About Us

The Office of the System Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs was established in 1975 after the Southern University System was created. The Vice President was designated as the chief financial and business affairs officer, reporting to the System President. The responsibilities assigned to the Office of the System Vice President for Finance and Business Affairs are:

  • Ensure prudent allocation and management of fiscal resources that are made available to each of the institutions, providing services of the highest quality in keeping with the mission of the Southern University System;
  • Monitor and report on the orderly execution of all fiscal responsibilities and duties to the President of the System;
  • Assist all institutions, through the System President, the Chancellors of the various institutions, and their chief fiscal officers, in achieving the financial goals and objectives of the institutions and the System;
  • Provide executive support, on a daily basis, to the chief financial and business affairs officers who are held directly responsible for the management and supervision of the business and finance functions at their institution; and
  • Help ensure that each institution has adequate financial resources to accomplish its purpose at an acceptable level of quality on a continuing basis.