If People Made Simple Lifestyle Changes, One-Third Of Common Cancers Could Be Prevented
Experts at the World Cancer Research Fund estimate that simple changes in lifestyle could prevent about 40 per cent of all cases of breast cancer in the United States and UK, as well as tens of thousands of cases of prostate, colon, and stomach cancers.
Natural Remedies for Arthritis
With increasing cost of the prescription medications, most of the arthritis patients are on the lookout for natural remedies for arthritis. They are helpful in reducing cartilage deterioration and even rebuilding a patient’s lost cartilage.
Gluten Intolerance: The Facts
Sometimes it can feel like you're the only person who doesn't have gluten intolerance. But how many of the people who say they're gluten intolerant are really? And what does it mean to be gluten intolerant anyway? We take a long look at the facts.
A pinguecula is a common, benign yellowish growth of the mucous membrane that lines the eyeball and underside conjunctiva.
Diabetes type 2 - Causes and Prevention
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a metabolic disorder primarily characterized by the following symptoms: insulin resistance, relative insulin deficiency and hyperglycemia.
Controlling and Managing Arthritis
Arthritis is not a single condition, but rather a group of conditions that affect the health of the bone joints in the body. These disorders are called arthritic diseases.
Anal Fissure Recovery
Many people have problems with anal fissures, but it seems that those that don’t have little notion of what this problem is. This appears to be something people should be embarrassed about, which is not the case.
My Stroke Of Luck: Everything About A Stroke Isn't Bad
Now 97 years old, American actor Kirk Douglas suffered a stroke at the age of 80 that partially took away his power of speech. But it didn't take away his career and even made his life better, he wrote. Other survivors of stroke feel the same way.
Urinary Tract Infections in Women: Why they occur and how to treat them?
Urinary tract infections or UTI’s are not some embarrassing disease as many people think. They are very common; in fact, respiratory infections are the only infections that are more common than urinary tract infections.
Nasal septum, Deviation and Septoplasty
The importance of 'effective' nasal breathing cannot be over emphasized. By the time inspired air passes through the nose and reaches the lungs, the air has been properly warmed, humidified and also cleaned.
Living with failed kidneys
Kidneys are a pair organ located just behind stomach and they have an important function: kidneys filter bacteria extra salt and water from your body.