Surrey breaks ground on $7.5M road improvements on 148 Street
The City of Surrey has broken ground on a $7.5 million road improvement project on 148 Street between 58 and 64 Avenues to enhance the neighbourhood and increase road safety.
Surrey, BC – The City of Surrey has broken ground on a $7.5 million road improvement project on 148 Street between 58 and 64 Avenues to enhance the neighbourhood and increase road safety. Work is expected to be complete by the end of 2024, in advance of the new Snokomish Elementary School opening planned for the Spring of 2025.
"As Surrey’s growth continues, this Council is dedicated to improving our transportation network for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians alike," said Mayor Brenda Locke. "The City of Surrey’s Strategic Transportation Short-Term Projects plan underscores the importance of upgrading the 148 Street corridor. Over the next four years, we are investing $300 million in transportation improvements. Enhancing road networks in a rapidly growing city is not just about improving infrastructure, but also about paving the way for progress, connectivity, and sustainable development for generations to come."
Road improvements on 148 Street include multiuse paths to make it safer to walk and cycle, a new traffic signal at 60 Avenue, streetlights, road paving, and resurfacing of intersection of 64 Avenue and 148 Street. The new road design will remain one travel lane in each direction. The project will also include watermain and storm sewer upgrades.
Funding for this contract is available in the approved 2024 Transportation and Utilities Budget.
Click here to learn more about the 148 Street Improvements.