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St. John’s University Libraries Honored

St. John’s University Libraries received the 2025 Library Excellence in Access and Diversity (LEAD) Award from Insight Into Diversity magazine, the largest and oldest diversity and inclusion publication in higher education. 

Insight University Library Excellence in Access and Diversity Award 2025 Logo

Library Excellence in Access and Diversity Award

The LEAD Award honors academic libraries’ higher education diversity initiatives and programs that encourage and support inclusive excellence and belonging for college students. These include, but are not limited to, research, technology, accessibility, exhibitions, and community outreach. 

More About the Library Excellence in Access and Diversity Award

Library Norms

St. John’s University Libraries’ Community Norms

St. John’s University Libraries fosters the open exchange of ideas and inquiry in a respectful environment free of harassment. Harassment may include comments, gestures, facial expressions, or imagery that demeans people based on language, religion, ethnicity, gender, physical or mental disability, physical appearance, or sexual preference. Those using library spaces, services and resources will treat other library users and employees with consideration and respect. We will respect the rights of others, and practice self-discipline. We will help protect the library collections and spaces while holding ourselves and each other accountable for keeping these norms. Together we can create a library environment that is welcoming, caring and affirming. Adopted by the St. John’s University Libraries Faculty Council on November 2, 2021.

Image for HERC Listing

Health Education Resource Center (HERC)

Health Education Resource Center (HERC) is located in Lourdes Hall, and is open to members of the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.  


More about HERC



In Memoriam: Michael Edward Geddes

It is with deeply felt sorrow that we advise you of the passing of a family member of one of our colleagues: Michael Edward Geddes, New York Police Department Detective (retired) Brother of Mary...

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