Addition Properties
Commutative Property of Addition
Learn how to apply the commutative property of addition and enhance your math skills with this interactive lesson.
Addition Strategies
Anchors of 5, 10, and 20
Discover essential math skills! Delve into anchors of 5, 10, and 20 to master addition and subtraction within 20.
Add Three Whole Numbers
Adding Three Numbers
Explore the world of addition! Learn to add three numbers within 20 and gain fluency through engaging math activities.
2-Digit Addition
Missing Digits in Addition and Subtraction Sentences (Within 100)
Unlock the mystery of missing digits in addition sentences up to 100! Fun challenges await to boost your math skills.
3-Digit Addition
Missing Digits in Addition Sentences (Within 1,000)
Delve into 3-digit numbers! Unlock the mystery of hidden digits in addition sentences through place value understanding.
Addition Properties
Commutative Property and Adding 3 Whole Numbers
Master addition strategies with the commutative property in this engaging math lesson.
Addition Strategies
Doubles Fact
Discover the power of doubles in math! Mastering doubles facts up to 10 for lightning-fast mental math.
2-Digit Addition
Addition Comparisons (Within 100)
Learn to compare two addition sentences without calculation! Boost your math confidence with fun comparison activities.
3-Digit Addition
Add & Subtract – The Inverse Operations
Explore how addition and subtraction work hand in hand as inverse operations, enhancing math skills effortlessly!
Addition Strategies
Near Doubles Strategy: “Double Plus 1”
Unlock the power of the "double + 1" strategy to breeze through adding any two consecutive numbers like a math champ!
2-Digit Addition
Fluently Add and Subtract (Within 100): Pro Edition
Unlock Math Mastery! Learn to find sums and differences using related facts and boost your arithmetic skills!
3-Digit Addition
Add 3-Digit Numbers to 1-or 2-Digit Numbers without Regrouping
Boost your math skills by adding 3-digit numbers to 1- or 2-digit numbers without regrouping!
Addition Strategies
Near Doubles Strategy: “Double Minus 1”
Master the "double – 1" strategy to effortlessly add any two consecutive numbers as you become a math whiz!
2-Digit Addition
Model Addition within 100 (Without Regrouping)
Elevate your computational abilities! Use models to add numbers within 100 without regrouping.
3-Digit Addition
Add Two 3-Digit Numbers without Regrouping
Enhance your math abilities by adding two 3-digit numbers without regrouping effortlessly!
Addition Strategies
Doubles and Near Doubles Strategy: Advanced Edition
Solve challenging addition problems up to 20 using double and near-double strategies.
2-Digit Addition
Addition without Regrouping Using Place Value Cards (Within 100)
Boost your computational skills! Use place value cards to add 2-digit numbers without regrouping.
3-Digit Addition
Add Within 100
Develop addition skills within 100 with this interactive math lesson. Explore place value, split numbers into tens and ones, and learn to add two-digit numbers without regrouping.
Addition Strategies
Add using Doubles Strategy - Part 2
Unleash the power of mental math with our interactive lesson on addition using doubles and doubles +1/1 strategy. Engage students in fun activities to reinforce their understanding of this efficient addition method.
2-Digit Addition
Addition Within 1,000
Master addition within 1,000 with this engaging place value adventure. Learn regrouping techniques and enhance your understanding of place value.
3-Digit Addition
Add 3-Digit Numbers to 1-or 2-Digit Numbers with Regrouping
Master adding 3-digit numbers to 1- or 2-digit numbers with regrouping for accurate results!
Addition Strategies
Make 10 to Add Three Numbers
Discover number fun! Join our class where kids learn to add three numbers, finding combinations that make 10.
2-Digit Addition
Model Addition within 100 (With Regrouping)
Strengthen your addition skills! Use models to add numbers within 100 with regrouping.
Addition Strategies
Add by Making a 10 (Using 10-Frame)
Explore math with ten frames! Master addition by breaking down the second number to make a perfect 10 with the first.
2-Digit Addition
Addition with Regrouping Using Place Value Cards (Within 100)
Add like a pro! Use place value cards to confidently add 2-digit numbers with regrouping.
Addition Strategies
Add by Making a 10
Discover how to add two numbers by breaking down the second number to make a perfect 10 with the first.
Addition Strategies
Form Numbers Using Number Bonds of 10
Supercharge your math skills by mastering the number bonds of 10 to build bigger numbers!
Addition Strategies
Add Numbers by "Making 10" Strategy
Transform your addition skill by using the make-a-10 technique to add multiple numbers effortlessly.
Addition Strategies
Number Sense - I
Develop number sense and mathematical fluency with this interactive math lesson.
Addition Strategies
Fluently Add within 100 - Part 1
Master addition fluency within 100 using the compensation strategy. Simplify problems, solve with ease!
Addition Strategies
Addition by ‘Making 10’ Strategy - Part 2
Master addition with the 'Making 10' strategy
Fluently Add within 1,000
Master addition within 1,000 using engaging activities.
Find the Missing Addend (within 20)
Solve challenging addition problems by finding the missing addend within 20.
Multi-Step Addition and Subtraction Puzzles
Boost your problem-solving as you master solving 2-step number puzzles involving addition and subtraction like a pro!
Compare Addition Expressions (within 20)
Challenge yourself by comparing addition expressions within 20 without actually solving them.