Everyone is welcome at St Barnabas regardless of if you have never been to church, are looking to find a home church or just visiting! There is usually a Welcomer on the door who can answer any questions you may have. Keep an eye on the weekly news sheet for additional services and other events that take place in church.
First Sunday
8.00am: Communion
10.30am: All Age Worship
11:45am: Communion
Second Sunday
Together for Communion
Third Sunday
Said Communion
Together for Communion with Children's Groups
Fourth Sunday
Together for Communion with Children's Groups
Word and Worship
Children and Young People
Children and Young People are welcome in all of our services. We have a carpeted area at the back of church, which usually has some activities that anyone can do during the service. Find out more about how we worship as a family by clicking below.
Tea and Coffee is served after the 10:30am service. This is free for everyone but we do welcome donations if you are able.
We have a car park and two disabled parking spots. There is an accessible entrance just down the path to the right of the main doors. We have an accessible toilet, including baby changing facilities. Gluten Free wafers are available every Sunday - just ask when you get to the front.
Worship in the Week
We are a 7 day per week church and lots goes on in our worshipping community during the week.

Connect | Pray | Worship
Word & Worship
4th Sundays - 5:30pm
Word & Worship is a relaxed service of prayer, worship and bible teaching. Each service usually follows a theme that may be explored through bible study, visiting speakers, sharing testimonies, prayer stations and more. Each service is different! Tea & Coffee are available from 5:30pm and sung worship is led by the Worship Band. All are welcome regardless of whether you attend church regularly or not.
In the week
Morning prayer is streamed daily at 9.00am on our Facebook page. If we can't live stream then we will share the Church of England digital morning prayer stream.
Wednesdays at 10.00am - Midweek Communion
There is a Said Communion service that takes place in the side chapel at 10.00am on Wednesdays.
Home Groups
Home Groups at St Barnabas provide places where we can grow in our faith, pray together and enjoy fellowship with one another. House groups are usually made up of 4-10 people who regularly meet for Bible discussion, prayer and just a chance to catch up! Some Home Groups meet in the evenings and others in the day time so there are groups around your schedule. House groups usually meet online or in people's houses. If you'd like to find out more about joining a homegroup, please get in touch and we will get you connected.
We strongly believe that prayer changes things. God hears all our prayers and responds. At St Barnabas, prayer is at the heart of all we do and we pray regularly for the world, the church and the people, including those who are hungry, thirsty and oppressed.
Prayer Ministry is available after the 10.30am services. We believe that the Holy Spirit heals today and we would encourage everyone to pray in the name of Jesus, with the faith that our prayers are heard. If you would like someone to pray with you please contact Rev Sarah Todd. All are welcome to join daily prayer on Facebook and we are also happy to put prayer requests for individuals in our news sheet so that the parish can join in prayer.
Eco Church
As citizens of the earth and of God’s kingdom we have the responsibility of looking after our environment. We can see God at work just by studying the world around us. Each of us can make a difference by doing small things such as managing a small part of our garden for wildlife, or putting up bird boxes or providing plants that are beneficial for insects and their predators.
St Barnabas church is part of the Eco Church initiative administered by A Rocha and are pleased to have achieved the Bronze Award in January 2021. We are now working towards the silver award by reviewing our worship and management of buildings and grounds. We have recently planted a wildflower grassland in the church grounds and are planning new areas for wildlife and quiet reflection. You can hear Ian talking about the project in the video below.
We encourage everyone in our local community to minimise waste and consider how they can contribute to the great diversity of life on God’s earth. There are great ideas on what you can do to improve your garden for wildlife on the BBC Wildlife Website. You can find out more about A Rocha’s work for God’s earth and the Eco Church programme.
"O come, let us sing to the Lord, let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation" Psalm 95:1
St Barnabas has a long rich history of music and music plays a key role in our worship today. St Barnabas has a thriving music community, where fellowship and praising God is at the heart of all that we do. Music is something that can connect us all to each other and to God, no matter who we are.
St Barnabas celebrates different ways of worshipping and we use both traditional and contemporary styles in our services. In our Sunday morning services, we have both traditional hymns played by our organist and contemporary music from our worship group. We also have an all age family choir who sing during Christmas and Easter.
We currently don't have a Director of Music and as such the music ministry is led by volunteers. If you would like to get involved or find out more then please contact Cate Todd on [email protected].
Christians believe it is important to gather together as the family of God to worship on Sundays and on other days of the week. At St Barnabas we do this in many ways. When we do, we celebrate all that God is and all God has done. We give thanks that we are part of God’s family, loved, accepted and safe in God’s care. When we gather to worship we praise God using words of praise and by singing together. We read, listen and discuss the Bible and what it has to say to us. We share communion at God’s table. We pray for ourselves, for those we love and for the needs of the world.
Christians believe that we are called to live in a way that worships God. As we live a life of worship, we deepen relationships with God as we open our lives and hearts in praise. Christians are called to live this life every day and we are reminded of this when we pray the Lord's Prayer, the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray. Worship helps us to recognise who God really is and opens our hearts to what is good. Worship helps us to have direction and place our lives, our stories within God's story.