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Sunnyfields Primary

Online Safety

"All children have a right to be safe and protected from harm."(Convention of the Rights of the Child, Article 19).

Digital technology in the 21st century is seen as an essential resource to support learning and learning, as well as playing an important role in everyday lives of children, young people and adults.

The computing curriculum in England aims to equip pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills to use information and communication technology creatively, purposely and safely. They are taught to keep personal information private, identify where to go for help and support if they have any concerns about online content, recognise appropriate and inappropriate behaviour online and, report concerns about content and contact. 

Although the internet is an exciting place, overflowing with knowledge, games and communities of people, they are not consistently policed. All users, therefore, need to be aware of the range of risks associated with the use of these internet technologies.

Being a Rights Respecting school, we at Sunnyfields believe that online technology plays an important role in enhancing and enriching children's lives and so, providing children with a broad and balanced online safety education is vital to ensuring that pupils are aware of the benefits and risks of online content. 

Online safety is taught through Purple Mash as well as through our PSHE lessons, assemblies and workshops from outside agencies. 

The school also has an online safety policy which holds detailed information about how we ensure our children remain safe in their use of technology and has been agreed by staff, children and governors and can be downloaded by clicking the link below - 

Online Safety Policy

In July 2016, we were awarded the 360 Online safety mark after intense scrutiny and assessment of our online safety provision. Ron Richards, Lead Assessor for the 360 degree safe Online Safety Mark commented 'that it was re-assuring to know that the school had put a lot of thought and effort into improving the online  safety of the staff and young people, by addressing important safeguarding issues'. 

The resources below provide you with guidance to help you become more aware of the risks and online safety issues with everyday content. 


For younger children: (Click on the images to access the resources)

Online safety guides:


A website where you can report any form on online abuse


A really good website with tons of information on the latest apps, games and online content. It provides guides on specific platforms/risks which is important for adults to be aware of. 


If you would like to report any online safety issue or incident directly to us, please fill this form by scanning the QR code. 


Alternatively, you can download/or print this form and hand it over to the office in person, OR you can fill it and email it to [email protected].