimates that around 20% of American adults between the ages of 20 to 69 have some hearing trouble. Around 28.8 million Americans could benefit from the use of appropriately fit hearing aids; however only around 16% of those adults 20 to 69 and 30% of adults 70 years of age or older use hearing aids. Untreated hearing loss can contribute to problems such as, but not limited to, depression, isolation, academic delays, or cognitive decline. For this reason, a hearing evaluation is important as soon a hearing concerns arise so that action can be taken right away.